
Year 3

Proverbs 2 vs 6 – For the Lord gives Wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Year 3 are taught by Miss Kelly, with assistance from Miss Anya. Visit this website each Friday for information on what we have been up to in class.

Class Updates

Friday 3rd May 2024

Dear parent/carers,

What a week!

We have a trip happening next week, please make sure you have given consent. The trip is free but the children will need a packed lunch!

In English, we finished our unit on the BFG by writing our own chapter for the story. We spent some time sharing our ideas, planning, writing and editing our stories. I look forward to reading them.

In Maths, we were busy with unit fractions (1/3 of 36 = 12) and non-unit fractions (2/3 of 36 = 24) of a set of objects. Please practise this at home as some of the children found it tricky.

In Geography, we were busy looking at what happens when a volcano erupts.

In Computing, we were busy making our sprite move in our block coding lesson.

In RE, we looked at Sikh’s place of worship and designed our own Gurdwaras.

In RHE, we were busy looking at how to empathise with different viewpoints by debating different topics related to keeping our bodies healthy.

In Science, we were busy experimenting with our torches to find different materials that were transparent, translucent and opaque.

Today we were very lucky to have Jesse’s grandad from 3 Nichols in with us for Grandparents’ Day where he told us and showed us all his love for flying. Thank you very much for coming to visit us David. It was lovely to meet some of the 3 Lear grandparents too, I hope you all had a lovely day.

This week’s homework can be found below.

Summer 1 Week 3 03.05.24 er words MK

Have a great bank holiday weekend.

Miss Kelly

Friday 26th April 2024

Dear parents/carers,

In Maths, we have finished the first unit on fractions and completed the first assessment.  We have started the second fractions unit by adding fractions with the same denominator.

In English, we are loving the language that Roald Dahl uses in The BFG.  The class has erupted into roars of laughter at the made up words and can identify them as positive and negative and whether the made up words are nouns, adjectives or adverbs. We have started to plan our next chapters and I’m looking forward to reading their stories next week.

In RE, we looked at what Sikhs believe. We identified what beliefs come from Sikhism and what beliefs come from Christianity.

In Computing, we finished our tessellations.

In Geography, we had our first lesson on volcanoes. We looked at what a volcano is and located some around the world.

In Science, we had our first lesson on our topic Light. We looked at what light is and recognised that we need light in order to see.

In DT, we started our unit on ‘Constructing a Castle’ where we identified the key features of a castle and then we designed our own castle.

Today, we had a Passover themed assembly and lunch.

This afternoon, we were invited to look at the Year 6’s World War II projects.

We were also very lucky and had an extra drama session with Mark.

Homework can be found below. Don’t forget to do your Mathletics.


Summer 1 Week 2 26.04.24 Challenge Words MK


Yr 3 RC08 – Thunder and Lightning -26.04.24


From a Railway Carriage- Summer 1

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 19th April 2024

Hello grown-ups,

What a lovely few days back and a great start to the Summer Term. It’s hard to believe how fast the school year has gone already!

In Maths, we have been very busy with our unit on ‘Fractions’. We have been working very hard on comparing and ordering non-unit fractions, using factions and scales and looking at fractions on a number line.

In English, we continued on with the very popular unit on the BFG. We wrote about our dreams for our future in our ‘dream jars’, we created our own characters and challenged stereotypes at the same time and we also did some very interesting writing where we created our own bullies that could have been in one of Dahl’s books. Dahl would have been very pleased with their writing.

In RHE we started our unit called ‘Being my Best’. Our first lesson was all about a balanced diet. We created our own healthy party menus and some of them were very luxurious!

In RE we started our unit on Sikhism. We recapped on all of our previous learning on Sikhism and challenged ourselves to remember all of the 5 K’s. Our activity was thinking about off of the important groups we belong to.

In Computing, we created our own tessellations.

The children were back in the library yesterday so they have all taken out a library book to read.

We had a fantastic trip to the British Museum today, where the children had a great time exploring the galleries and attending the Ancient Mummies workshop. Lunch was obviously the best part of the trip! Huge thank you to Kelly, Juliana and Louise for coming on the trip with us.

The homework can be found below. There is no comprehension this week.

Summer 1 Week 1 19.4.24 ly MK

We also had a very informative assembly all about Eid this morning, as well as the opportunity to taste some delicious chicken/rice when we returned from our trip.

Mr Gane has asked that all parents/carers take the time to read the link below.

Nine-year-olds added to malicious WhatsApp groups


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Kelly

Thursday 28th March 2024

Hello grown-ups!

A shorter blog this week as it’s the Easter Holidays – it’s been a whirlwind of a week finishing off units, completing quizzes and assessments but we finally did it. The results of these tests will help us in identifying pupils’ strengths, as well as areas of improvement that we can work upon during the summer term.

The annual Easter Bonnet Parade was a very colourful affair with lovely creations – clearly everybody had made a great effort in creating their bonnets – the judges must have had a particularly tricky time choosing.

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed a music workshop given by the Royal Albert Hall.  The children chose their own groups and were given an instrument. Under the leadership of Kevin, they had fun shaking, striking and hitting their instruments along to his percussion.  Every single child was engaged and they even managed to perform for 20 minutes to a delighted Reception cohort. Thank you to Miss Rachel for organising.

There is no homework for your child over the Easter holidays. We have sent the children home with their homework books so they have all their logins to hand, over the break if they need them! I would recommend practising times tables (up to x12), their related division inverse operations and telling the time over the Easter break.

The Summer Term promises to be another jam packed but fun filled one.  We have trips planned to The British Museum, The Science Museum, Ealing Gurdwara and Gunnersbury Park Museum. We will also be visiting Bute House to do some DT and making things for the middle garden. We will be in touch after Easter to give you more information on our upcoming trips.

Don’t forget the children are not back to school until the 16th April, the 15th is an inset day for all staff!

Have a lovely Easter break,

Miss Kelly.

Friday 22nd March 2024

Dear parents & carers,

What a very busy week!

It was lovely to see some of you for the ‘book looks’ on Wednesday and Thursday morning and to see all of you for parents’ evenings.

In Maths this week, we started our unit on Fractions where we were busy learning about unit fractions (where the numerator is always one) and comparing and ordering unit fractions. We also started our end of term tests and we will finish them next week.

In English, we have been hooked on our new class reader The BFG.  Although many of the children are familiar with the text or the film, they have been avid listeners to the first few chapters.  It’s been lovely to see their little faces light up when they are listening to the wonderful, rich vocabulary crafted so brilliantly by Roald Dahl.  We have completed a variety of tasks based on the story including describing the setting of the dormitory, characterising the BFG and writing as if we were giants. Our GPS focus this week was on using the suffix ‘ly’.

In Science, we recapped on our learning on Plants from across the unit and completed our end of unit test.

In RHE this week, were talking about money, savings and responsibilities.

In Computing, we continued to work on our coding.

In History, we found out about the pyramids of ancient Egypt and created our own 3D pyramids complete with tomb paintings.

In Art we continued our work on creating our very own Ancient Egyptian drawings using oil pastels.

Yesterday, we wore odd socks to support World Down Syndrome Day. We started the day with a special assembly with Mr Schumm where we celebrated the children in our school who have Down syndrome. In class we watched a very informative video (I will link it below) that explained what Down syndrome is using illustrations. We also watched a lovely music video made by the families and children with Down syndrome using Makaton. We then created our own odd socks in support of the day.

This week we also celebrated Neurodiversity week. We watched our favourite video that tells us all about Autism (I will link it below again if you would like to watch it at home). We watched a video with some primary school children who told us all about Autism, ADHD and dyslexia. We also read through a PowerPoint which helped us to understand the different thinking styles that affect how people communicate with the world around them. We created a poster on our brain to show how we are all different.


Amazing Things Happen (Autism Video)



What is Down syndrome?


The homework can be found blow. Don’t forget to complete your Mathletics too!

Spring 2 Week 5 22.03.24 ally words MK

Some things to remember for next week…

  • The Easter Bonnet parade on Tuesday
  • The Easter Church Service is on Thursday morning
  • Mr Schumm’s Easter raffle will be on next week too. Tickets for the raffle can be purchased on ParentMail.
  • School breaks up next Thursday 28th March

What a week!

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Kelly.

15th March 2024

Hello grown-ups,

In Maths, we were busy learning about, measuring and calculating perimeter. We finished our unit on ‘Length and Perimeter with a test. Next week, we will be moving on to our unit on ‘Fractions’.

In English, we finished off our unit on poetry where we created our own comprehension on the famous poem ‘The Shadow’ by R.L Stevenson. We wrote our very own poems using the prompts by the fantastic Joseph Fasano. Finally, we published our amazing poems which are now al on display in our classroom.

In Science, we enjoyed a BBC Live Lesson for British Science Week. The children had to use their scientific knowledge to help Mwaksy Mudenda and Zoologist Yussef Rafik solve a series of invertebrate-themed tasks. There was ahelp from Norfolk Bug Parc expert Dr. Jess French and Dr. Andy Chandler-Grevatt from Brighton University too! The children really enjoyed the interactive lesson.

In History this week, we were busy finding out who the pharaohs were and why they were important.

In RHE, we looked at all the different ways that we can look after our school environment.

In RE, we looked at the role of Judas in the Easter Story.

In Computing, we continued our learning on databases.

Today, we enjoyed another Drama with Mark session.

We finished off the week learning all about St. Patrick’s Day which is on this Sunday. We had lots of fun looking at different St. Patrick’s Day parades from around the world, we watched the Chicago River being dyed green and we tried our best to do some Irish Dancing after watching ‘Cairde’ and ‘Riverdance’. Lots of fun was had and there are some budding Michael Flatleys in the class!

The spelling homework and comprehension are below. Don’t forget to do your Mathletics.


Spring 2 Week 4 15.03.24 ly words


07 – Yr 3 RC07 – An Ants Nest -15.03.24

Looking forward to seeing you all for Parents’ Evening next week!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Kelly

Friday 8th March 2024

Hello grown-ups,

In Maths, we have been learning about length and equivalent lengths – mm/cm and cm/m. Understanding the number system and multiplying & dividing by 10 and 100 is fundamental to their learning.

In English, we are still enjoying our Poetry unit. This week we read ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom. Inspired by her words were then describes the river and some of us even wrote our own versions of the poem. Our favourite lesson of the week was when we all wrote our own Kennings. The children were all very creative and produced lots of interesting riddles!

For World Book day, the children looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters. We enjoyed sharing our favourite books and characters in our ‘3 Lear Book Club’. We participated in the quiet read with the rest of the school at 11am and we created posters showing someone special we would like to share our favourite book with. We had a great day, roll on the next World Book Day!

In Science, we were busy learning all about seed dispersal.

In History, we continued our topic of Ancient Egypt and learned about how they organised their society.  It was interesting to hear the children’s views and opinions about the roles people had and how they would rank them nowadays!  In Art, we looked at more examples of Ancient Egyptian paintings and drawings and worked with pastels to draw some Egyptian objects.

In RHE, we looked at how volunteers help our communities. We shared our experiences of being volunteers and knowing some volunteers. We created some beautiful posters to highlight just how important it is to have volunteers in our community.

In RE, we looked at Jesus’ teachings and related it to our own lives.

We had another Cracking Careers visit on Monday from some parents who own the local hair salon. The children really enjoyed listening and learning about all the different hair types and hair styles that are available to everyone.

Today, we enjoyed another Drama with Mark session where the topic was about bullying and what to do if it is happening to us or someone we know.

We finished the week with an Art lesson in preparation for a special celebration on Sunday, I can’t say anymore as it will spoil all the surprises.

The spelling homework is below.  Don’t forget to do your Mathletics.

Spring 2 Week 3 08.03.24 le words mk

For International Women’s Day today, we looked a very informative video sent to us by Miss Bill about why International Women’s Day is so important. We had a great chat afterwards about why it is so important that we celebrate it not just today but every day!

Happy International Women’s Day to all mums/grannies/carers/aunties/sisters and everyone else in a mum role. I hope you all have a lovely day celebrating and an ever better weekend being spoilt.

It was lovely to see and chat to all the mums who could make the breakfast this morning, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Kelly

Friday 1st March 2024

Hello, hello!

In Maths we finished our unit on Multiplication and Division this week. Our last few lessons were on dividing a two digit number by a one digit number with exchanges and remainders and a lesson on scaling. The children completed their end of unit test with good marks all round!

In English, we finished our unit on Information texts. We researched and planned our texts about animals and wrote our texts using clear sections, headings and sub headings and included a ‘Did you know?’ section, a glossary and lots of pictures. David Attenborough would be very proud of the children’s work!

In Computing, our lesson was all about databases. We looked at a variety of different databases in school, the library, hospitals and supermarkets. Our activity was to find out information from a weather database.

In Science, we looked at pollination and created our own cartoon strips to show the process.

In RHE, we looked at all the people around us to can help us and keep us safe. We discussed the roles and responsibilities.

In History, we placed key events from the Ancient Egyptian period on a timeline.

In RE, our lesson focus was on The Ten Commandments.

We finished off the week with an Ancient Egyptian themed Art lesson.

Don’t forget next Thursday is World Book Day and we will have our character parade at 9 am in the hall. The children need to be in school on time to ensure they don’t miss our class parade. The children are to come to school dressed in their costumes, ready to go. Mrs Pereira has sent out a ParentMail with loads of information about the day, please check it out!


The spelling and comprehension can be found below. Don’t forget to do your Mathletics.


Spring 2 Week 2 01.03.24 al words


06 – Yr 3 RC06 – Gumdrop Has a Birthday -01.03.24


A message from Ms Allen

Royal Academy Young Artists Competition

There is still just under a month left to enter your artwork into the Royal Academy Young Artists Competition. The artwork can be in any medium you’d like: painting, drawing, sculpture or even performance art!

The deadline for entries is 5pm March 27th. Please visit: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/ to find out more and enter your child’s artwork.

If you have any questions about the competition please email Mrs Allen: e.allen@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk


Have a great weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 23rd February 2024

Dear parents/carers,

In English this week, we continued our unit on Information texts. We created an information poster on elephants, completed a comprehension on sharks and octopuses and wrote up a fact file on ourselves which was very interesting. Our GPS focus this week was on using the prefixes super-, anti- and auto-.

In Maths, we spent the week looking at short divisions with an exchange. Next week we will be moving on to short divisions with remainders.

In Science, we looked at the functions of the leaves as well as observing our bulbs that we planted at the start of the unit.

In Computing, we looked at ‘facts, fiction and opinions’ on the internet and about the importance of using trusted websites.

In RE, we completed our unit on ‘The Bible’ where we looked at the importance people of faith. We also completed our end of unit assessment. Our next unit will be on ‘The Commandments’.

In History, we started our unit on the highly anticipated Ancient Egyptians. We had a looked at some of the earliest civilisations before moving on to the Ancient Egyptians. All the hard work from our assembly will pay off.

In RHE, we had an in class lesson with Sarah and Harold from the Life Bus.

Today, we enjoyed a special assembly for Lunar New Year, where we got to watch some amazing Lunar New Year inspired dancing as well as the famous ‘Dragon Dance’ headed up by Mr Schumm. This afternoon we enjoyed a Lunar New Year workshop which was lots of fun! We also completed some colourful dragons during an Art activity all ready for Lunar New Year too!

This half term we are lucky enough to have our Drama with Mark sessions. Mark will be covering a variety of current topics with the children and judging by the noise levels from today’s session, the children had lots of fun!

The homework can be found below. Don’t forget to do your Mathletics and to learn the poem for this half term too!

Spring 2 Week 1 23.02.24 Challenge Words

Bedtime Poem- Spring 2

Have a nice weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 9th February 2024


We made it – officially half way through the academic year.  It’s been a very hectic this week in 3 Lear!

This week was Children’s Mental Health week. We listened to some stories to help us with our mental health, we completed some fun activities with Miss Pollen, we had a chat with Mr Schumm and we finished the week with an amazing assembly with Miss Bill wearing all of our lovely scarves.

In English, we started our unit on Information texts, which we will continue next term.

In Maths, we looked at dividing a two digit number by a one digit number (no exchange). Please encourage your children to practise their times tables and their corresponding division facts.  This is the foundation they need for this unit especially!

Year 2 gave a marvellous performance on Chinese New Year on Thursday and we followed the theme with some Lunar New Year activities with Miss Pollen. Today we were busy cooking for Lunar New Year.  It was hectic and took a lot longer than planned but the children had a wonderful time peeling, grating, chopping, mixing, stirring, basting, filling, sticking, rolling and finally tasting their vegetable spring rolls. The rolls all looked unique but were made with love and joy and one cannot ask for more than that!

We were very lucky and had Marlyne in to talk to the class on Wednesday afternoon as part of Cracking Careers. Marlyne talked to the children all about her role as a Foreign Exchange Manager.

This week we also had Coding Day in 3 Lear. The children started Coding Day talking about the importance of online safety. After this the completed a variety of coding activities with Miss Pollen.

A message form Mr Gane below…


Always ahead of the curve, St Stephen’s has already instituted a ban on smartphones for children in school, and is strongly promoting collective move action by parents to not given their primary aged children smartphones at all. There is now a strong and growing movement to persuade government to take the issue of smartphone addition and the mental health damage it can cause children, more seriously – have a listen to this very powerful, short radio discussion from earlier in the week. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0h9h4nt. Let your Class Rep that you will join the No Smartphones Moratorium, if you haven’t already.

There is no homework over the half term but we have sent home the children’s homework books as they contain their logins if you need them but it also gives you the opportunity to revise some of the children’s previous spellings.

Today we said goodbye to Miss Pollen who has been with us for the last 6 weeks on her teaching placement. The children have loved having her in the class and were very sad to see her go!

I know some of you have plans to travel over the half term, whether you’re home or away, have a lovely break!

Miss Kelly

Friday 2nd February 2024

Hello grown-ups!

I have to start the blog off this week by saying how proud I am of the 3 Lear children on their outstanding performances yesterday in our class assembly. Everyone’s hard work paid off and the children were simply amazing. I hope you all enjoyed the show as much as we did. A big ‘thank you’ to Ms Anya our props queen and to Ms Patsy our jewellery designer and make up star. Also, a big ‘thank you’ goes out to the parents who took the time to share your kind words and support. I really appreciate it, as the entire process took up a lot of time.

Now as well as putting on a fabulous show, we were busy in all of our other subjects.

In Maths, we were busy multiplying two digit numbers by one digit numbers with an exchange. We also looked at the link between multiplication and division and solved lots of related word problems. Remember to continue to practise the times tables with your children.

In English, we were busy learning about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and using them to write our own sentences. We also enjoyed book club this week where we shared lots of book recommendations with our friends which lined up perfectly with our library session!

In Geography, we looked at different strategies for costal management.

In Computing, we were busy coding in preparation for next week’s Coding Day.

In RHE, we started our lesson called ‘none of your business’ where we look at the importance of respecting people’s personal space and privacy.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to see how water is transported within plants. We worked with our partners to predict what might happen during the experiment. Next, we carried out the experiment using foody dye and celery. We will carry out observations on the experiment and come up with a conclusion next week.

The library system was back up and running this week so the children were able to check out new library books.

We also enjoyed cricket and dance sessions this week too!

The homework and comprehension for this week can be found below.

Week 4 02.02.24 homophones MK

05 – Yr 3 RC05 – Looking at Books -02.02.24

Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’. The children are encouraged to wear their favourite scarf on Friday. Please check your ParentMail for an email from Miss Bill with more information.

Phew what a week!

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 26th January 2024


During Maths, we completed our end of unit test on Multiplication and Division Block A and we started our new unit on Multiplication and Division Block B. We looked at related calculations, reasoning about multiplication and we finished the week by multiplying 2 digits by a 1 digit number with no exchange.

In English we planned, wrote, edited and illustrated our final piece in our Quality Text Unit. We started the week by planning our own story based on the hit ‘Monster Crisp Guzzler’ by Malorie Blackman. Then, we used our plans to write some amazing stories all about our very own teacher creatures. We finished off the week by editing and illustrating our stories. Miss Bell even popped in to one of our English lessons and she was very impressed!

In RHE, we look at how we can assess risk in different situations.

In RE, we looked at different Bible verses and thought about our favourite ones. We discussed the importance of Bible verses to Christians and how we can use them in our everyday lives.

This week’s homework is below.

Week 3 26.01.24 ly

Don’t forget our highly anticipated class collective worship performance (previously known as the class assembly) is on this Thursday 1st February 2024 starting at 9am (ish). The children have worked very hard and we would love to see you all there!  We really enjoyed 3 Nichols assembly and have a hard act to follow!

Thank you to everyone who has sent in the children’s costumes already. Please can we have the rest of them in by Monday. Please don’t buy anything new, anything you have at home that is somewhat suitable will be grand!

A message from Mr Gane..

St Stephen’s Instagram : Who has spotted the new Instagram account?

Do take a look using the links below and follow us to keep an eye on what’s been happening here from day to day. There will be details of up-coming events like Bollywood Night as well as snapshots of life from across the school from Nursery’s gingerbread escapades to Y5’s Maths Club link up with St Paul’s Boys’ Y11s and loads more to follow. Children whose parents have given consent will appear anonymously, unless specific permission has been obtained when pupils names will be included.

This Instagram account supersedes the previous X / Twitter social media account, which is now dormant, so take a look right now and give us a ‘follow’.



Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Kelly

Friday 19th January 2024

Dear parents/carers,

As well as practising for our class assembly, we have also managed to get a lot of learning into our week!

During our Maths lessons, we continued to practise our 3, 4 and 8 times tables to work on a range of related number sentences and word problems, as well as division calculations that used inverse operations.

We’re enjoying the Monster Crisp Guzzler. This week we have written a short description of our teacher creature and summarised Chapter 3. Next week the children will plan and write their stories based on the story.

During our RE lesson, we collected various Bibles from classes in the school and had discovered that it is divided into two parts and has 66 books it total. We also remembered stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

In our RHE lesson, we discuss what the words safe and unsafe mean. We role played different scenarios and discussed what we could do in each situation and who could help us when we need it.

In Science, we were busy looking at the different parts of a plant and planting our own bulbs.

In Geography, we looked at the physical features of coasts and the processes of erosion that affect them. We also researched what happened at Hollbeck Hall.

This week’s homework is below.  There is no comprehension but children should be learning their lines for their class assembly, song lyrics and dance (all can be found on this page) for Thursday 1st February– we look forward to seeing you there!

The highly anticipated costume list for the class assembly will go home on Monday.


Week 2 19.01.24 ey

A message from Mrs Allen

Royal Academy Young Artists Competition 2024

The Royal Academy Young Artists Competition has opened again this year! Children can enter with any art they have made, be it at home or at a club. The winning entries are displayed at the Royal Academy of Arts in central London! The deadline for entry is the 7th of March. To find out more about the competition, or to enter your child’s artwork, please visit: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/

If you have any questions about the competition, please email Mrs Allen (e.allen@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk)

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 12th January 2024

Hello, hello!

Happy New Year!  Thank you for the lovely cards, messages and generous gifts!

It has been lovely to be back with the children and to see how much they have grown over the Christmas, and hear all of their news about their holidays.

This term, we welcome Miss Pollen who is training to be a teacher.  She will be with us until February half term. You will be able to meet her over the next few weeks at the end of the day.

A four day week?  Well, that might have been, but we’ve crammed a lot into our first week together!

In English, we have started the very popular book by Malorie Blackman ‘The Monster Crisp Guzzler’ and will be creating a teacher creature and writing a story based on this exciting story at the end of the unit.

In Maths, we practised our 3 and 4 times tables by answering a range of number sentence and word problem-related questions. PLEASE KEEP UP THE TIMES TABLE PRACTICE.  The children should also be learning the inverse to times tables facts.

In RHE this week, we looked at safe and unsafe situations and about the importance of speaking with our trusted adults if we are ever feeling unsafe.

In RE, we started our unit on The Bible where we looked at some off the 66 books it contains.

For Science our unit is Plants. Next week we will hopefully be planting some bulbs. Please send in clean jam jars (labels off please!) or similar jars for the children to plant their bulbs – they will be able to take both plants home for February half term.

In our Geography lesson, we started our new unit of work on coasts, studying some of the more famous examples of them around the world. Send in any postcards that you might have that show coasts.

In Computing we were busy up levelling our coding skills!

Homework is below.

Week 1 12.01.24 ei

Reading folders will go home on Mondays and are to be returned by Friday. Homework to be handed in by Wednesday.

Our class assembly is Thursday 1st February SAVE THE DATE. Song lyrics have been sent home today out links to songs and dance can be found on our class page. The scripts will go out next week, we had a slight casting issue 😉  As part of homework, they will be expected to learn their songs and lines so there will be no comprehension until February.

Phew – is it only the first week?

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Kelly

Friday 21st December 2023

Dear grown-ups,

We made it to the end of the Autumn Term and what a term it was! We have finished the term with the same energy as they started the term. They have had an exciting, activity-packed week, which has included the return of our Key Stage 2 Christmas Quiz hosted by Mr Faith.

The children have been rehearsing hard this week to prepare for Thursday’s Carol Service. I’m sure you agree that it was worth it as the children were fantastic. I hope you are as proud as myself, Miss Anya and Ms Patsy are at how beautifully the children sang in the carol service.

Apart from the rehearsing, we have been finishing off some end-of-unit assessments I so we’re ready for the new term. We also had loads of fun writing our myths in English.

Please note that there is NO HOMEWORK for the Christmas holidays; homework will be given out on the first Friday back (12th January.) However, we have sent your child/ren home with their homework books so they are able to review all of the wonderful homework they have done over the past term. The books also contain login to Mathletics, The Reading Cloud and Busy Things, just in case you need them!

We have an INSET day on Monday 8th January, the children are back in  on Tuesday 9th January 2024.

Miss Anya, Ms Patsy and I would like to say a very big ‘Thank You’ for all of the kind words, cards, gifts and vouchers you have given us. You have all been very generous, we really appreciate it! Thank you for your help and support this term.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Enjoy the precious time with your families and I will see you all in the 2024!

Miss Kelly

Friday 15th December 2023

Hello, hello!

4 days to go… tick tock!

During our English lessons, our first GPS lesson focused on practising our challenge words,’ in line with our spelling targets. Our second GPS lesson was all about using speech marks correctly. Our English lessons were also jammed packed with learning about new myths and of course in 3 Lear style, acting them out! As well as that we were busy writing and describing mythical settings, in preparation for writing our own myths next week.

Our Maths lessons this week were all based on multiplication and division activities. All the practise means we are ready to hit the ground running with our new unit on Multiplication and Division in the Spring Term. Please ensure that you practise times tables with your children as regularly as possible, as quick recall of them (along with their associated inverse operations) will prove invaluable over the first few weeks of the Spring Term (and, indeed, throughout your child/ren’s time in Key Stage 2.)

In our RHE lesson, we reflected upon the idea of prejudice, and what we can do when people are being bullied. Throughout the week we listened to a variety of stories linked to our leaning.

In our RE lesson, we looked at the clues that Epiphany gives us about Jesus’ life.

In Computing, we programmed our sprites to draw staircases in a variety of colours.

Next Wednesday is our Carol Concert. Please practise the song with the children. I have sent home the lyrics that Ms Rachel has written for them.

Here is this week’s homework (please note that there is no reading comprehension component this week):

Week 7 15.12.23 – ai

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 8th December 2023

Dear parents/carers,

In our Maths lessons, we completed end of unit tests, arithmetic and problem solving papers. This will give us a good opportunity to review how the teaching is going and if we need to move children in the groups. Our next topic will be on multiplication and division so please practise the times tables!

In our English lessons, our GPS lesson focus was on spelling words where ‘-ing’, ‘-en’ and ‘-ed’ are added to multisyllabic words. We love the topic of myths and have had fun creating our own mythical beasts.  We also found time to complete a reading comprehension on Apollo and the Chimera. We role played Theseus and the Minotaur and it was just like being transported to the West End!

During RE, we looked at how the message of Christmas is lived out among the people of God. We watched a heart-warming video by Samaritan’s Purse all about their ‘Big Shoe Box Challenge’. Following on from that, we thought about ways we can spread the message of God this Christmas and help those less fortunate than us.

In our Computing lesson, we used J2E to code and create different geometric shapes.

In our RHE lesson, we looked at how we behave towards each other and how we show appreciation and respect to one another. This linked very well to a video we watched during the week about autism which we found enlightening (and have watched a few times as it was a big hit). We learnt and discussed how we can help and respect people in our school and the wider community who have autism. I have linked the video below if you would like to watch it again at home!


Homework this week is spellings, comprehension and Mathletics. Please make sure the comprehension is completed – the homework book will be returned unless it is completed!


Week 6 – 08.12.23 Challenge Words


King Midas 3 Lear

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 1st December 2023

Dear grown-up,

First Sunday of Advent this weekend and only 3 weeks until the Christmas holidays.  How time flies especially when we’re having fun!

In our English lessons, we’ve started looking at Myths and Legends and have been enjoying reading, listening and watching some myths.  We have described the Minotaur in detail thinking about paired adjectives and adverbs. We also had the wonderful opportunity of meeting the author David Mackintosh on Wednesday morning. The children had a lovely exercise sketching various things.

During our Maths lessons, we have been working hard on the concept of exchanging and are now subtracting 2-digit and 3 digit numbers from 3-digit numbers. It’s not been all plain sailing and we are still far from fluent in this important skill. If practising column subtraction (or addition) at home, remind them to set their numbers out correctly in the right columns to minimise mistakes.  Also using simple estimations to quickly calculate rough answers is a really useful skill, and one I encourage you to practise with your child. An example of this would be: to work out 98 + 49, you could round the numbers to 100 and 50, then add the two together in your head in a straightforward fashion. Increasingly, we are seeing that although children can read a number or a calculation, they don’t necessarily grasp the real concept of the number system.  Even checking their calculations would improve their mathematical knowledge i.e. when subtracting, their answer should be less than the number they start with.  Just a reminder to stay on top of Mathletics tasks as these are a consolidation of what we are learning in class!

During our Science lesson, we completed our topic of Forces and Magnets by designing a poster illustrating how magnets are used in our world and completed the end-of-unit quiz.

In History, we recapped on our learning over the unit and created some eye-catching posters to show our learning. We also completed our end of unit quiz too!

During RE, we learned about John the Baptist.

In Computing, we continued to practise our coding.

We were very fortunate today to have a surprise drama lesson with Mark this morning where the children were in their element role playing various characters.

This week we made our decorations for the Christmas Fair. We started off by working in groups and making the salt dough from scratch, all 33 of us! Once it had rested, we rolled out our salt dough and created our very own ‘snow people’. Once they had dried we painted them. They have all been made with love and the results speak for themselves. The children are all very proud of their labelled creations but they are very fragile, so please handle them with care.

Homework can be found below.

Week 5 – 01.12.23 Suffixes ing, ed and ed

Have a great weekend!

Miss Kelly


Friday 24th November 2023

Dear grown-ups,

We started the week with the Big Live Assembly to celebrate Children’s Day and heard from children in Ghana, Bangladesh and Liverpool.

It was double Science this week and the children enjoyed a lesson in class about how magnetic forces work. Then the children used all of their learning from our unit so far to enjoy their Scientist in Residence workshops with Mercedes where they carried out a variety of different experiments all based on forces and magnets.

In English, we read Island Man by Grace Nichols about a man who dreams about his old island life but now lives in London. We composed our own poems about our city lives and what we like about being on a beach. We tried to use our senses, paired adjectives, alliteration to make our poems interesting. The finished pieces were amazing and we all enjoyed listening to our peers read their poems aloud.

In Maths, we’ve finally cracked addition and subtraction bridging over 10s and 100s.  Yay! Some of us may use pictorial representation to support our learning but we’ve definitely made good progress. We’ve also been trying to use bar models to represent calculations to solve problems – not sure what a bar model is? Ask your child to show you!

In RHE we looked at all of the different communities we belong to.

In History, we learned about how people lived in the Iron Age.

In Art, we learned more about prehistoric Art and how cave paintings tell us about how people lived.

In RE, we learned the words ‘prophet’ and ‘foretell’ and what was foretold about the first Christmas.

Homework this week can be found below, there is a comprehension activity too!


Week 4 -24.11.24 Suffixes ing, ed, er


04 – Yr 3 RC04 – The Cow -24.11.23

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 17th November 2023

Dear parents/carers,

What a week!

After the buzz and energy from last week, we’ve been rather depleted in energy levels and dogged by illness this week. Despite this, we have managed to do some work.

In English, we are learning about Grace Nichols and been reading and preforming lots of her poems. We have written and edited our own poems based on her poem titled ‘Morning’.

In Maths this week, we have been very busy exchanging in both column addition and column subtraction. Please challenge the children with some calculations at home!

In RE we continued to look at wisdom. We wrote a letter to our future selves offering as much advice as we could in the letters. The children will take the letters home at the end of the year.

In History, we recapped on our trip to Gunnersbury Park last week and looked at the Bronze Age.

In Computing, we were busy on Hour of Code practising our coding skills.

In RHE, we started our unit on ‘Valuing Differences’.

In Science, it was all about friction this week. We were busy experimenting with a variety of objects in the classroom and comparing how they moved across different surfaces.

Thank you for making time for Parents Evening – I hope you find it useful and have spoken to the children about targets if they have been given any. It’s always good to get feedback from the parents so we can work together to  provide for and support the children the best that we can during their time at in Year 3.

Homework this week can be found below.

Week 3 -17.11.23 Prefix mis-

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 10th November 2023

Hello, hello!

What a week!

We’ve had very special guests in school this week and the children were at their finest – standing proud, smiling warmly and beaming. We were very lucky in 3 Lear as we were chosen to have our special guests watch and observe our History lesson, the children gave some amazing answers to questions, our visitors were very impressed and I was very proud!

In Maths – we’ve been using bar models to represent problems as part of ‘Barvember’ which the children have loved so far.  We’ve been securing our knowledge on bridging 10s and 100s using the column addition method.  We’ll be moving onto column subtraction soon. We finished off the week by playing a variety of Maths games which were lots of fun!

In English, we have used our plans to write and edit a  final set of instructions on ‘How to Catch a Dragon’ – I’m looking forward to reading ‘Top Tips’ and ‘Handy Hints’ as there are plenty of dragons in the west London area.

In our History lesson, (which our visitors loved) we looked at early humans and the Palaeolithic period of the Stone Age.

On Wednesday, we visited Gunnersbury Park Museum to take part in a Stone Age workshop. We looked at primary and secondary sources of evidence to consolidate what we have already learned in class. They impressed Paula, our guide, with their knowledge and identified some of the artefacts she had – a real mammoth’s tusk (yes real and found in the grounds of Gunnersbury Park), flint and an axe head. We learned how they hunted and foraged before becoming more settled and kept animals and grew their own plants. We braved the wet weather, complete with our (mock) animal skins to test our survival skills in the wild (of Gunnersbury Park).  We ‘caught’ our dinner by ‘spearing’ wild buffalo and built shelters using branches and our skins. We finished our session by trying seal gaps in our wattle (weaved twigs) by using a mixture of clay and straw – thankfully they left out the animal dung for our children. What a fun learning experience! Huge ‘thank you’ to Kelly for helping out on our trip!

In Computing, we enjoyed coding on the IPads.

This week, we celebrated Parliament Week. To mark this occasion, we were joined by MP for Hammersmith and Fulham, Andy Slaughter, who spoke to the children about our British Values and the importance of democracy. The children asked a variety of probing questions which sparked a healthy debate

The homework can be found below. There is a comprehension activity this week.


Week 2 – 10.11.23 Prefix dis-


Remembrance Sunday Comprehension

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Kelly

Friday 3rd November 2023


We have hit the ground in the Autumn 2 term here in 3 Lear, it was another busy week!

In English, we have enjoyed planning our instructions on how to catch a dragon. We have come up with some very creative ideas.

In our Maths lessons, we have been very busy using column addition to add two digit numbers together some included crossing10s and 100s. We also started using column subtraction using two numbers. We will continue our hard work next week!

During RE, we continued to work on our Year 3 word ‘wisdom’. We worked hard on using the class proverb and the school proverb and thinking about different situations they apply to our lives!

In Science, we have started looking at Forces and choosing whether an action is a ‘push’ or a pull’ and learned about the force of gravity.

During History, we started our unit on Prehistoric Britain. We looked at what the term ‘prehistory’ means and how archaeologists carry out different jobs in order to find out how people lived.  We will find out more from our trip.

We finished off the week with an Art lesson where we looked at Art ‘through the eyes of an artist’. We sketched a variety of 3D shapes into our sketch books!

The homework can be found below.

Week 1 -03.11.23 Re Prefix

The poem for this half term can also be found below.

Daddy Fell into the Pond- Autumn 2

Don’t forget to check you ParentMail about our upcoming trips trips.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Kelly

Friday 20th October 2023


It was Celebration of Black Voices Week this week and as always we have been super busy!

We have been learning all about Malorie Blackman this week. We watched a very informative video and read a detailed text all about Malorie’s perseverance and following her passions. Throughout the week, we completed a comprehension on her life and create our own posters all about our passions (which are now on display in our classroom). Lots of us chose reading too- just like Malorie! We even found one of her books in the library during our library session.

This week we also had Carolyn join us, who did a super lightning craft workshop with the children to make a red rooster – a character from the ‘Anansi’ series.  On Friday, we enjoyed the Anansi Puppet Show.

Today, we showed support for the charity ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ by raising money and wearing something red for the day. We read a PowerPoint, watched a video and had conversations around what racism is and how these behaviours cannot be tolerated. We discussed the contribution we can make to ensure society is an inclusive place to be. We all agreed that we need to work hard to respect everyone and stand up to racism when we see it in order to ensure that every single person in this school, and society, feels safe, respected and loved.

During RE, we finished our unit on Sihkish by learning about the 5Ks.

Our RHE session this week was an important one, all about resolving conflict.

In our computing lessons this week we created a poster all about the importance of passwords and how to make a good one. We also looked at the journey of an email and had fun acting it out.

We completed end-of-half term tests in RE, RHE, Geography and Science.

Remember to plant the daffodil bulbs that we sent home with the children yesterday. Check your ParentMail for more inform that was sent earlier this week, if you would like to enter the flower competition.

Please note that there is homework for your child this half term, it can be found below. Remember to keep practising times tables, telling the time and number bonds to 1000.


Week 6 – 20.10.23 Statutory Challenge Words

Reading Comprehension

03 – Yr 3 RC03 – Working on a Farm -20.10.23

There is a link to some recorder practise from Miss Rachel – please remember to bring recorders back to school on Monday 30th October.

Y3 I like to sing homework

Have a great week off, I know I will!

Miss Kelly

Friday 13th October 2023


What a week!

We had assemblies galore this week. On Tuesday, we celebrated World Mental Health Day by watching two short films. We enjoyed listening to ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’ by Virginia Ironside. After listening to the book we had a great chat about the importance of sharing our worries, who we can share them with and things we can do to help us and make us feel better.

We also joined in the Great Big Live Assembly for Black History Month as an introduction to our learning next week when we focus on famous black British women firsts. Watch this space!

On Wednesday’s Hispanic Day – the school was awash with colours of Spanish countries – thanks to Ms Pereira for organising. We started the day by coming together to sing ‘Somos como las flores’ in Spanish. We then watched an amazing ‘illusion Flamenca’ by some Mexican dancers in traditional costume. Thank you to Mauricio who came to visit and read us the Gruffalo in Spanish and played a game of Spanish bingo with the children. The children really enjoyed both activates and had lots of fun!After that, we learned about Ecuadorian sun festival and we took part in a dance workshop. The children also created some amazing headdresses to replicate some of the fabulous ones the Ecuadorians wear during the Sun Festival celebrations. For lunch we enjoyed a Spanish feast of nachos and dips.  Finally at the end of the day we all came back together to watch and listen to a live music from Columbia! Olé!

Now for our regular lessons..

In Maths, we continued our unit on Addition and Subtraction where we were busy adding and subtracting 100s from a given number as well as spotting patterns in calculations.

In English, we continued on with our ‘Instructions’ unit. We looked at the features in instruction texts, sequenced our own instructions and wrote our own set of instructions about ‘how to wash a dog’.

In Geography, we carried our research with a partner to complete a fact sheet on a chosen country.

In RHE, we looked at the importance of keeping our special people safe and what it means to be a good friend.

In Science, we looked at the different parts of the skeleton.

The children have been given recorders this week. Use the link below to hear music to practise to. Enjoy!

Homework is below.

Week 5 – 13.10.23 words ending with ture

Have a good weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 6th October 2023

Hello grown-ups,

We made it, we have finished our two week swimming block.

The adults and children in 3Lear are all very excited for a good rest after all the marching to and from the swimming pool! The children have all become confident water babies.  They were all re-assessed at the end of their course with most of the children now able to complete 25m confidently; a requirement at the end of KS2. Next week we are back to business as usual.

Business as usual?  Well, we do have an annual Hispanic Day on Wednesday based on this year’s theme of festivals – Year 3 will be learning about the sun festival celebrated in Ecuador. We have the pleasure of having a native Spanish speaker and a parent joining us for a session with some traditional music and dance included throughout the day.

In Maths, after completing our unit of work on place value and have completed our end of topic assessment. We will make changes to the two Maths group so the support is where it is needed. I just want to emphasise that ALL the children, regardless of their Maths group, will learn the same lessons and will complete the same core tasks.

During our RE lesson, we looked at the forming of the Khalsa, a pivotal time in the history of Sikhism.  We learnt that Khalsa means the ‘pure ones’.

In Science, we carried out an investigation to see what pets eat.

In Geography, we looked at the major capital cities around the world.

In RHE, we discussed the importance of teamwork.

Homework can be found below. There is comprehension this week.


Week 4 06.10.23- words ending with sure


02 – Yr 3 RC02 – Caterpillars -06.10.23

Have a great weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 29th September 2023

What a week! Swimming has really taken it out of all us!

As we have been swimming all week, we have been off our usual timetable and we have tried to fit in as many lessons as we could!

Speaking of swimming…. we have been blessed with warm walking weather for our daily swimming lessons and the children have enjoyed talking on our walks to the swimming pool as much as the lessons themselves. The children have been assessed and put into 3 groups by the swimming teachers and it’s been lovely to see them enjoying their lessons with colourful pool noodles and floats.

Swimming will continue next week leaving at the same time!

During English, we finished and edited our final writes based on the Omnibombulator. Some of also shared our stories with our partners. We also held our very first ‘3 Lear Book Club’ yesterday which was a great hit. The children had the opportunity to discuss and recommend their favourite books with their friends.

In Maths, we are nearing the end of our Place Value unit. This week we compared and ordered number to one thousands, worked hard on writing numbers to 1,000 in numerals and words and we counted in intervals of 4,8,50 and 100 up to 1,000. Next week we will have our end of unit test so there may be some movement between the Maths groups.

In Geography, we have used fact cards and atlases to find out more about countries and cities.

Our Computing lesson this week was a cross-curricular one with Science.

In Science, we worked with our partners and used the IPads to carry out research on what different animals eat.

Just a reminder… completed homework books are to be in by Wednesday each week (any later and Ms Anya will not be able to mark them in detail). Signed reading books are to be in by Friday, we only have one opportunity to change books throughout the week, so any late books brought in during the week will not be changed. New books go home on a Monday so you have the week to read them.

This week’s homework can be found below.

Week 3 – 29.09.23 y words sounding i

Have a good weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 22nd September 2023

Hello, hello!

What a week here in 3Lear!

During English, continuing on with our unit on ‘Omnibombulator’, we wrote our own detailed descriptive pieces from a ‘bug’s eye’ view. We have working hard on paired adjectives and making our work interesting by using conjunctions and some of us have been using fronted adverbials. We also planned and started to write our first Year 3 story based on the Omnibombulator and tried to include our homework spellings ‘ou’ words which make an /ow/ sound and an /u/ sound.

In Maths, we continued our work on number and place value. We worked hard on finding 1, 10 or 100 more or less than numbers up to 1,000. We also compared and sequenced numbers up to 1000 and developed our understanding of the terms ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’.

In our RE lesson about Sikhism, we learned about a special symbol called the ‘ik ongar’ and that it means ‘theirs is only one god’.  We drew symbols which we thought reflected our beliefs and ideas.

In Science, we learned about balanced diets and what we should eat more of as well as what we should eat less of.

In Geography, we learned about countries of the world.

In Computing, we finished our posters on staying safe using SMART as the starting point.

This week’s homework can be found below. There is also comprehension this week too. The reading comprehension questions are linked with the children’s English groups i.e. blue, yellow or green, but they can also do extra comprehension questions if they would like to.


Week 2 22.09.23 – u sound spelt with an ou


01 – Yr 3 RC01 – Monkey Business – 3L 22.09.23

Regarding the spellings, please follow the handwriting guide and use the handwriting sheet provided so we can encourage the children to use ‘tall’ and ‘short’ letters. The children’s spelling groups may change as the term goes on – this will depend on their spelling scores.

Please remember homework books back in by Wednesday (but house points for early returners), library books on Thursday (or Monday lunch library) and reading folders on Friday.

As Year 3 will be swimming for two weeks, we will be following an amended timetable! Please check your ParentMail for all the information.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 15th September 2023

Hello, hello!

Our first full week together has been an excellent one – the class have worked extremely hard, and I am delighted with the work they have produced.

In Maths, great work was done by all, with our first Year 3 unit being tackled: Number and Place Value. After doing a bit of revision on work already done on this topic in Year 2, we worked on working with 100s and partitioning numbers up to 100.

During English, we started our unit on stories with familiar settings. Our book for this unit is the popular ‘The Omnibombulator’ by Dick King-Smith’s. We enjoyed reading, listening to, discussing and performing the story over the week. We also answered some comprehension questions about Omnibombulator too. Our GPS lesson we jumped straight in with learning how to use a dictionary which is an essential part of Year 3.

In our Relationships and Health Education (or RHE) lesson, we learned about why we have rules.

During Geography, we identified and located continents on a world map and enjoyed singing the continents song we learnt in Year 2.

In our RE lesson, we designed a wisdom poster based on Year 3’s value of ‘Wisdom’. We also enjoyed listening to a wisdom song over the week too!

In Science, we looked at the nutrition humans need and the food they get it from.

In our Computing lesson, we started to learn about the importance of online safety practices signing a contract. We created eye-catching posters about online safety following the SMART principles.

We enjoyed our first trip to the library and we enjoyed some reading for pleasure throughout the week too!

In DT we looked at seasonal food from around the world.

This week’s homework can be found below:

Week 1 15.09.23 – ou words sounding ow 3L

The written homework for this is to be handed in no later than this coming Wednesday 20th September 2023.

Our poem for the half term can be found below:

The Owl and the Pussycat- Autumn 1

Please practise this with your child/ren on a regular basis ahead of us performing it as a class at the end of the half term.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Kelly

Friday 8th September 2023

Dear grown-ups,

We have had a great few days settling in to life in KS2.

Aside from getting to know each other, we have been busy creating classroom rules, self-portraits and class prayers based on wisdom. We have also been busy looking at the links we have to different countries around the world.

Don’t forget to check your ParentMail this afternoon for some more info about life in Year 3.

We have gymnastics on Monday so the children will need to be in their PE kits!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Kelly

Relationships and Health Education

Curriculum Map

Year 3 Being My Best Sum 1 2024

Year 3 Lear Timetable & Curriculum Map

Year 3 Lear Timetable 2023-2024 Website

00 Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023-2024


Our Poem for Spring 2

Bedtime Poem- Spring 2

RSR Reading Challenge

RSR Reading Challenge

RSR Reading Log

Times table practise!
