
Year 3

Proverbs 2 vs 6 – For the Lord gives Wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Year 3 are taught by Mrs Hayes, with assistance from Miss Tracey. Visit this website each Friday for information on what we have been up to in class.

Class Updates

Friday 18th October

Today Collective Worship was a sea of red as we said ‘Show Racism the Red Card’. Mr Schumm talked to all the children about how we celebrate difference and must never be unkind to someone because of the colour of their skin, their faith or their culture.

What we have been up to

In Maths we continue to look at addition and subtraction. We have now finished our lessons on adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers – discussing exchanging and crossing ten and one hundred – but do please continue to practise this at home as some children are still finding it challenging.

In English, we carried on reading tasty, food related poems! Yesterday we looked at the difference between similes and metaphors and practised writing our own and today’s lesson was trying to follow a rhyming pattern.

In Science, we looked at invertebrates. We discussed how, despite having no backbone, animals have different methods of moving and protecting themselves.

We have now finished our Geography unit on Countries on the World and look forward to beginning our first history unit of the year after half term which will be on the Stone Age.

In RE we learnt about the fifth Guru of Sikhism – Guru Arjan – who was also known as the first Martyr of Sikhism.

Our final lesson of the day was Art, where we learnt about shading and tone and how to hold a pencil to create the best effects in a drawing.

Only one more week to go until half term – this term is flying by!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hayes


Friday 11th October

Lovely to see a few of you at quiz night, hope you all had an enjoyable evening!

Yesterday we celebrated Mental Health Day and the school was awash in bright yellow.  Mr Schumm held an assembly highlighting some themes around mental health.  In class, we each made a ‘badge’ for a friend highlighting something they are good at. We also enjoyed drawing some happiness doodles at the end of the day.


Homework this week is spellings and Mathletics tasks.  If I have given your child a spelling sheet – this is the work I would like them to do – not the spellings on our web page.

Once again it was a poor turn out for returned library books yesterday. Please make sure your child is reading these and returning them on Thursday. If you have lost or misplaced the book please do let me know (although a fine will be incurred).

What we have been up to

In Maths, we have been working on our column subtraction and addition with three digit numbers. The children have grasped the idea brilliantly and are learning to lay out their work beautifully (Mr Gane would be proud!) Just to let you know that we will be making changes to the two Maths groups after the half term so all children are getting the right amount of support.  I just want to emphasise that ALL the children, regardless of their Maths group, learn the same lessons and will complete the same core tasks.

In English, we enjoyed reciting our class poem Edward Lear’s The Owl and the Pussycat and had a go at planning and writing our own limericks. The results are brilliant and some children were chosen to show off their poetry skills to Mr Schumm!

During our RE lesson, we looked at Sikh weddings and learned about their beliefs about marriage.

We began our new unit on drawing in Art today with the lesson all about observing and recording what we see. Firstly we looked at some art work and tried to spot the shapes used before applying this to our own still life sketches.

Geography was continuing to think about countries but this week we worked in pairs to research specific countries. Using atlases and I-pads, we found out the populations, area, currency and flags of different countries.

Finally in Science we had great fun guessing how many bones are in the human body! We talked about the importance of bones before reciting what many of the main ones are called.

Have a lovely restful weekend. Only two weeks to go before half term – can you believe it?

Mrs Hayes



Friday 4th October

The children loved making seasonal apple and blackberry tarts today in DT (thank you for all the fruit donations!). After using their peeling and chopping skills (learnt last week) they worked in small groups to roll out pastry, brush with egg, peel and slice the apples and finally cook! The smell (and taste) was delicious!

On Wednesday, we had a Harvest Service at church – thank you for the donations.


Please do let the office or myself know if other people are collecting your children. It is imperative we know exactly who children are going home with and we require an email to the office or myself to allow this to happen.

A note about reading

A few parents have said that their children are finding the two chapter books too much to read each week which is absolutely fine. Please just let me know or put a note in the reading record and we can just give one book a week if that’s more suitable.

Library books

Unfortunately we had eight children failing to return library books this week. Please ensure your child is bringing these in on Thursday morning (latest) ready to change.


Some children have quite a few Mathletics outstanding now. Please try and get these cleared this weekend. Mathletics is part of our homework and essential for all children to complete to help consolidate their learning.

What we have been up to

During English, we completed a comprehension on how to wash an elephant and will be thinking about writing our own instruction texts on how to capture a dragon. The children are already excited about this and have been coming up with some ideas.

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting in 1s and 10s.  We have used pictorial representation to help us understand the number system.

During our RE lesson, we learned about Guru Nanak – the first of the Sikh gurus.  We remembered that Guru means teacher and Sikh means student.

In Geography, we located capital cities around the world using a world map.

Homework this week is spellings, Mathletics tasks and comprehension.

Have a lovely (sunny!) weekend.

Mrs Hayes

Friday 27th September

It was lovely to see so many of your at family supper last night – hope you all enjoyed yourselves!

We also had a great trip to Ealing Gurdwara yesterday, where we stayed for lunch in the Langar Hall where people, regardless of their religion, can enjoy a vegetarian meal.  The children have just started to learn about Sikhism so we hope this trip provided the perfect starting point for their learning.

Harvest Festival

Please do remember to bring in any non-perishables (pasta, tinned food etc) for our Harvest Festival Church Service next Wednesday.


Well done to everyone for completing the homework. Just a reminder that comprehension will be sent every other week so this week, the children just have spellings and Mathletics tasks. Please do remember that we have library on Thursdays so library books need to be brought in before this.

What we have been up to

In English, we have been looking at instruction texts and they have had a go at writing instructions.  Next week, we will be writing instructions for washing elephants and dogs.

In Maths, we have finished our first unit of place value and completed an assessment. We will be using these to inform us about possible changes in the Maths groups starting after half term.

In Geography, we looked in more detail at the seven continents and identified key geographical features in various countries such as the longest rivers, highest mountains and biggest countries.

We used IPads in our Science learning to find out all about what animals eat and where they find their food.

Finally in DT today, we learned some key cooking skills. We learnt how to chop, grate and peel various fruit and vegetables which will help when we come to cooking up a delicious savoury seasonal tart next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Hayes


Friday 20th September

Today, for lunch, we enjoyed the most delicious feast to celebrate Eritrean and Ethiopian New Year. This week the children also voted for their Year 6 House Captains – results will be displayed in school next week.


Apologies that these books were not sent out yesterday – teething problems! All children should have received their green homework books today. Reading books were sent out on Wednesday this week and the children came back with a library book too. Please make sure library books come back on Wednesday. Homework and reading books should be returned on Tuesday if possible.

This week’s homework is spellings, comprehension (please write answers into homework book and not onto the printed sheet) and Mathletics tasks.  Please follow the handwriting guide and use the handwriting sheet provided so we can encourage the children to use ‘tall’ and ‘short’ letters. The children’s spelling groups may change as the term goes on – this will depend on their spelling scores.  Their reading comprehension will be their spelling group ie. blue or green. If your child has not been told their group they are in Blue Group.


A reminder that the school day starts at 8.55am. Please tell your children not to loiter in the playground otherwise they will be marked as late! Thank you for your cooperation.

What we have been up to

During English, we did some shared writing where the children worked together to write an opening paragraph and then improved it by adding/removing words, replacing words and generally making sure the sentences were cohesive. They also planned and began writing our own stories based on The Omnibombulator.  We have working hard on paired adjectives and making our work interesting by using conjuncitons and trying to include our homework spellings ‘ou’ words which make an /ow/ sound.

In Maths, we continued our work on number and place value. We have been ordering numbers to 1000, estimating numbers on a number line and finally comparing ad ordering numbers. Some of this work has been tricky but the children have worked really hard.

In Science, we learned about balanced diets and what we should eat more of as well as what we should eat less of.  The children have been quite honest answering whether they have a healthy diet or not!

In Geography, we once again used our Atlases but this week we identified and labelled countries on a world map.

In Computing, we discussed how to create secure passwords.

Have a lovely restful weekend and enjoy the possible last of the sunshine!

Mrs Hayes

Friday 13th September

The children are all settling in brilliantly and we have had a busy first full week in Year 3.  This week we talked about what a ‘democracy’ is and then democratically voted for this year’s school councillors. The children have also spent the week getting used to the new routine and having all playtimes in the ‘big playground’.


Hopefully you will now have all seen this week’s homework uploaded (apologies for the issues yesterday. The homework is spellings practise (using the handwriting sheet attached inside the homework book), Mathletics tasks and times table practise (which should be shown at the front of their homework books after their spellings work).  Homework will be on the class webpage on Thursdays and homework is due back in by Tuesday.  Children are encouraged to bring it in sooner for house points!  Reading folders were due to go out on Thursday but the plastic wallets haven’t arrived so we’re hoping they will come in time for reading books to go out early next week.  All the children visited the library and have checked out a book so they will have a book to read over the weekend. You can login from home to check which book they have borrowed or browse remotely. They can login using this URL: https://u003532.microlibrarian.net/

What we have been up to

During Maths, we built upon last week’s work, using number lines for numbers up to 100. We have also made practical use of our newly-refined number and place value skills by starting to solve number and place value-related partitioning problems.

During English, we enjoyed Dick King-Smith’s ‘The Omnibombulator’ as a text for our work on stories with familiar settings. The children were reminded about ‘Success Criteria’ – a checklist they should be using when they work.  Next week, we will plan and start to write our very own descriptive pieces from a ‘bug’s eye’ view. As part of the writing process, next week we will be sure to re-read our work with a view to improving it, a key part of the Year 3 English Writing curriculum. In our GPS lesson, we jumped straight in with learning how to use a dictionary which is an essential skill. It is the first time that the children have used dictionaries so they found it quite tricky – do practise looking up the definitions of words if you have a dictionary at home.

In our RE lesson, we designed a wisdom poster based on Year 3’s value of ‘Wisdom’.

The children enjoyed a session with our Scientist in Residence who did a session on Light and Shadows.

In our Computing lesson, we started to learn about the importance of online safety practices signing a contract and designing a poster using SMART as a reminder of how to stay safe online.

A reminder that our poem for the half term can be found on our class page. Please practise this with your child on a regular basis ahead of us performing it as a class at the end of the half term.

Who knows what the weather has in store for us this weekend but whatever the weather have a lovely relaxing time!

Mrs Hayes



Friday 6th September

It has been a lovely first few days in our new Year 3 classroom. I have been really impressed with how well all the children have settled back into a routine and how much they have progressed since I last taught them!

This week has mainly been about getting the children into a new routine and highlighting all the changes from in KS2. The children will continue to be split into two groups in Maths – a more supported group taught by Mrs Jeffrey – and a more independent group taught by myself.

In addition you will have seen that the children will be swimming every Friday but our class will begin next term.

We have lots of really fun topics to learn about his term and are currently planning some great trips and workshops too. Please do look at our curriculum map and timetable attached to find out more about the topics we will be focussing on.

What we have been up to

In Maths, we have been recapping on our learning from Year 2 to make sure we are in the correct groups from Monday.

We completed some pretty spectacular self-portraits in Art but also included some words that we thought best described us.

In English, we have been focusing on handwriting – Year 3 is the year we learn our joins and begin cursive letters. Today the children also wrote a book review describing the favourite part of a book they have read this holiday.

In RE, we wrote prayers based on our Year 3 word, Wisdom. We thanked God for our school and prayed that we have fun and learn lots in Year 3!

Finally in computing we talked about keeping safe online.


There is no homework this week but I have uploaded this term’s class poem, The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear, that we will be learning this term. Please do share it with your children.

Do please email me if you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Hayes

Year 3 Lear Timetable 24-25

00 Year 3 Curriculum Map 2024-2025

The Owl and the Pussycat- Autumn 1

Thursday 10th October

Week 5 – words ending with ture

Thursday 3rd October

Please find attached this week’s spellings and comprehension.

Also attached at the back tracks for the recorders – please do encourage your children to practise!

Week 4 – words ending with sure

Sikhi comprehension

Y3 picture of recorder for homework

Homework Thursday 26th September

Please find attached the spelling words and homework for next week.

Week 3 – y words sounding i

Relationships and Health Education

Curriculum Map


Year 3 Lear Timetable & Curriculum Map



RSR Reading Challenge

RSR Reading Challenge

RSR Reading Log

Times table practise!
