
Year 1

“1 John 4 vs 16 – And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

Welcome to Class 1 McNaughton. The class teacher is Mrs Allen and the teaching assistant is Ms Joanna.  Please check on the website every Friday for weekly updates but also for the weekly homework. Enjoy!

Class Updates

Friday 19th July

After a damp start on Tuesday evening, the sun has been out and the children have performed their song, during the school production, brilliantly! We hope you managed to see them in action but wanted to say well done to all of the children for giving it their all, despite the late evenings!

We had a very fun Wednesday afternoon, firing water at each other! I don’t think I’ve seen the children happier than they were spraying their teachers directly in the face! They were all very good sports and are already telling the Reception children what to expect next year.

Leavers’ Service

Please do join us next Wednesday, after drop off, for a Leavers’ Service where we say goodbye to the Year 6’s and celebrate another brilliant school year. The service will take place in the main playground (weather permitting).

Lost Property

Please do have a final check of lost property before it all gets donated. If something hasn’t been claimed and it has no name, please feel free to take it!

What we have been up to

In English, we spent the week writing letters! We began by writing to Miss Kelly and telling her something about ourselves and what we might need help with next year and today wrote to the current Reception class all about our highlights of the year.

In Maths, we have been thinking about our numbers to 100: we have counted and ordered numbers to 100 and also thought about partitioning numbers in tens and ones. Then today, we revised counting in 2s and 5s.

We had our final Science lesson on seasons yesterday and got out the IPads and took pictures of signs of summer. We saw cucumbers and tomatoes growing in the garden and flowers in pots. We also spotted a few insects and birds!

Finally in Art we made Quiet Critters! These little, colourful poms-poms have been used this year to keep the class quiet! If you are able to keep your voice off, you are rewarded with a fluffy critter to keep you company for the lesson. Feel free to use them in the holidays!

I hope those of you that are walking have a wonderful time and everyone else has a lovely restful weekend.

Mrs Allen



Friday 12th July

Oh my goodness- just one full week left (and an extra three days, but let’s not think too hard about that)! Time really is flying by and we’re fast approaching the summer holidays. As I’m sure you can imagine, we’ve got a lot of things planned before the end of term, so this blog will have lots of logistics for you all- strap in!


Summer Show

Our summer show, Revolting Children, will take place on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday the 18th of July.


On the evenings of the 16th, 17th and 18th of July, the children will need to return to school promptly at 6pm. The Year 1 children can go home after they have finished performing their song, which we are anticipating will be around 7:15pm. If you are watching the performance, you will need to collect your child after they have performed to bring them to watch with you, or during the interval.


There will be a matinee performance on Wednesday 17th of July, so the children must be in school promptly for 9am that day in order to get changed into their costumes.


On Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th, the children are allowed to arrive in school any time up until 10am as we know it will be a late night for them (and you!) and they may need the extra rest.


Just a reminder that all costumes must be brought in to school no later than Monday 15th of July as we will be having a dress rehearsal that day. Thank you to all those who have already brought these into school. The children need school shorts, trousers or skirts, a white shirt, and their school tie for their costume. They do not need their school jumpers as part of the costume.


Music for the Summer Show

Please see attached the lyrics for the Year 1’s song in Revolting Children. The children need as much practice as possible before the big day on Tuesday. Please spend time this weekend rehearsing with your child.

Year 1 Getting to know you


Late start on Monday 15th July

We appreciate that the children might need to have an extra sleep in on Monday as I’m sure many of them will want to stay up and watch England in the Euros Final on Sunday. To accommodate this, the children can come into school anytime up to 10am on Monday.


Water fight

Weather permitting, we will have a Year 1 water fight on Wednesday 17th July. On Friday, please can you send the children into school with a change of clothes to wear during the water fight (swimming costumes are allowed but not required) including a change of shoes, a towel, and any water-pistols you have at home?


Library Books and Book Bag Books

As you know, there will be no more homework or reading books this year. Please can we ask that all reading books and library books are returned as soon as possible so that we can check we have enough for the coming year?


Bags for books

We will be sending home more of the children’s books at the end of the week. Please send your child into school with a carrier bag to place these books in, as they can be very heavy for the children to carry.


What we’ve been up to

In Maths, the children completed their learning about time. They’ve really impressed us with all that they have learnt! The children also completed their end of year Arithmetic and Reasoning tests. We will be sending these tests home before the end of term for you to see.

In English, the children finished their learning on A Hero Called Wolf by writing their own stories starring the wolf as the hero. They had such imaginative ideas and we were wowed by their brilliant writing!

In History, the children learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and her jubilees. They had to create a postcard all about a jubilee and what they would have seen.

In R.E., the children finished learning about the five pillars of Islam. This week, they learnt about Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. They wrote a postcard explaining what they would see on Hajj.

In Art, the children created abstract artwork of people inspired by the work of Paul Klee.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Friday 5th July

The culmination of another busy week was the wonderful Arts Café this afternoon. We hoped you managed to pop by and see some of your children’s amazing art work, what a talented bunch they are!

Costumes for the school production

Hopefully you will have seen the email from Mr. Schumm regarding costumes for the whole school production. All children need to wear a white school shirt, school tie and either grey shorts or a grey skirt/dress. They will also need their school shoes or black (plain) trainers but these can be brought in on the day. Please bring in your child’s costume – clearly labelled – next week.


Yesterday’s homework and today’s reading book will be the last homework sent out before the school holidays.

What we have been up to

In English we have been reading a new book called A Hero called Wolf by Lucy Rowland and Ben Mantle. The first lesson was spent predicting what the book might about by looking at the pictures and cover. We then thought about how the characters were feeling before learning all about the prefix ‘un’.

In Maths, we have started our unit on Time! We began by ordering our days of the week and months of the year before moving on to looking at clocks and learning all about the hour and minutes hand and what ‘o’clock’ means.

In RE we learnt about Sawm, the fourth pillar of Islam, which signifies the importance of fasting to Muslims.

Art this week was our final lesson thinking about using paper to create a 3D work of art. This week we created a Tree of Life with cut up, rolled and twisted bits of paper.

We learnt all about the Victoria Period in History, discussing how houses began to have electricity and water, it became a law for all children to go to school and children were no longer allowed to work in factories.

In Relationships and Health Education, we discussed the difference between a secret and a surprise and thought about trusted adults we could talk to if anyone made us keep a secret.

Can you believe it is only two and a half weeks until the end of term? Have a restful weekend in preparation for the busyness that is about to come!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 28th June

It’s been a scorching hot week and the children have coped admirably with the heat! Of course the real highlight was Sports Day. It was so great to see so many of you there supporting the children, and well done to everyone who took part in the Parents’ Race- who knew the kids come from such talented athletes! The children were all brilliant and all got really stuck in, and we were so proud to see their sportsmanship.


The other highlight this week was the performance this afternoon of The Selfish Giant by Imagine Theatre. With the help of Archie and Alice in Year 1 (and a few other children in Reception and Year 2), the children retold the famous story and learnt some songs along the way!



You will have noticed that we have adjusted the format of the homework this week. This is so that it resembles the Year 2 homework more closely in preparation for September and to get the children used to it. We have also included some additional arithmetic practise as well as the usual Mathletics tasks. These arithmetic questions are directly inspired by the end of year assessment the children will be taking in a few weeks and are a great chance to practise and revise these skills.


Arts Cafe

Our annual Arts Cafe will be taking place in the Main Hall on Friday 5th of July from 3:00pm-4:30pm. You will be able to see a collection of all the amazing art the children produced during Arts Day and admire their hard work!


What we have been up to

In English, we finished our learning about the Queen’s Knickers. The children wrote their own lost poster for a pair of knickers that had gone missing! We also practised writing the days on the week today. This is quite tricky for the children so keep practising at home if you get time.

In Maths, we finished our learning on money by comparing the values of different types of cash. Recognising the coins is tricky for a lot of the children so keep looking at this with them. Next week we’ll be beginning our unit on time. This is always a challenging topic so if you get a chance this weekend to look at some clocks, please do!

In History, we learnt about Queen Victoria. The children even remembered some great learning from last week’s visit to Buckingham Palace and were amazed to hear she was the first monarch to live there.

In Computing, the children created artwork to share on our class blog. Take a look at the previous blog update to see what they got up to!

In Relationships and Health Education the children thought about the difference between bullying and teasing. They thought about who could help them if they ever experienced bullying.

In Art we really enjoyed block printing with Miss Quartermaine making wonderful tote bags! These bags will be available for purchase at the Summer Fair on the 6th of July.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Allen

A Computing update

During our Computing lesson today, the children learnt about what blogs are used for and we showed them our class blogs.

The children then made some digital art to be shared on our class blog.

Here are some examples of what we got up to!

Friday 21st June

We had a brilliant trip to Buckingham Palace – The Royal Mews – today. The children behaved impeccably and really enjoyed seeing all the different Royal carriages and meeting Harold, one of the horses who pulls the carriage on special occasions.


Gymnastics on Tuesday

McNaughton Class will have Gymnastics on Tuesday 25th June. The children will need to wear their P.E. kits to school on Monday and Tuesday next week.


Arts Day

We had a fantastic Arts Day on Wednesday! I heard several children saying it was ‘the best day ever!’ and they really gave it their all. Some of their fabulous creations will be on display at the Arts Café on Friday 5th July so do come and join us for that.


Sports Day

As you know it is Sports Day next week, please do read your Parentmail about timings and what to wear and contact your class teacher if you have any questions.


The Selfish Giant

You may recall we had to postpone a production of The Wind in the Willows earlier in the year. Well, next Friday afternoon, we are thrilled that the Image Musical Theatre will be coming in and performing The Selfish Giant.


What we have been up

We began our new book, The Queen’s Knickers, in English on Monday. This very silly book is all about the different knickers Her Majesty wears on different occasions and children really enjoyed describing their favourite part and why they liked it.

In Maths we have been learning about money. As it’s not something we see very often now, we went over all the value of the different coins and notes we have and discussed which were worth more and why.

In Relationships and Health Education, we talked about all the things a baby needs to be looked after including food and water and being played with.

Finally in RE, we learned about the third Pillar of Islam, Zakat, which is all about giving to charity.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Friday 14th June

We are so incredibly proud of the children for their amazing reading this week! They have all read beautifully in the Phonics Screening Check and we really are very pleased with their incredible hard work. We are not allowed to tell you the results of the Phonics Screening Check until after the threshold has been officially released by the Government next month. We’ll let you know how your child did in the end of year reports next month but there really is nothing to worry about!


Arts Day 19th June

It will be Arts Day in school on Wednesday 19th of June. As part of our art, we will need as many buttons and sequins as possible. Please bring these into school on Monday if you have any that can be donated.


Year 1 and Reception Sports Day 27th June

The Year 1 and Reception Sports Day is approaching on the 27th of June. We do ask that the children meet us at the venue (details were sent in a Parentmail earlier this week). However, if you cannot take your child to the venue please email me ( as soon as possible so that we can arrange for a member of staff to accompany your child from school. The event finishes around lunchtime, and we do ask that the children go home (or to a friend’s house) afterwards, but they can be dropped back at school at 3:30pm for clubs if you would like.


What we have been up to

As you can imagine, Year 1 have been doing a lot of Phonics this week! But, of course the real highlight of the week came this afternoon! The children absolutely loved meeting all of the animals! It was brilliant!

In English, the children finished their learning about the Disgusting Sandwich by writing a description. They really impressed us with their use of adjectives and even some commas!

In Maths, the children began a new unit about position and direction. They used the BeeBots to help learn their left and right!

In Science, the children revised some of the characteristics of the five types of vertebrates: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds. They used what they had learnt in order to complete a flow chart.

In History, the children learnt about the first of our three famous queens – Queen Elizabeth I!

In R.E., we continued learning about the five pillars of Islam. This time the children learnt about Salat- prayer, the second pillar.

In Relationships and Health Education, we thought about how we have changed since being a baby and the things we have learnt to do.

In Computing, we learnt about the keyboard and practiced our typing skills.

In Art we created 3D pictures from strips of paper. Using different techniques such as bending, rolling and twirling, we added them to a paper to create a work of art with movement!


Have a wonderful weekend!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 7th June

It has been great to have the children back for the final half term of Year 1 – they have been full of beans and working very hard in preparation for next week’s Phonics Screening Check. As mentioned in an email yesterday, please do continue to read and go over any tricky sounds this weekend, so all your children are full prepared for next week. Thank you once again for all your help and support, we know the children will all be brilliant!

What we have been up to

This week, in Maths, we have finished our learning on fractions. This is a topic many of the children find challenging so please do continue to talk about quarters and halves at home when sharing things out!

We began a brilliant new book called The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards in English. At the beginning of the week I told the children I was hungry and began filling some soft white break with dirt, mud, sticks, leaves and chocolate sprinkles. They were horrified but then had a go at coming up with some disgusting things they could add into their own sandwich! Finally today, we learnt about adding in commas to our list of revolting ingredients.

In Science, we had a great time thinking about how to care for different pets discussing how they water, exercise healthy food and lots of love! We then created different posters offering some tips about looking after our favorite pets.

We have begun a new History topic looking at famous Queens throughout history specifically learning about Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. We talked about what a Monarch is and where they live.

In Relationships and Health we continued to think about keeping healthy by cutting and sticking pictures into the correct place saying whether we needed them to survive, keep healthy or just as a special treat occasionally.

Finally, in Art, we looked at the work of Australian sculptor Samantha Stephenson and created models of towers using rolls of different coloured paper.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 24th May

Wow, what an exciting half term we have had! It is hard to believe we have just one half term left in Year 1! Where has the time gone? The children finished the half term this week with their usual hard work and excellent attitudes.


Half term homework

Over the holiday there will be no spelling or Mathletics homework. We have, however, sent home a pack of Phonics words for you to read with your child over the holiday. The Phonics Screening Check will take place the week of the 10th of June, which means the children will only have one week at school before the Check in order to revise their Phonics. It is really important that the children read at home every single day in order to practise their skills. You can also access all the Phonics Screening Check past papers here: 2016-phonics-check-assessment-materials 2017_phonics_screening_check_pupils__materials_-_standard 2018_phonics_pupils_materials_standard.pdf 2019_phonics_pupils_materials_standard 2022_Phonics_pupils_materials_standard 2023_phonics_pupils_materials_standard


Arts Day

As you know, Arts Day is approaching on the 19th of June. Over the holidays, keep collecting found objects like buttons and ribbons so that these can be donated to school when we return.


What we have been up to

In English, the children wrote some fantastic instructions about how to care for a Bog Baby. The children used adjectives, sentence starters, bossy verbs and more. They really were brilliant.

In Maths we began learning about fractions. The children learnt to find half and a quarter of both shapes and numbers.

In RE, we finished our learning about Jewish Festivals by learning about Hanukkah. The children played a game of Hanukkah Bingo to recognise some of the key elements of Hanukkah celebrations.

In Geography, we finished learning about Peru by finding out about the Yagua tribe who are native to the Amazon Rainforest. We learnt that they hunt by using blow darts and we even made some of our own.

In Relationships and Health Education we discussed praise and how receiving and giving it makes us feel. We then made a feelings wheel to explore our different emotions and what causes them.

In Science, we returned to our learning about the seasons. This time we took photos of the signs of spring around school.

In D.T., we finished creating our own hand puppets! The children did an excellent job!


Have a wonderful holiday.


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 17th May

We were lucky enough to have a special visitor to both Year 1 classes today. Osman, from Osman juices in Shepherd’s Bush market, came in to chat to the children about his business as part of our Cracking Careers programme. He spoke to them about what he did before letting the children try some of his delicious juices!

What we have been up to

In Maths, we have finished our learning on multiplication and division and today we started fractions! We introduced the idea of a fraction as part of a whole and focused on halves of shapes.

In English we are basing our learning of the brilliant book The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward. We began the week thinking about who or what the Bog Baby was before learning about bossy verbs and finally writing sentences with because in them.

We continued to find out about the Jewish festival of Sukkot in RE talking about why it is so important to the Jewish people.

In Relationships and Health education we thought about perseverance and chatted about how we feel when we try something for the first time.

We continued our learning on animals in Science focusing on the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

Finally, in Geography we read the book Carolina’s Gift about a girl living in Peru and then thought about how our lives in London are different to hers living in Pisac in the Andes Mountains.

Class music concerts next week

Just a reminder that we will be having informal “class concerts” during our music lesson on Monday. It would be lovely for the children to share something that they are learning on their musical instruments or voice. We will be in the top hall which has a piano. Remember to bring in your instruments and music in if you are using a book (and if you have a piano accompaniment bring it along and I can play with you). Miss Rachel is looking forward to hearing everyone play!

Arts Day

Arts Day on the 19th of June is fast approaching! We are still looking for parents, carers, grandparents, godparents, really anyone with an interest in art, to come in to school to support the classes on the day with their art. This could be either by leading a workshop or to support the teachers in class. If you would like to volunteer please email Mrs Allen (


We are also continuing to collect found objects, especially small items such as buttons. Please donate these by placing them into the red letterbox outside the main reception.




Lily arrived for the Y6 SATs breakfast on Monday morning with her hoodie hood snuggly fastened, as if she wanted to hide something…We didn’t have to wait long for the big reveal.


A long time in the planning, Lily said it was a year ago that she made the decision to donate her hair for children with cancer. She grew it long, had it cut on 11th May and is asking for contributions towards the £500 it takes to turn her hair into a wig. The Little Princess Trust then provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.


Please visit Lily’s JustGiving page and do what you can to help her achieve her £500 goal.


We are VERY PROUD of you Lily.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Allen

Friday 10th May

What beautiful weather we are finally having! Now that the hot weather is here, please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately (no vests, please!) and have got a water bottle.


Class music concerts 20th May

We will be having informal “class concerts” during our music lessons during the week before half term. It would be lovely for children to share something that they are learning on their musical instruments! It doesn’t have to be a perfect performance – more to share with the class and to hear and learn about different instruments! Please send music in with your child if they would like to play.


What we have been up to

The children have been hard at work across the whole curriculum.

In English, the children finished their unit on non-fiction texts by writing their own fact file about Rainforests! They even included captions.

In Maths, we have begun our new unit on multiplication by looking at arrays. The children have been using arrays in order to write repeated addition number sentences. This topic was incredibly challenging for the children, so if you get a chance to practise at home please do!

In Geography, the children continued to learn about Peru. This week we compared the weather and climate in Peru to England. We then pretended to be weather reporters and had a go at presenting the weather forecast!

In R.E., we learnt about another Jewish festival- Sukkot! The children then used lego in order to make their own Sukkoh.

In D.T., we continued our textiles units about making puppets. This week we designed our puppet and cut out the shape of them.

In Science, we compared amphibians and fish and looked at their life cycles.

In R.H.E., we made posters all about washing our hands.

Finally, in Computing, we were gardeners by playing a game that required us to water and look after plants and flowers to keep them alive.


Enjoy this beautiful weather whilst it lasts!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Week 4 spellings Mrs Hayes Week 4 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 4 spellings Miss Joanna Week 4 spellings Miss Kerri Week 4 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 3rd May

It was wonderful to see so many grandparents in the school today! Even though the sun wasn’t shining, the grandparents loved their tea and tours of the school. A special thank you to Octavia and Jacksons’ grandmothers who came in to chat to the Year 1 classes this morning.

What we have been up to

In English we have started looking at non-fiction once again and this term’s text is all about the rainforests. The book is full of facts about the animals and plants we can find in a rainforest and this week we learnt some facts before writing them in our books.

In Maths, we have been counting in 5s and 10s and also looking at equal groups and repeated division. These are all the skills we need before learning our multiplication tables of 2, 5 and 10.

In Geography we learnt the difference between physical and human geographical features. We played a game where we stood up if feature was physical before comparing the different physical and human features of London and Lima.

We began a new DT unit this week which taught us three different ways to join felt: glue, safety pins and staples. With this knowledge we will be planning and making our own hand puppets over the next few weeks.

In RE we continued to learn about the Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah thinking about all the traditions that take place at this Jewish New Year.


Have a wonderful long weekend!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Week 3 spellings Mrs Hayes Week 3 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 3 spellings Miss Kerri Week 3 spellings Miss Joanna Week 3 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 26th April

It’s been another busy and enjoyable week in Year 1. We enjoyed yet more cultural experiences with our brilliant and delicious Passover lunch today in order to tie in with the Jewish festival. This was especially brilliant for Year 1 because it linked so nicely to our R.E. learning this term about Jewish Festivals. We’ve had a busy week learning about Judaism, and we enjoyed a visit from Lazer’s dad, Nicky, who spoke to the whole year group about being Jewish!


Grandparents’ Day

Next Friday 3rd of May will be Grandparents’ Day. If any grandparents would like to volunteer to come in and speak to the classes before lunch we would love to have them- just email your class teacher!


Mathletics Homework

We have noticed that a large number of children have 10 or more Mathletics tasks outstanding. The Mathletics tasks are an essential element of the homework, and we do ask that they are completed each week alongside the spelling and reading homework. Mathletics is a great opportunity for the children to practise what they have been learning in school and it is a vital opportunity for them to revise their skills.


If you are struggling to log on to Mathletics, please email your class teacher so that we can help.


What we have been up to

In Maths, we started a brand new unit on multiplication! This week we have been counting in twos and spotting even and odd numbers. Counting in twos has been quite tricky for us so please practise at home. Next week we will be counting in fives and tens, so if you have time to practise in advance please do!

In English, we finished our learning based on the book Monkey Puzzle. This week the children used verbs and adjectives to write their own poems inspired by the book. Their work was brilliant!

In Science, we continued our learning about vertebrates. This week we compared birds and amphibians.

In Geography, we received a postcard from Paddington Bear all about Peru. We learnt all about the different features of Peru.

In Relationships and Health, we learnt about the Eatwell Guide. The children then used it to help them design a healthy packed lunch.

Finally, in Computing the children continued to learn about algorithms. This week they played ‘Animal Maze’ where they had to guide different animals through the maze.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Week 2 spellings Mrs Hayes Week 2 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 2 spellings Miss Joanna Week 2 spellings Miss Kerri Week 2 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 19th April

Welcome back and Eid Mubarak! Today the children enjoyed a delicious feast to celebrate Eid – thank you to all parents who helped cook and decorate the school.

We are now into the final term of Year 1 and it promises to be a busy one!


Collective Worship

Wow! We hope you enjoyed the Collective Worship on Thursday as much as we did! The children were utterly brilliant and performed magnificently. They were the talk of the playground at lunchtime for their brilliant performances. They all worked spectacularly hard in the run up and I am very proud of how fantastic they were!

Scientist in Residence

This week Linda, our new Scientist in Residence came into Year 1 to introduce our learning on Animals. She talked about the different categories of animals before the children played a game of charades and made their own mammal mask!

What we have been up to

In Maths, we are looking at volume and capacity with today’s lesson was all about predicting how many cups of water would fill various receptacles and containers.

We began our new book, The Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson, in English. At the beginning of the week we chose an animal to describe and write about and we then thought about how and why words rhyme before coming up with different rhyming words for different animals.

In RE this term we are looking at Judaism with this week’s lesson looking at the different religious festivals.

In Geography, we recapped our learning about the seven continents as part of the introduction to our topic on Peru in South America.

In Relationships and Health Education we are thinking about Being My Best – you can find the knowledge page for this term attached. Year 1 Being My Best This week we chatted about all the different foods we need eat to keep us healthy and strong.

Finally in Art, we looked at the work of Clarice Cliff and then replicated one of her ‘plates’ by painting concentric circles in primary colours. We then added black paint which we blew through a straw to create a tree in silhouette.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Allen

Thursday 28th March

Happy Easter! We can’t believe it either but there is now only one term left of Year 1! The children have worked super hard this term and this week is no exception. We’ve enjoyed lots of Easter festivities to get us all in the mood for the break, such as the wonderful Easter Church Service this morning. But of course, the real highlight has to be the Easter Bonnet Parade! We were yet again amazed by all of the dazzling creations your children wore!


Collective Worship

Just to remind you all that our class Collective Worship will be held on the first Thursday after the Easter break (18th of April) at 9am in the main school hall. Thank you to those who have already given their costumes in. If you have not yet sent your child’s costume in a named bag in to school, please can it be in on the first day of the new term as we will be having a dress rehearsal that afternoon.


It is also super important that your child spends sometime this holiday practicing their lines as well as the songs and dances. We only have two days when we return after Easter to make sure the assembly is looking performance ready so the children need to be able to remember what they are doing so we can hit the ground running when we return!


I will send a video of each of the dances to you via the Class Reps this afternoon to be shared on the Whatsapp (of me dancing!) so that you can practice at home, and you should have received a Parentmail with links to all of the songs we are using for your practice.


All are welcome to come to our performance on the 18th of April, so we hope to see as many of you (and maybe some grandparents or godparents!) on the day! The children are doing brilliantly so hopefully it’ll be one to remember!


Homework this week

There will be no spelling homework sent home over the Easter break. However, all children will receive a book bag book as normal. The children have also received a pack of Phonics resources for you to read with your child over the Easter holidays. These are designed for you to read a few words a day to keep practicing your child’s Phonics skills over the break. We will be having a mock Phonics Screening in the first week when we return to school so it’s very important the children do keep practicing their reading over the holiday.


We have also set some optional Mathletics work for over the holiday for those who would like to complete it.


What we have been up to

As you can imagine, there’s been a lot of talk of Easter the week. English was no exception! This week we were revising putting words in the present tense by describing what the Easter Bunny was doing in a picture!

In Maths, the children completed an end of term assessment in both Arithmetic and Reasoning.

In R.E., the children learnt about the events of Easter Sunday. The children then decorated an Easter egg by drawing a picture of their favourite part of the Easter story.

In Relationships and Health, the children learnt about money. They thought about all the different ways money is spent in a home.

In Geography, the children completed an end of unit assessment all about their topic At the Farm


We wish you all a wonderful two week break, and a very happy Easter.


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 22nd March

What a wonderful week it has been- it’s been great to be back! I’d like to start this week’s blog by praising the children for how wonderful they have been over the last few weeks. Both Mrs Bell and Mr Schumm said how much they enjoyed teaching McNaughton last week and the children’s have coped admirably with everything. I have been so pleased to see their smiling faces again this week. I also want to thank you all as parents for your support and kind words. The beautiful drawings by all of your children, as well as your extremely kind gift, are really genuinely appreciated. Thank you all!


PE This week

McNaughton Class will not have P.E. on Monday this week. Mr S and I are trying to arrange a suitable time to make up the missed lesson and I will get in touch once we’ve agreed a day. McNaughton Class should wear their normal school uniform to school on Monday.


Easter Bonnet parade

Mr Schumm reminded the children today that the Easter bonnet parade is on Tuesday (26th March), so now is the time to start getting creative and whipping up a fabulous Easter hat!


Class Collective Worship

McNaughton’s Collective Worship has been rescheduled for Thursday 18th April. Please could all costumes be brought into school in named bags on Tuesday 26th of March so that we have them ready in school for the end of term?


Homework this week and over the Easter holiday

Please can we ask that all children return both their homework and reading books on Tuesday 26th of March so that we have enough time to prepare the books for the Easter holidays.

There will not be spelling or Mathletics homework over the Easter holiday. We will, however, send home a pack of Phonics resources for you to complete with your children over the break.


What we have been up to

In English we have continued our work all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. On Monday, we wrote apology letters to the bears from the point of view of Goldilocks. We then read Me and You by Anthony Browne, which is an alternative retelling of the classic story. In Me and You we learnt why Goldilocks was in the Bear’s house. We then thought of our own reasons why and wrote exciting stories!

In Maths, we have been learning about mass this week. We used scales to compare the mass of objects and cubes to measure the mass of different objects.

In R.E., we learnt about the Good Friday story and why crosses are such an important symbol to Christians.

In Art, the children did printing using Lego to explore primary colours.

In Computing, the children were digital artists. They created their own paintings on Busy Things and then signed the artwork with their signature.


Just four days to go of this term!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen




Despite some different teachers this week, the children have been doing some great listening and learning.

Easter Bonnet parade

Mr Schumm reminded the children today that the Easter bonnet parade is a week on Tuesday (26th March), so now is the time to start getting creative and whipping up a fabulous Easter hat!

What we have been up to

In Maths, we began and finished our short unit on measurement thinking about using centimeter rulers to measure objects and then talk about objects being longer or taller and shorter.

In English, we began the traditional tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The first lesson was a comprehension, introducing the idea of inference and prediction. We then thought about using sentence starters with commas for instructions to make porridge. Finally today’s lesson focused on the past tense for irregular verbs.

In Geography, we made compasses! We discussed how and when we might use them before looking at real compasses and working out where North was.

In RHE, we thought about the importance of looking after things. We talked about all thew ways we can look after a new plant and then drew a picture of something we would look after and wrote about how we would do it.

In Art, we were block printing with Lego! We painted different sized blocks and then made repeating patterns with different colours.

Finally, in RE we continued to look at the Easter story with this week’s lesson focusing on the Last Supper and its importance to Christians.

Have a lovely, restful weekend, let’s hope this spring sunshine continues.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Hayes

Friday 15th March

Friday 8th March

What a fantastic trip to Hyde Park! The children did brilliant listening and all really enjoyed learning about different trees and plants in the park. Hopefully you all now have a planted seed in an eco flower-pot to look after and nurture.

Huge congratulations to all parents and carers that helped produce some of the best World Book Day costumes we have seen! The children looked magnificent and really enjoyed the day. The highlight was when Year 5 children came with their hand made pop-up books to read with the children. Both classes seemed to really enjoy the experience.

What we have been up to

This week, to celebrate World Book Day, English was based around a lovely book called On Sudden Hill. The children thought about how Burt was feeling in the book and then designed a toy they could make out of recycling materials. Today, after our trip, the children made their creations using boxes, milk cartons, newspaper and other materials.

In Maths we have finished our learning about place value to 50 and will begin looking at measurement of length and height next week.

In Art, we continued to think about primary and secondary colours. Inspired by Jasper Johns painting Numbers in Color the children painted their numbers 0-9 in primary colours and then merged them to create purples and greens.

In Geography we thought about what happens on a farm in the different seasons and then made a a seasons wheel, drawing pictures in each season.

In RHE, we thought about all the amazing places in our school and then discussed why we have to look after and respect our school.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 1st March

Rehearsals for our assembly are in full swing! Please can we ask once again that you practise your children’s lines with them and help them remember when to say them! Don’t forget to teach them to be loud too!


Sorry for the confusion – no comprehension books were sent out this week as we have been doing assessments. Your child only has spellings for next week but can write some sentences with these words if they would like too.

Royal Academy Young Artists Competition

There is still just under a month left to enter your artwork into the Royal Academy Young Artists Competition. The artwork can be in any medium you’d like: painting, drawing, sculpture or even performance art!


The deadline for entries is 5pm March 27th. Please visit: to find out more and enter your child’s artwork.


If you have any questions about the competition please email me.


What we have been up to

The children have written some truly amazing descriptive writing pieces in English, based on our brilliant book We’re Going to Find the Monster! They included some brilliant adjectives and exclamation sentences – we can’t wait for you to see them during our book look drop in in a couple of weeks.

In Maths, we have been thinking about our numbers to 50. Today’s lesson was putting numbers on number lines up to 50 but we have also been grouping amounts into tens as a simpler and quicker way of counting larger numbers.

In Art, we learnt about primary and secondary colours and had great fun mixing paint, play-dough and pastels to create different colours.

We thought about the ideas of ‘grace’ in RE specifically understanding how God showed forgiveness by sending a rainbow at the end of the story of Noah’s Ark. We discussed when we have been given second chances and drew pictures of the rainbow.

We finished our learning on plants this week in Science by taking an end of unit assessment.

In Geography, we looked in more detail at life on a farm. We identified the different farm buildings before drawing posters encouraging people to visit our farms (if we had them!)

Finally, in Relationships and Health Education, we talked about how we can be more helpful and kinder to others. We each wrote a ‘promise’ on a piece of paper of something we are going to try and be better at. Lots of children said, ‘helping with the dishes’, so watch this space!

Don’t forget it is World Book Day next Friday with the theme of friendship. It is also Mums & Chums breakfast on Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs Allen

Week 2 spellings Mrs Hayes Week 2 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 2 spellings Miss Kerri Week 2 spellings Miss Joanna Week 2 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 23rd February

What a wonderful start back to the new term we’ve had! Of course the highlight has been today’s Lunar New Year festivities! The children absolutely loved the Collective Worship this morning and found the dancing absolutely brilliant. They then had a wonderful time in the Dragon Dance Workshop this morning. The children were excellent following the leader to bring the dragon to life. We also continued our celebrations into the afternoon through Art. We made beautiful cherry blossom paintings by dabbing cotton buds! The artwork looks amazing!


Life Bus

Another highlight of the week was the visit from Coram Education and the Life Bus. The children enjoyed helping Harold the Giraffe sort out his feelings and came up with loads of great ways to cheer him back up.


New playground equipment

As you have probably spotted- we have had new playground equipment built over the holidays! The children are absolutely loving exploring the new area. But don’t just take our word for it- have a look at this video to see what they have to say:


Class Collective Worship

As you know, we’re beginning to rehearse our wonderful Class Collective Worships. McNaughton’s Class Collective Worship will be on Thursday 21st March at 9am. You should have now received a copy of the script with your child’s lines. Please help your child this weekend to learn their lines.


What we have been up to

In Maths, we finished our learning about addition and subtraction. We found the missing number using number lines. We also began our new unit all about place value within 50. Today we had to order numbers correctly between 20 and 50 and created a giant number line!

In English, we began our new unit on the book We’re Going to Find the Monster. The children loved imagining what their own monster would be. The highlight was walking around school and imagining all the different places a monster could be hiding!

In R.E. we began learning about Noah’s Ark. This week we listened to the story and then had to order the key events.

In Science, we carried out our own plant dissection! We split the flowers into their different parts and labelled them.


Have a wonderful weekend!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Week 1 spellings Mrs Hayes Week 1 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 1 spellings Miss Kerri Week 1 spellings Miss Joanna Week 1 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 9th February

It was lovely to see so many colourful scarves in school today to mark Children’s Mental Health Week. Miss Bill led a collective worship this morning talking about the importance of all children having a voice and being able to express themselves. She then asked some children to talk about their scarves and why they represented them.

We have now come to the end of another busy half term – the children have been as hard working as ever – and we look forward to having them back ready for our class assembly and another fun school trip next term!

Book Cover

In your child’s reading folder you will see a blank template from Winkworth’s. If your child draws a book cover and returns it, completed, to the estate agents on the Uxbridge Road, they will receive a book voucher and the school will receive £5 to spend on new books!

Collective Worship Scripts

Please do try and help your child learn their lines for the collective worship. The more they practise now the easier it will be after the half term.

Phonics Screening Check Past Papers

As you know, we will be having a Phonics Screening Meeting for all the Year 1 parents/carers at 6pm on Tuesday 20th February, taking place over Zoom. Over the holidays, feel free to take a look at some of the papers from the past. They are available from the government website here:

What we have been up to

The children wrote their own poems based on our book Mr Magnolia. They included ‘ing’ words, adjectives and words with the ‘oo’ sound and created some very funny lines for a poem!

In Maths we have continued thinking about subtraction but today we also looked at related facts, so working out the inverse addition and subtraction sentences based on Part Whole models.

In History, we finished our learning on Old Toys and set up our own toys museum!

In computing, we created a book blurb and cover for the brilliant book Toys in Space by Mini Grey.

We went into church on Monday morning to hear all about what Denis and the church does for the local community. This was to finish off our RE unit on the Christian Creation story and to understand how God would like all Christians to help one another.

In Science, we finished thinking about plants by discussing the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.

Finally the children made some beautiful stained glass crosses in Art to mark the beginning of Lent. These will be displayed in our class until Easter so do look out for them.

Smart Phones in School

Always ahead of the curve, St Stephen’s has already instituted a ban on smartphones for children in school, and is strongly promoting collective move action by parents to not give their primary aged children smartphones at all. There is now a strong and growing movement to persuade government to take the issue of smartphone addition and the mental health damage it can cause children, more seriously – have a listen to this very powerful, short radio discussion from earlier in the week. Let your Class Rep that you will join the No Smartphones Moratorium, if you haven’t already.

Have a wonderful, restful half term.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Friday 2nd February

Can you believe we’re almost at the end of the half term! It’s really raced by with all the fun activities we’ve had!


Wear your SCARF day

On Friday 9th February, it will be Wear your SCARF day in honour of Children’s Mental Health Week. On this day, the children can come into school wearing their favourite scarf in addition to their normal school uniform.


What we have been up to

In English, we’ve started a new unit based around the book Mr Magnolia by Quentin Blake. We’ve noticed how the book uses loads of words with an ‘oo’ sound in them! The children have had a go at coming up with their own ‘oo’ words and writing their own silly sentences using them!

In Maths, the children have been learning about addition within 20. For the final lesson of the week, the children practiced finding doubles and even tried finding near doubles.

In Science, we continued learning about plants. This week, we learnt to identify different wild plants.

In History, we continued to learn about toys from the past. This week we compared and contrasted toys from the past with toys from the present day.

In Computing it was Coding Day! We enjoyed playing Rodocodo- a game all about coding.

In R.E. we learnt thought about different questions we would like to ask God about the world. For example, why do zebras have stripes and why do we sleep?

Finally, in R.H.E., we discussed how to stay safe online especially when sharing pictures.


Have a great weekend!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Week 4 spelling Mrs Allen Week 4 spellings Miss Joanna Week 4 spellings Miss Kerri Week 4 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 4 spellings Mrs Hayes

Friday 26th January

More than one child commented that Thursday was “the best day ever!” Mainly because we spent the whole afternoon making windmills for DT and later tested them in the playground by running around to check the turbines were spinning. The children did brilliantly at creating and assembling these quite tricky structures!

Spelling Tests

As I’m sure you know, the weekly spelling tests provide the children with a great opportunity to practice and revise the Phonics sounds taught the previous week. As a result, it is vital that the children are learning their spellings confidently. Please can we ask that you continue to practise your child’s spellings with them throughout the week. We understand that some of you like to finish the homework at the weekend and hand in the homework books but if that is the case, please go over the words each day so that the children are prepared for their spelling tests on Thursday morning. In order to help with this, we will now upload all the spellings with this blog each Friday under the name of the phonics teachers.

What we have been up to

In Maths this week the children completed an assessment on Place Value to 20 before beginning their learning on adding numbers within 20. Today’s lesson was helping the children to understand how to count on when adding.

English this week has been so much fun! Our focus has been learning about non-fiction books and the children used the Ipads on Wednesday to discover facts about Mars. Today they wrote their own fact sheets about Mars and we were very impressed with their knowledge!

The children talked about how to look after the planet in RE. Following on from last week’s lesson on God’s creation, the children created posters telling people to recycle and reuse, to stop pollution and pick up litter!

In Science, we continued learning about plants and looked at naming some common garden flowers and trees.

As mentioned in a Parentmail, we talked about good and bad touches in Relationships and Health Education and the importance of talking to a trusted adult if any child ever felt uncomfortable about anything.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Allen


Week 3 spellings Miss Lowrey Week 3 spellings Miss Kerri Week 3 spellings Miss Joanna Week 3 spelling Mrs Hayes Week 3 spelling Mrs Allen

Friday 19th January

It has been another great week in Year 1 and the children have been working really hard!


Royal Academy Young Artists Competition 2024

The Royal Academy Young Artists Competition has opened again this year! Children can enter with any art they have made, be it at home or at a club. The winning entries are displayed at the Royal Academy of Arts in central London! The deadline for entries is the 7th of March. To find out more about the competition, or to enter your child’s artwork, please visit:

If you have any questions about the competition, please email Mrs Allen (


St Stephen’s Instagram: Who has spotted the new Instagram account?


Do take a look using the links below and follow us to keep an eye on what’s been happening here from day to day.

Children whose parents have given consent will appear anonymously, unless specific permission has been obtained when pupils’ names will be included.

This supersedes the X / Twitter social media account, now dormant.



What have we been up to?

In Maths, the children have continued their learning about place value within 20. This week, they have compared numbers within 20 and found one more and one less of numbers within 20.

In English, the children finished their learning on Toys in Space. This week, the focus has been on imagining what Hoctopize’s planet is like! On Friday, the children wrote brilliant descriptions of Hoctopize’s planet using brand new and exciting adjectives such as ‘vibrant’!

In Science, we started our new unit on Plants. For our first lesson, we used the IPads to take photographs of all the different plants we could spot around school.

In Computing, the children learnt about online safety. Our key message from this lesson was that if the children come across a page they are worried about or they don’t know what to do, they should ask a trusted adult.

In RHE, we talked about what happens to our bodies when we are nervous. We then spoke about who could help us when we’re worried about something.

In History, we carried on learning about the history of toys. This week, we looked at different toys from the past and described them. We then compared them to how toys are now.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 12th January

As it is the first week of term I think we can still get away with starting with Happy New Year! Having said that the week has flown by and it feels like the children have been back for weeks! It’s been a fun start to the term – the highlight being the trip to BBC Park yesterday as part of our science learning. It was freezing but the children enjoyed the opportunity to have a run around on a Thursday afternoon.

Start of the day

A gentle reminder that all children need to be in school no later than 8.55am which us when the register takes place. Adults should dismiss the children at the door and let them come into school on their own. It is really important for building up their independence and confidence as they move up the school.

Library books

Your child will have come home with a new library book this week, please do read this book over the weekend and remember to return it before next week’s session on Tuesday.

What we have been up to

In English we have started our new book Toys in Space by Mini Grey. In the first two lessons, the children predicted what they thought the book would be about based on the pictures and title of the book. They then wrote sentences beginning “I predict that…” and explained why. We then thought about how Hoctopize was feeling based on the pictures of him.

In Maths, we are now focusing on Place Value to 20. The children have practiced counting and writing numbers to twenty and also thinking about how we can represent these numbers with counters and tens frames and our dienes (tens and ones).

The History topic for this term is Old and New Toys and in our first lesson we all chatted about our favourite toys. The children then drew the toys and thought of some good describing words for how they look and feel.

In RE we are learning about the Creation Story. We read the story and then discussed it as a class before colouring and cutting out a creation wheel retelling the different parts of the Creation.

We are focusing on DT this term and this week’s lesson was designing a windmill for a mouse! We talked about the different parts of a windmill before decorating our structures. Next week we will be assembling them and checking to see if our sails can turn in the wind.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Allen

Friday 21st January

My goodness, we’ve made it to the end of the first term of Year 1! What a busy term we’ve all had, but the children have settled in brilliantly and are already making amazing progress. We’d like to start our blog this week by thanking you all for your incredibly generous gifts for Christmas.


Homework this week

Over the Christmas Holidays, there will be no spelling or Mathletics homework. We have, however, sent home a Reading Book to be read over the break.


PE the first week back

As you know, Monday the 8th of January is an INSET day so the children will not be in school for their P.E. lesson. The children will have PE instead on Friday 12th of January. On Friday, the children will need to wear their PE kits to school. Gymnastics will be on Thursday as usual.


What we have been up to

As you can imagine, this week has been all about Christmas! And we’ve been busy with all sorts of Christmas tasks, like decorating biscuits to look like snowmen, designing Christmas wreaths and doing some Christmas themed block printing. The children, of course, also enjoyed an afternoon of dancing and party games on Wednesday!

In English, we embraced the Christmas spirit after the children received a letter from Santa! First, we wrote Santa back telling him all about the nice things we had done this year. Then we wrote Santa another letter asking him very politely for Christmas presents.

In Maths, we revised our 2D shapes and made Christmas pictures using them. We also practiced our number bonds to ten!


Have a wonderful Christmas for all those who celebrate, and a Happy New Year!


See you in January!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 15th December

What super stars your children are! They were absolutely brilliant in the two Nativity performances yesterday so thank you for all your hard work helping them learn the songs and moves! We are very much coming to the end of term as this week we have been finishing off units and doing assessments, the children will definitely be in need of a break by next Thursday.


Homework this week

This week we have sent home some Red words for the children to learn. We do ask that both reading books and homework books are returned to school on Tuesday next week so that we have enough time to prepare them for the Christmas Holiday.


Church Service

Please do join us for a Christmas Service in the church on Thursday morning, straight after drop off.


What we have been up to

In Maths, the children have been working very hard on our end of term assessments. On Tuesday they took an Arithmetic test and yesterday was a Reasoning paper. We are very pleased with the progress all your children have made this term.

English this week has been based on the 2019 John Lewis advert about the dragon Excitable Edgar. The children began by coming up with questions (and using question marks) about where Edgar had come from and how far he could fly etc. The children then described different parts of his body before ending the week writing they own descriptive paragraph about him.

We have finished our History learning about transport with a lesson on the first moon landing. We talked about astronauts and what they do before chatting about where we would like to visit if we could go anywhere in the world.

We rounded off our RE topic by ordering the story of the Nativity by cutting and sticking the pictures in the correct order.

Finally we had a fun crafty time today in Art making Christmas cards! The children used their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes to create cards with Christmas trees on and decorate them!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are up to.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 8th December

We’ve not got long left of this term and the Christmas excitement is well underway. The highlight of the week was a visit from the HS2 engineer today. The children loved learning about all the different types of engineers who work on HS2. They had a great time building bridges, tunnels and bug hotels!


The Nativity

As you will be aware there are two performances of the Nativity show on Thursday 14th December, one in the morning at 9.30am the other in the afternoon at 2pm. There is no need to book. Thank you to all parents who have brought in their child’s costumes. If you have not brought them in yet, they need to be in on Monday morning ready for our first dress rehearsal.

On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday we ask that all children with long hair come into school with their hair tied in a low pony-tail. This way we can ensure that their headdresses fit comfortably on their heads.

The children have all worked really hard and are looking really excellent! We’re excited to see as many of you as possible at the performances on Thursday!


Christmas Jumper Day

Next Wednesday the 13th of December, it will be our annual Christmas Jumper Day. The children should come into school in their normal school uniform with a Christmas Jumper instead of their usual school jumper.


What we have been up to

In Maths we finished our learning about 2D and 3D shapes! We learnt how to match and sort different 2D and 3D shapes and created repeating patterns.

In English, we finished our learning about our Snowman Poem by writing our own poems about Snowmen. Our poems were brilliant and some of the children even had a go at using rhyme!

In History, we continued to learn about transport. This week the children learnt about the invention of the aeroplane and had a go at making paper aeroplanes!

In R.E., the children learnt about Herod and how he reminds us of the classic Christmas character- the Grinch!


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Allen

Friday 1st December

It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! Especially because yesterday we had two special visitors: Rocky and Sid, the donkeys! The children loved meeting them, brushing their manes and stroking them.

The Nativity

As you will be aware there are two performances of the Nativity show on Thursday 14th December, one in the morning at 9.30am the other in the afternoon at 2pm. There is no need to book. Thank you to all parents who have brought in their child’s costumes. I have listed what outfits are needed at the bottom of this blog. All outfits need to be in next week please.


Engineering with HS2!

As part of the school’s ‘cracking careers’ programme we have an engineer from HS2 coming in to talk to the children next Friday (8th December). They have requested a few things to help with the sessions so please can you start collecting and saving the following: cardboard (cereal boxes, paper towel/loo rolls etc are perfect), empty milk cartons and old newspapers.


What we have been up to

In English we are looking at poetry and have been learning a poem called Great Big Snowman. We began the week by learning the poem before making and decorating our own Snowmen which we then described. Today we also thought about all the different words we could think of to describe snow.

In Maths, we finished our learning on addition and subtraction with an end of unit test. We have now moved on to shape – bother 2D and 3D – looking at how many sides, corners and edges different shapes have.

In Science, we looked at the suitability of certain materials and discussed why some materials were better than others. We had great fun thinking of a world with paper tables, stone pillows and glass footballs!

We continued to learn about the Nativity in R.E. This week we focused on the importance of The Shepherds in the story. We discussed why Jesus is sometimes referred to as the Good Shepherd and then talked about what the angels told the shepherds.

The children designed their own cars in History. We learnt about the first car and the differences between old and new cars before drawing our own vehicles which we then labelled.

Finally, in Art the children have been busy perfecting their Christmas craft to sell at tomorrow’s Christmas Fair and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Sheep- White top and bottom (leggings, dress, skirt etc.). Black school shoes.

  • Grace
  • Yusif
  • Bea
  • Luna
  • Luke
  • Caroline
  • Mate
  • Mahmoud
  • Elliot
  • Jhanae


Chicken- Red, yellow or brown top and bottom. Black school shoes.

  • Olympia
  • Laura
  • Madeleine
  • Alex
  • Jackson
  • Seianna
  • Elena
  • Isaiah
  • Luca
  • Brandon

Cow-White top. Black bottoms. Black school shoes.

  • Brent
  • Charlie
  • Willow
  • Kasia
  • Dean
  • Lazer
  • Theo
  • Stella
  • Denis
  • Peijie

Friday 24th November

Can you believe we’ve started rehearsing for the Nativity now! Christmas (and the end of the half term) is really approaching fast! Details of the costumes required for the Nativity have been sent to you via Parentmail this week so be sure to look out for that.


Gymnastics next week

Gymnastics next week will be on Wednesday for both classes. So both classes need to wear their PE kits on Monday and Wednesday next week.


What we have been up to

In English we finished our unit of work based around Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion. The final piece of work the children did was write their own versions of the story coming up with their own characters. It was so amazing to see the children use all of their learning to come up with such imaginative stories!

In Maths, we finished our learning on addition and subtraction! We practised using number lines to help us subtract and compared different number sentences. Next week, we’ll start our new unit of learning all about shapes!

We continued to learn about the Nativity in R.E. This week we learnt about Mary and Joseph’s role in the story and discussed what sort of people they were to be chosen by God.

In Computing, we continued to learn about algorithms. The children took turns to be ‘the robot’ and give directions about how to get around the room. They had to do a log of debugging to be successful!

The children loved their History learning today. This week we looked closely at trains and how they have changed over time. They then took part in a carousel of train related activities, including comparing trains of the past and present.

Finally, in Art we finished our unit on drawing and mark making. For our final piece, the children completed an observational drawing, looking carefully and what marks and lines they should add to make their drawing realistically portray a piece of fruit.

Enjoy your weekend and see you all next week.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen



Friday 17th November

The highlight of the week was, of course, the London Transport Museum. Despite the long journey and some very sleepy children on the way home, we all had a wonderful time! We particularly enjoyed our work shop with ‘Joe Clough’ one of London’s first bus drivers. He took us on a whistle stop tour of how buses and transport have changed through the ages, talking about how Liz Viner made history as the first female bus driver in 1974 and then explaining all about ‘fluffers’ on the tube: the men and women who clean the tracks! As always, the children were really well behaved and engaged and did St. Stephen’s proud.


Library books and Reading Cloud

Our library is linked to an online portal called Reading Cloud. We thought it would be great for all families to have access to this, so inside of your child’s yellow Reading Record you will find a barcode and a four digit number underneath it. This four digit number is both their username and password for the website. If you log on to and put in the same number into both username and password and then select the school by writing the postcode (W12 8LH) your child’s account should come up and you can see whether they have a library book at home and if so what it is called.


Phonics Sound Mats

In your child’s homework folder yesterday there was an A5 piece of paper with our Read Write Inc sounds on them. We mentioned these to many of you at Parents’ Evening but they are a great tool for the children to have when writing anything at home. They should use them to help identify sounds in a word before spelling them and writing them out.


What we were up to

In English we began reading Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion by Alex T Smith. This book is an entertaining alternative version of the classic fairy-tale. The children firstly compared the two versions of the story before thinking about how the characters were feeling at various points in the book. Finally we learnt about when to use because and when to you and in sentences.

In Maths, we continued to look at subtraction and working out a part when you know the whole. We then practised writing subtraction number sentences for Part Part Whole models remembering to always start with the whole.

We have turned our attention to the Christmas story in RE and will spend the next few weeks looking at various characters in the story. This week were learnt about Angels and thought about their important role in the story.

The children loved our computing lesson this week which was all about instructions and understanding that is what an algorithm is. The lesson started with trying to get the children to give clear instructions to their ‘robot’ teachers for making toast which was very entertaining!

Finally, in Art we continued looking at mark making specifically at trying to draw fruit and vegetables by adding in different types of lines and shading.

Enjoy your weekend and see you all next week.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 10th November

We have had another brilliant week in Year 1. We of course have to say an enormous WELL DONE to all of the children who represented our school so beautifully when we had our visitors earlier in the week- they really did themselves so proud! It was brilliant to see and they were all so confident when the visitors came round to see our learning.


PE next week

To make up for the PE lesson that was missed this week, the children will have an extra PE lesson on Friday next week.

McNaughton class will therefore need to wear their PE kit to school on Monday, Thursday and Friday next week.


Book Look Open Morning Tuesday 14th November

We wanted to remind you that there will be an open morning for the parents to come and see the children’s books on Tuesday at 9am ahead of our Parents’ Evening Appointments next week.


Upcoming school trip

We are looking forward to our upcoming school visit. Please check Parentmail for any details.


Parliament Week

This week, we celebrated Parliament Week. To mark this occasion, we were joined by MP for Hammersmith and Fulham, Andy Slaughter, who spoke to the children about our British Values and the importance of democracy. The children asked a variety of probing questions which sparked a healthy debate.


What we were up to

In English this week we read Little Red Riding Hood. We thought about the character of the Big Bad Wolf and came up with different synonyms for bad to describe him. Finally we created our own Wanted posters looking for him!

In Maths, we finished our learning on addition and have started our learning about subtraction. We used pictures to help us find how many are left.

In Science, we loved having a visit from Mercedes our Scientist in Residence. She helped us to run experiments to test the properties of different materials.

In R.E., we finished our learning on the Saints. We learnt about different saints and chose our favourite one to draw and write about it.

We started our History unit all about transport this week! We looked at different vehicles from the past and present and compared how they used to be to how they are now!

In Computing, we designed costumes for characters in Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Finally, in D.T. we absolutely LOVED making our own delicious smoothies. We used our cutting techniques to help us prepare the fruit ready to taste the final product! Thank you to all those parents who very kindly donated fruit for us!


We were also very touched as a staff for the many cakes and treats given to us today, and we’d like to thank you for your ongoing support and kindness.


Have wonderful (and restful) weekends!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 3rd November

The children have come back to school with a spring in their steps! As we start the second half of term it is amazing to see how much they have grown up already. They are now used to the Year 1 pace and timetable and managing to do some fantastic work.


Book Look

Thank you to all those who have booked in Parents Evening slots for the 14th and 15th November. Hopefully you will have also see the email encouraging you to drop in a have a brief look at your child’s books on the morning on 14th November. This will give you an opportunity to look at their work ahead of our catch-ups.



You will have seen a message about PE in the coming weeks. Due to some football tournaments for KS2 next week, Year 1 will have no PE on Monday afternoon (or at any other point next week). We are trying to secure an extra make-up session the following week and will be in touch once this is confirmed.


Coffee Morning

It was great to see so many of you for coffee and cake this week (sorry if you couldn’t make it). Having spoken to Mr Schumm afterwards we are hoping to make this a more regular event so you can chat to teachers and support staff about any questions or suggestions you might have.


What we got up to

This week the children have made a Leaf Man (thank you for the leafy donations!). This was to introduce our unit on instructional writing. We have discussed the importance of sentence starters in instructions and the children ended the week writing their own instructions.

In Maths, we have been using Numicon to look at number bonds within ten. We have also been looking at different addition number sentences and comparing the answers using our greater than, less than and equal to symbols.

In Science we have finished learning about our senses with a very fun lesson on taste. The children had five different foods to taste – including lemons and olives – which they described with words such as sour, sweet and salty.

In Geography we finished our leaning on Where Do I Live? by revising our knowledge of the continents, the countries in the United Kingdom and then talked about the difference between ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ areas.

In RHE this term we are ‘Valuing Difference’ so this week’s lesson was all about comparing ourselves to our friends and thinking about all the things that are the same about us and all the things that our different

We have continued to look at where food comes from in DT. We learnt that fruits grow on trees and vines whereas some vegetables grow under the ground and some grow on the ground.

Next week we are lucky enough to have some sessions with Miss Mercedes, our Scientist in Residence, so hopefully the children will have another exciting week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Friday 20th October

My goodness, can you believe we are already finished with the first half term of Year 1! Time is really flying and the children have all made so much progress already. This week has been another brilliant and busy week celebrating Black Voices Week, finishing with Show Racism the Red Card today! The children looked lovely in their red outfits supporting the cause.


Black Voices Week

Black Voice Week really was the highlight this week. On Monday, the children learnt about Floella Benjamin and wrote adjectives describing her. In the words of Year 1, she really is “fabulous”! We then created some artwork inspired by Trinidadian artist Cynthia Mclean. We designed beautiful vibrant houses inspired by the bright colours and stunning scenes depicted in her work. But the real star event of the week had to be making our own hand puppets ahead of the live puppet show called Anansi & the Lost Sun.


Maths Evening

Thank you to all of those who joined us for our Maths Evening on Wednesday. We hope you found it useful. We have shared the slides with you via Parentmail, and if you do have any questions about it, please feel free to get in touch.


What we got up to

In English, we finished learning about The Shopping Trip by John Burningham. The children absolutely wowed us with their writing using ‘and’ describing their own shopping trip. It really is amazing how far they’ve come already!

In Maths, we continued our learning about addition, and practiced using different methods such as Part-Part-Whole models and bar models to write addition sums to match them. After half term, we’re starting to learn our number bonds to ten so it would be great if the children could get a head start learning them over the half term break.

In Science, we went on our brilliant trip to BBC Park and looked at lots of different leaves we could see and tried to spot some animals. We will be repeating this trip throughout the year to monitor how the park changes throughout the seasons so we’re excited to see what it looks like later this year!

In RHE, we thought about what makes a good friend and created our own friendship flower.


Have a wonderful week off and we look forward to seeing you next half term!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen


Friday 13th October

The highlight of the week was definitely Hispanic Day! The children loved their dance workshops in the church and they all looked amazing dressed in their Spanish outfits. We spent the day learning about La Tomatina – the tomato festival in Spain where everyone throws overripe tomatoes at each other. No tomato throwing in Year One, although the children loved rolling up balls of red tissue and throwing them at each other instead! In addition, we completed some lovely craft including playdough tomatoes and tomato paper plates.



Hopefully you will have seen the Parentmail about homework moving forward. All the words and sentences are now linked to our phonics learning in class with books and words matched to their new phonics groups. Any questions, please do get in touch.


Maths Evening

Don’t forget we will be running a Maths Evening on Wednesday 18th October at 6.30pm. Do come along to hear about how we teach Maths in Year One and to ask any questions you might have about how best to support your child. If you can’t make it, we will be happy to share the presentation afterwards.


What we have been up to

In Maths we completed an end of unit assessment on place value and the children have demonstrated a good understanding of the topic. We have now moved on to addition and subtraction beginning with looking at Part Part Whole models, where two parts are added together to great the whole.

In Geography, we learnt about the seven continents. As well as practising naming the continents, the children had to label them on a world map.

We learnt all about Salah – or prayer – in RE and heard about how Muslims prepare to pray before entering a mosque. The children then decorated their own prayer mats remembering not to include animals or people

In English we started reading a very funny book called The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. We looked at writing numbers as words and using s or es for plurals.

In Relationships and Health Education we talked about our special people and how although all our families look different, there are still people who care for us and who we can talk to if we are feeling sad or anxious.

Enjoy the last weekend before the half term break!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 6th October

It’s been another busy and exciting week in Year 1! The children have been working incredibly hard on all of their learning and they’re really getting into the swing of things.


Next Week

Next week is jam-packed with fun and different activities.

On Wednesday, it will be our annual Hispanic Day! It’s always an exciting and fun filled day that the children love. This year, Year 1 will be learning about the Tomatina Festival in Spain! On Wednesday, the children should come into school in either traditional Hispanic outfits, or the colours of the country they are learning about (red and yellow).

On Thursday, we have our in school Movie Night! The children will be dismissed from their classroom as usual on Thursday at 5pm if they are attending Movie Night – tickets need to be purchased in advance on Parentmail.

On Friday, we have individual and sibling photographs. The children need to be in their full winter uniform, ties and jumpers included, and I’m sure you’ll want them to look lovely and smart on the day!


Dropping off in the morning

As you will have seen in our Parentmail yesterday, we are asking that parents/ carers do not enter the school building in the morning during drop off. We feel that this creates a calmer environment for the children to enter school with, and reduced the number of tearful mornings we have. We’re very grateful to those parents who followed this this morning, and we hope we all agree it was a much more settled start to the day.


What we have been up to

In English, we finished our learning about Little Pea. This week we edited sentences paying careful attention to where the finger spaces should go. We also had a go at creating our own story maps of the story and wrote sentences describing how the characters were feeling. We learnt some brilliant words for happy and sad!

In Maths, we continued our unit on Place Value, which we should finish next week. We were introduced to the greater than and less than signs and used them to compare both objects and numbers. The children all really grasped this concept brilliant and we were super proud of their learning!

In Science, we continued learning about the senses – this time focusing on touch. We had to feel a mystery object in a bag before describing how it felt. We then had a guess about what it could be!

In Geography, we continued learning about the United Kingdom. This week we revised the four countries of the United Kingdom, but also learnt their capitals and flags. This is a really challenging topic for Year 1, so if you do get a chance to practice at home it would really benefit the children.

In RE, we continued to learn about Islam. This week we learnt about Aqiqah, which is how Muslims celebrate new babies being born. We had to create our own Aqiqah card!

We began a new unit of Design Technology all about designing and creating smoothies. This week we looked at different fruits and vegetables and had to determine whether they were a fruit or a vegetable. We were really surprised by some of the answers!

Finally, in RHE we thought about the different feelings we might have in a day. We talked about what we could do if we ever feel sad or worried and then cut out and stuck a picture of how we were feeling on that day.

We also chatted to the children about appropriate language to use in school as unfortunately we have been hearing some unkind and grown-up language being used. Please do reiterate this at home.


Have a wonderful weekend enjoying what might be the last of the warmer weather this year!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Friday 29th September

The children have worked exceptionally hard this week and are getting used to our more structured learning in Year 1. We are still making plenty of time for play and choosing but have been impressed how quickly and happily the children are settling into the new routine.



Please can we ask that you talk to the children about looking after their belongings. We have noticed that a lot of children are getting to the end of the day without jumpers and cardigans and with no idea where they are! As you can imagine, it is tricky for us to keep to keep track of thirty children’s belongings and we want to encourage the children to be responsible for their own belongings and begin to build their independence. In school we encourage them to put their jumpers straight in their bags or on pegs if they want to take them off but I suspect many of them end up in the big playground after PE or are dropped on the floor rather than being carefully placed inside of their bags. We feel as though a chat from home about looking after belongings and valuing our things may help the children to be a little bit more responsible with their jumpers!



A big well done on returning the homework, reading books and library books! We (and Mrs Pereira) were extremely impressed with how many were returned – keep up the good work! Just to reiterate; library books should come back on a Monday in time for library on Tuesday, homework (green books) should be returned on Wednesdays to go out on a Thursday, and reading books need to come in on a Thursday to be changed and ready to go out on a Friday.


Hispanic Day

Hopefully you have all seen the email about Hispanic Day. This will take place on Wednesday11th October and Year 1 are Spain. On this day, the children can come dressed in the colours of our country’s flag (so red and yellow) or a traditional Hispanic outfit.


What we have been up to

This week the children wrote some lovely sentences in English about what fruit and vegetables they like and don’t like to tie in with our book Daisy Eat Your Peas. We also began a new book called Little Pea – a similar theme but about a little pea who hates sweets! The children enjoyed designing their own sweet and then thinking of adjectives to describe them.

In Maths, we learnt about one more and one less than a number. To help us, we used counters to represent the original number before adding one more counter or taking one away.

Art was an amazing lesson this week! We were thinking about colour and using different media and materials to colour. First the children drew around some 2D shapes, making sure they overlapped. They then coloured them in using paint pens, colouring pencils, charcoal and pastels. The results are brilliant!

In Science, we are continuing to look at My Body with a focus on the senses. This week we looked at sight and the children enjoyed looking at a picture very carefully and recording information about it.

In Geography, we are learning about the four countries of the UK and their capital cities – quite tricky learning for Year 1, so any opportunities you get to chat about the different countries would be very helpful.

In RE, we read some traditional Muslim stories and thought about their messages. We then drew a picture from our favourite story and said how they made us feel.


Finally, we have reiterated the importance of being kind friends in Relationship & Health. Some children are still struggling to share or play nicely so we read some books and thought about the importance of kind words. There does seem to be a bit of ‘play fighting’ happening at break times so please do chat to your children about how this is not allowed in the school in case someone is hurt accidently.


We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend.


Mrs Allen

Friday 22nd September

It really feels like we’re in the swimming of the year now, especially as autumn has well and truly arrived! We’ve had a great week in Year 1, and the children are settling in brilliant! Of course the highlight was our walk around Shepherd’s Bush on Wednesday- even if we did come back to school a little bit soggy! It was great to see the landmarks of the place we live, like Westfield! Thank you so much to all the parents who kindly donated their time to come with us for our walk!


Reading Books and Homework Books

The children are now in the swing of getting reading books and homework books each week! We just want to remind you that these books are not due back on the same day of the week so that you have a full week for both at home.

Homework books are returned to school on Wednesday and new homework is given out on Thursday.

Reading books are returned to school on Thursday and new reading books are issued on a Friday.

This week Mathletics has also been set for the children to complete. The children will have two on Mathletics to complete each week. The children’s login details can be found stuck on the inside front cover of their homework books.



Every term, each year group must learn and recite a poem. As our class is named after Julia Donaldson, I have chosen a poem called Noisy Garden which is just one verse long (with some interesting vocabulary!). Please do read it aloud to your child and see if they can learn the lines over the course of the half term. Next week, we will be listening to the children reciting the poem and there will be house points for anyone who knows their whole poem!



What we have been up to

In English, we continued our learning about Daisy Eat Your Peas. We learnt what plurals were and had a go at recognising words that were plurals by spotting the ‘s’ at the end. We also practised using full stops and capital letters this week!


In Maths, we continued practising our counting to twenty including completing number tracks. We absolutely loved challenging ourselves to complete harder and harder number tracks! We also continued to practise our number formation, this week focussing on 6, 7 and 8!

In Art, we continued exploring line. This week, inspired by Zaria Forman, we created giant underwater pictures in teams. We used different types of lines to create beautiful wave patterns.


In RE, we continued to learn about Islam. This week we focussed on learning about the Qur’an and discussed how Muslims show respect to their Holy Book.


In Science, we continued to learn about the body. We carried out different actions like waving to a friend or hopping on one leg and discussed what part of the body we were using!


Have a lovely relaxing weekend.


Kindest regards,


Mrs Allen

Friday 15th September

Despite being a full week of school, the children have remained positive and happy, so you should all be very proud!


Reading Books

You will see a Book Bag reading book in your child’s bag today. Miss Joanna and I have read with all the children this week and chosen appropriate reading levels as a result. These books need to be returned by Thursday of next week.



Homework was sent out yesterday in green homework books. This week homework is learning common exception words (red words). Please return homework books to school on Wednesday. There won’t be a spelling test on these words but please do practise them with your child. As mentioned yesterday, Mathletics hasn’t been set this week but will be up and running for next week.



Every term, each year group must learn and recite a poem. As our class is named after Colin McNaughton, I have chosen a poem called I Wish I Was Normal which is just two verses long, and a very funny, silly poem about a man with two heads and how other people might view us differently to how we see ourselves! Please do read it aloud to your child and see if they can learn the lines over the course of the half term.



Library Books

You will have seen a library book in your child’s bag on Tuesday. Please return these on Monday each week so they can take out a new book next Tuesday.


Playground Rules

Today, we talked about our five main playground rules: Play nicely with your friends, Respect all equipment, Talk through any problems, Tidy up promptly, line up quickly and quietly. We chatted about the importance of the whole school adhering to this rules and always playing kindly and respectfully.


What we have been up to

In English, we have started our unit on the book Daisy Eat Your Peas by Nick Sharrat and Kes Gray. Firstly we acted out the story before ordering different pictures and telling the story to one another. We then looked at correcting sentences about the story by adding in missed off capital letters and full stops.


In Maths, we continued practising our counting to twenty and also focused on counting and drawing objects to match numbers. This half term, we will be focusing on our number formation so any work on this at home would be very useful. We have uploaded a copy of the school’s number formation sheet for you to print out and use.

How to form Numbers


We began our Geography unit on Where do I live? Looking at a maps on the local area of Shepherd’s Bush. We then used IPads to find out information on the area’s key landmarks.


In Art, we focused on line. Using Bridget Riley’s paintings as inspiration we practised making lines with string on card before drawing six different types of lines in boxes.


We welcomed a special visitor to help with our RE learning this week. Mrs Ghoul spoke to the children about what it means to be a Muslim to start this term’s topic on Islam.


In Science, we started learning about My Body. We named different parts of our bodies before reading labels and sticking them in the correct place on a giant picture of a body.


Have a lovely relaxing weekend.


Kindest regards,


Mrs Allen

Friday 8th September

Welcome back! We have had a wonderful first few days back getting to know all of your wonderful children. They have settled really well into Year 1 and are already doing some brilliant learning. What a fantastic start of term!


Reading Books

This week we have decided not to send home any reading books with the children in order to give us time to listen to every child read to ensure they have a book at the accurate level. From next Friday, every child will have a reading book to take home with them for the week so it is super important the children are bringing bags into school.


PE, Gymnastics and Dance

For McNaughton Class, P.E. will take place every Monday afternoon and the children will have Gymnastics on Thursday mornings. For the first half term, the children will also have a Dance lesson on Tuesday afternoons. On these days, the children will need to wear the PE kits to school with long hair tied up.


What we have been up to

This week we have talked a lot about what we did over the summer as well as what we are looking forward to doing in Year 1.


In English, we came up with some rules of our Year 1 classroom and thought about how rules help us to learn. We also helped our teachers to get to know us better by writing about something that we love doing. Finally, we strengthened our fine motor skills by completing a carousel of activities to help us do this, such as playing with playdough!


In Maths, we practised our counting to 20 and completing missing number tracks. We also counted different objects and practised some of our skills from Reception. This half term in Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value within 20 before moving on to learning about addition and subtraction.


In Art, we were excited to receive brand new sketchbooks! We created a front cover for these books that showed off not only our artistic skills but also the things that we love!


From next week, each class will be following their usual timetable. You can see a copy of our class timetables on this page.


If you have any questions please feel to get in touch. I can be contacted via my email:


Have a wonderful weekend enjoying the last of this gorgeous summertime weather!


Kindest regards,

Mrs Allen

Bible Verse

Each year we have a Bible verse for the children to learn.

This is Year 1’s Bible verse:

“1 John 4 vs 16 – And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

Over the holiday, please spend some time reading through the Bible Verse and have a go at learning it.