Welcome to Class 1 McNaughton. The class teacher is Mrs Allen and the teaching assistant is Ms Joanna. Please check on the website every Friday for weekly updates but also for the weekly homework. Enjoy!
Welcome back! We have had a wonderful first few days back getting to know all of your wonderful children. They have settled really well into Year 1 and are already doing some brilliant learning. What a fantastic start of term!
Reading Books
This week, we have decided not to send home any reading books with the children in order to give us time to listen to every child read to ensure they have a book at the accurate level. From next Friday, every child will have a reading book to take home with them for the week so it is super important the children are bringing bags into school.
PE, Gymnastics and Dance
For McNaughton Class, P.E. will take place every Monday afternoon and the children will have Gymnastics on Thursday mornings.
During the Autumn 1 term, both Year 1 classes will have an additional Dance lesson on a Tuesday afternoon.
On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, the children will need to wear their PE kits to school with long hair tied up.
What we have been up to
This week we have talked a lot about what we did over the summer as well as what we are looking forward to doing in Year 1.
In RHE, we came up with some rules for our Year 1 classroom and thought about how rules help us to learn.
In English, we read Zehra Hicks’ Flying Lemurs, which tells the story of a little lemur who remembers how brilliant he is at jumping, skateboarding and throwing custard tarts! Then we wrote sentences about how fantastic we are all at sorts of things.
In Art, we were excited to receive brand new sketchbooks! We created a front cover for these books that showed off not only our artistic skills but also the things that we love!
In Maths, we practised counting forwards and backwards to 20 by playing lots of exciting maths games!
From next week, each class will be following their usual timetable. You can see a copy of our class timetables on this page along with our Curriculum Map and RHE (Religious and Health Education) scheme of work.
Year 1 will soon be going on a local visit to support their learning in Geography. The children will be going for a walk around the local area and spotting different local landmarks. The children will not need lunch (although they may need a waterproof coat depending on the weather!). Each class will need 3 parent volunteers to join us for the walk so if you would like to volunteer please do so by emailing us – details below.
If you have any questions please feel to get in touch via email shown below.
Have a wonderful weekend enjoying the last of this gorgeous summertime weather!
Kindest regards,
Mrs Allen
P.S. Enjoy this version of our class photo!
Each year we have a Bible verse for the children to learn.
This is Year 1’s Bible verse:
“1 John 4 vs 16 – And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
Over the holiday, please spend some time reading through the Bible Verse and have a go at learning it.