
Hello and a huge welcome to our class webpage.

Our Nursery staff team are: Miss Quartermaine (M,Tu,Th,F), Mrs Lowery (W), Miss Ahmed and Mrs Hardy.

Our children have lots of fun, here you can find out what’s been happening in Nursery this week.

Class Update

18/10/24 - Eat Up Gemma

This we we read the story of Eat Up Gemma. It’s a story all about a baby that wont eat up until he big brother thinks of a good trick to get her munching. This led to lots of baby themed play in the home corner and lots of thinking about our favourite foods.

In the story, baby Gemma feeds her chocolate biscuits to the pigeons! So on Monday we made the most delicious chocolate biscuits and the pigeons of Shepherd’s Bush were not so lucky because they were so tasty we ate them all!

Thank you for all your donations for cooking- much appreciated. The classroom smelt amazing and everyone was instantly very hungry the minute we could smell them. If you fancy baking at home we used this BBC Good Food Recipe

They were super simple to make and the children really did get involved with all the stages of the recipe (and the eating!)

Later in the week, we practised our knife skills and chopped (and ate) lots of lovely fruits, just like Gemma in our story. The fruits even got their portraits painted and we have some lovely watercolour fruit pictures.

As a school we have revised our Behaviour Policy and simplified the school rules to three very simple rules to understand:

  • Be Ready
  • Be safe
  • Be kind/respectful (the wording here depends on the age, in Nursery we use Be Kind)

We have been learning these three very important rules this week and discussing how we can show teachers that we are ready for learning, show our friends that we are kind and show everyone how to use things safely.

On that note, have a lovely weekend! I’m sure we are all READY for it!


04/10/24 - We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This week we have been reading the fabulous; We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We set up a real bear hunt in the garden and stomped through the mud and felt the (fake) snow etc, mercifully there was a teddy bear in our cave rather than a big scary brown bear.

We then excelled ourselves in the cooking department and made the most amazing lemon drizzle cakes. They were so delicious we scoffed most of the first one for our pudding on Tuesday and then tucked into the second on Wednesday.

We’ve started work on our ‘Special Books’ these are special by name and special by nature, it’s where our teachers stick all our photos and keep some drawings etc. This week we made lovely handprints so you will always be able to remember how little our hands were when we started nursery.


20/09/24- Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Dear all,

We had a fab week reading the story of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. We enjoyed working out which animal was next in the book and remembering the sequence of the story.

We did our first little learning activity this week. We all had our own photos to cut out and stick into a book and we turned it into our own version of Brown Bear, Brown bear. But, instead of animals we are the stars of that story.

Some of us did a brilliant job of cutting out and some of us are quite new to using scissors. If you would like to have a go at some more cutting at home, see our weekly email for advice about choosing the right scissors.

We also started learning a few numerals and practised a bit of counting.

We have learnt lots of new songs; 10 Elephants, Five Speckled Frogs, Little Peter Rabbit and many others.

13/09/24 Our first full week

Wow, we managed our first full week at school. We have had lunch every day and we’ve done so well. Roast chicken was probably the most popular dish of the week and the strawberries and cream for pud!

In class we have been learning to listen to a story together. We read ‘Where is the Green Sheep’ and all enjoyed finding all the different sheep in the book. Spoiler alert: the green sheep is always asleep.

We’ve also had our first PE, Music and Gymnastics lessons and we did so well.


Hello and welcome to the start of our weekly updates. this is the place to check and see what we’ve been doing each week and if the teachers have survived!

This week we made an excellent start with our first three days. We had a great time, not too many tears (long may that last) and most of the wees and poos landed in the toilet! so all in all, pretty good!

We’ve been exploring all the toys in the classroom (literally ALL of them, tidy up was an epic job!) and getting to know each other.

We’re looking forward to lots of fun this coming week with our first full time days.


weekly lessons:

  • Thursday AM – music with Miss Rachel
  • Thursday AM – PE with Mr Blair
  • Friday AM- Gymnastics with Fiona and Shannon


Here are some useful links for home:

My uso

BBC schools radio

Link to NSPCC


Termly Learning Goals

At the moment we are just focussing on feeling happy and confident at school and managing transitions.

Key Books for Summer 1

Here are some of the lovely books we will be reading together this half term:

  • We’re Going on  a Bear Hunt
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear
  • Where is the Green sheep
  • Kitten Kid where are you
  • Dear Zoo

Topics we will cover this half term

Settling into school

  • feeling happy and confident at school
  • learning rules and routines of the day
  • learning names of teachers and friends
  • exploring the class and garden
  • learning to do things as a group