Hello and a huge welcome to our class webpage.
Our Nursery staff team are: Miss Quartermaine (M,Tu,Th,F), Mrs Lowery (W), Miss Ahmed and Mrs Hardy.
Our children have lots of fun, here you can find out what’s been happening in Nursery this week.
Wow, we managed our first full week at school. We have had lunch every day and we’ve done so well. Roast chicken was probably the most popular dish of the week and the strawberries and cream for pud!
In class we have been learning to listen to a story together. We read ‘Where is the Green Sheep’ and all enjoyed finding all the different sheep in the book. Spoiler alert: the green sheep is always asleep.
We’ve also had our first PE, Music and Gymnastics lessons and we did so well.
Hello and welcome to the start of our weekly updates. this is the place to check and see what we’ve been doing each week and if the teachers have survived!
This week we made an excellent start with our first three days. We had a great time, not too many tears (long may that last) and most of the wees and poos landed in the toilet! so all in all, pretty good!
We’ve been exploring all the toys in the classroom (literally ALL of them, tidy up was an epic job!) and getting to know each other.
We’re looking forward to lots of fun this coming week with our first full time days.
At the moment we are just focussing on feeling happy and confident at school and managing transitions.
Here are some of the lovely books we will be reading together this half term:
Settling into school