
Year 2


So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through Faith

Galatians 3 vs 26


Welcome to Class 2 Hoberman’s Homepage.


Class Updates

Friday 8th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Year 2 and welcome to Hoberman class. Myself and Miss Karen have all very much enjoyed our first hot, hot, hot week back at school and we hope the children have too. We’ve spent most of the week getting to know each other and adjusting to the expectations of Year 2. The children are doing brilliantly and we think we’re going to have a fantastic year together.

In English we’ve been learning about our class poet Mary Ann Hoberman and studying a poem he wrote called Brother. The children discussed the poem, how it made them feel and words that they liked. They also learnt the meaning of unknown words in the text.

A little bit of admin.

Homework will be set on Fridays and will be uploaded on the class website page – but not this week. We will start in earnest next week so enjoy this weekend!

Miss Bell will be reading with all the children to determine their current reading level soon. Once levels have been checked, reading books will start to go home with your children.

PE is on Mondays and Gymnastics is on Tuesdays so please make sure that your children come to school in their PE kits on these days.

We have uploaded a copy of our timetable, curriculum map and our class poem to the website so please do familiarise yourselves with them. Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns. Our email addresses are


For our Art lesson on Friday 22nd we need 16 tea towels. It would be amazing if the children could start to bring these in.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Whiting

Friday 15th September

Dear Parents/Carers

Our first full week in Year 2 and luckily no water or concrete issues to keep us off school!

This week we have been reciting the class poem Brother by our class poet Mary Ann Hoberman. The children picked their favourite describing words from the text before writing their own versions with new adjectives. You can find a copy of the poem on the class webpage and soon you should be able to hear your children recite it too!

In Maths, we have been looking at Place Value partitioning numbers into tens and ones and finding different ways of breaking numbers apart using part-whole models, tens and ones and as calculations e.g. 12 = 12 + 2 and 12 = 6 + 6. Some children are still finding this tricky so we’ve included a place value activity in our homework this week for extra practice.

In Humanities this week, we learnt about London landmarks such as Big Ben and the London Eye so do ask your children what they remember and see if they can spot any landmarks on your activities this weekend.

We also began our RE topic on Hinduism, learning what it means to be a Hindu and the importance of family. Students drew pictures, wrote about who is important in their family and why they are important. Could it be you..?

This is the first week for homework so do save some time this weekend! Children always have weekly spellings, a little bit of Maths, three sentences to write linked to spelling words and a fortnightly Comprehension activity that you will find in their homework book starting from this week. Children will bring home their homework books this afternoon (Friday), complete the homework in the book and return by next Wednesday at the latest. You will also find homework information on this webpage.

Mathletics will also be set this Friday and should be completed by the following Friday – so a couple of days extra to return! Please don’t let your children get behind with Mathletics. The work set will consolidate their class learning and help ensure it is stored in their long term memory.

Mathletics logins and spelling groups (which are fluid throughout the year) can be found on the inside front cover of your child’s homework books. The green group should learn the first 5 spellings, and the blue group should learn all 8 spellings. There are also 5 statutory spellings that all children should learn. Spelling tests will take place on Friday mornings starting from next week. Children will also be tested on two ‘unseen words’ that follow the spelling pattern for that week to assess children’s understanding of each rule.

Last call for tea towels – so far we’ve only received few donations and need 16 altogether so do please dig around in your kitchen drawers for any tea towels you are happy to pass on. These will be used in our Art lesson next Tuesday. Thanks in advance.

Your children should also have in their school bags to bring home a leaflet from FOSS detailing their amazing efforts last year and what their donations helped to pay for in school. The leaflet gives information on how you can support their work this year in the form of donations or by volunteering.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Whiting

Friday 22nd September

Happy Friday everyone.

This week Year 2 have been carrying on our Maths Place Value work partitioning 2-digit numbers and we have re-introduced the class to the greater than/less than symbols. A good trick to help children remember which way round these go is ‘the greedy crocodile always eats the bigger number!’ The Maths homework set this week will help to consolidate this.

In English we have started our new topic based around Margaret Mahy’s beautiful book ‘The Lion in the Meadow’. The class have acted out the story, answered comprehension questions and looked at the difference between retrieval and inference questions. (Answers to retrieval questions can be found in the text whilst you need to look for clues for inference questions.) The class have also thought of their own adjectives to describe the animals in the story and wrote their own questions for the lion.

Thank you for all of your tea towel donations which have been put to great use. The tea towels were used to help make children’s own felt with wool fibres.

We are still after small boxes (think matchbox size) to give our imaginary creatures in English a comfortable home so do please have a hunt at home. Many thanks to the new homes that have already been provided.

Next week, the children will be split into two groups for Maths. One will be with Mrs Foster/Mrs Wordsworth and the other half will stay with us. We will be telling the children which group they are in on Monday.

Reading books will start to go home with your children next Monday and are due back each Friday. Miss Karen will not be able to change books if they are not returned. Thank you to the parents who have already come forward to offer their help as parent-readers. If you would like to volunteer to read in Year 2 and across the school then do let us know and we will put you in touch with Natasha to start the ball rolling with DBS checks and Safeguarding training so you can be added to the list.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting & Miss Karen

Friday 29th September

Happy Friday everyone.

Well the big news for this week was our amazing trip to St Paul’s Cathedral. Hoberman class climbed over 300 steps to reach the Whispering Gallery and were blown away (not literally) by the beautiful interior. Our guide told us all about the history of the cathedral and how it has been rebuilt five times over the centuries. She was really impressed with how much the class already knew about the Great Fire of London. Some of the class were chosen to play the roles of Samuel Pepys, the Mayor of London and fire-fighters from the time. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help that day and did a fantastic job. I’m sure everyone slept really well that night after all of our adventures!

In Maths, we have been counting in twos, fives and tens really well. Today, we moved onto counting in 3’s which was slightly trickier but the class were brilliant at spotting lots of patterns to help. We’ve added a number square to the blog for practice with this.

Parentmail letters have gone out this week to alert everyone to the fact it’s Harvest Festival next Wednesday and to ask for donations. Also on 11th October it’s Hispanic Day and our year will be focusing on – Mexico! Children can wear colours from the Mexican flag or general Hispanic costumes that day so do start looking in your wardrobes for items to use.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 6th October

Happy Friday everyone and it looks like Summer is still with us so lets make the most of it!

Thank you to all parents who attended or contributed to our Harvest Festival on Wednesday. You all helped make it a truly wonderful event!

Next week we have Hispanic Day on Wednesday so do please get those outfits ready – either colours of the Mexican flag or Spanish ‘dance’ outfits. Ms Pereria has some wonderful activities planned..

Next Friday is school photographs day so please could all students come to school in their Winter uniform on that day looking spit-spot!

Thank you to all the Madan mums who have given up some of their precious time to read with Y2 students – we really appreciate this extra help. If any Hoberman parents have an hour to spare each week then do please get in touch.

This week, we have started working on odd and even numbers whilst continuing our work counting in 2’s, 3’s 5’s and 10’s. Do help by practicing on your walk to school counting at house numbers on the way.

In English we have left our lions behind and our new topic is The King’s Guard which fits in perfectly with our London landmarks Humanities topic. The children have been looking at the difference between command, question and statement sentences.

Children made some wonderful abstract art compositions this week – we have some wonderful artists in Year 2!

Have a lovely, sunny weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 13th October

Happy Friday 13th everyone and Autumn is now definitely here…

Looking forward to seeing some of you at the Parents’ Maths Information session on Monday evening at 6.30pm. This is an opportunity to find out more about the Year 2 curriculum, supporting children both in class and at home and guidance on using Mathletics. If you have any specific questions that you would like us to address please email these in advance.

This Tuesday morning, we kicked off Black History Month by joining many schools across the country virtually participating in the Great Big Live Assembly. The children were introduced to this year’s theme for Black History Month: ‘Celebrate Our Sisters’. The children listened to inspiring stories about black women of influence around the world and had the opportunity to listen to responses from panellists about practical things they can do to help make a difference in their communities. In Year 2 we will be focusing on space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin Pocock who is truly inspirational in more ways than one.

On Tuesday we also celebrated World Mental Health Day – a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s day to let people know that it’s okay to ask for help, no matter what you’re going through. This is something we look at throughout the year in our RHE work with the class.

Wednesday was our annual Hispanic Day which started by everyone coming together to sing ‘Somos como las Flores’ and watching an amazing Peruvian dance performance by ‘Ilusion Flamenca’. During the day, each class took part in a Peruvian dance workshop and learnt more about our chosen Spanish speaking country – Mexico in Year 2. As part of the day, we created self-portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo. For lunch we enjoyed a Spanish feast and finally, at the end of the day, we all came back together to watch and listen to a live Salsa Band! Olé!

Next Friday, the last day of term is our annual ‘Red Card to Racism’ day, an opportunity to show support and raise money for the UK’s largest anti-racism charity. On the day, children can wear their own clothes and we encourage them all to wear something red.

Have a lovely weekend all,

Miss Whiting

Friday 20th October

We made it everyone! Autumn 1 complete and half term awaits!

This week, we have been focusing on Black History Month with the theme of ‘Celebrate our sisters’. Year 2 have been focusing on the awesome space scientist/TV presenter Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock who, despite moving schools 13 times, went on to invent equipment for telescopes and satellites to enable scientists to see far into space and understand more about climate change.

Also, as part of Black History Month, students watched an Anansi puppet workshop, based on Caribbean folklore, and children made their own puppets linked to the story.

It was wonderful to see so many bright red outfits for our annual ‘Red Card to Racism’ day today and we all enjoyed Zephaniah’s assembly linked to the theme. This is an opportunity to show support and raise money for the UK’s largest anti-racism charity. Thanks to those of you who have contributed via Parentmail to this important cause so far.

It was great to see so many of you at the Parents’ Maths Information session on Monday evening. For those of you who couldn’t make it I sent out a copy of the presentation via Parentmail. Thanks to those parents who recommended the White Rose app for parents to use at home – lots of quick activities linked to topics we are covering in Year 2 right now such as number bonds. Please look at the link for more information.

1-minute maths app | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)

On the White Rose website, you can also find a series of short videos for parents – Maths with Michael (sadly not our Michael..) – explaining how maths may have changed since the days of your education – which was also a question raised by parents during the evening.  Maths with Michael | Michael Underwood | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)

If you have any further questions about how Maths is taught in Year 2 then do get in touch.

And if you find yourself with nothing to do over half term then why not enter the  Daunt Books Children’s Short Story Competition? Please look at Ms Pereira’s Parentmail message for more details and email your story as an attachment to Ms P at  l.pereira@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk by Friday 19th January. The competition is open to all children aged four to fifteen. The story must be all your child’s own work and must be between 300 and 1500 words. Good luck!

Your child should come home this afternoon brandishing a daffodil bulb as part of the returning London Children’s Flower Society Spring competition. We can’t wait to see all of your blossoming flowers next year. We had over 100 entries last time…

Have a wonderful half term and see you all on the other side – Autumn 2 here we come!

Friday 3rd November

Welcome back everyone to what now properly feels like Autumn. Mr Schumm’s even allowed us to put the heating on!

Our new English topic reflects this Autumnal feel with poems about Autumn leaves looking for the rhyming words and using actions when reciting them. We’re hoping to record the class reading these out later in the term so watch this space.

We also have new topics in Humanities (the Great Fire of London) which the children have been enjoying remembering their trip to St Pauls last term.

In RE we have been learning about the 10 Commandments, discussing which ones we think are the most important – a toss up between ‘Put God first’ and ‘Obey your parents’ you’ll be glad to hear. Some of the children came up with their own additional rules needed for today including ‘always hold your mummy or daddy’s hand when crossing the road!’

In Maths we’ve been learning how to cross 10s when adding together a two-digit and one digit (or two-digit number) e.g. 15 + 6 and 23 + 38. Some of the children have been finding this tricky and we’ve been looking at all the different strategies we can use to help us, such as adding the 10’s together first.

In Science we are continuing with our Animals Including Humans: Growth and Survival topic and this week looked at how humans grow as they get older. This included thinking about what we can do at each stage of our growth – from babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and adults such as learning to walk or drive. SCIENCE FACT ALERT: Did you know that your foot is the same size as your forearm? You can get your children to show you how to check if this is correct or not!

And a huge well done to all of Year 2 on their cross country efforts this Wednesday including the long walk to Ravenscourt Park. We know that some children were rather anxious about the trip beforehand but we were all so impressed at how everyone overcame their fears. And what a speedy bunch we have in Year 2. Miss Marchant (Sports lead) was super impressed with how fast everyone was. Also a big thank you to all the parents who remembered to pack spare clothes as my goodness we all needed them when the heavens opened on the way back!

Your children should have come home with their Nativity script today and their highlighted lines! Do take time to help them practice this weekend as rehearsals will start shortly and we want them to be word perfect – many thanks in advance.

Lastly don’t forget it is flu immunisation day next Monday when children who have returned consent forms will receive a nasal spray. We’re sure they will all be brave little soldiers!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 10th November

Happy Friday everyone.

We want to start by saying a huge thank you to you all for the amazing response to the feedback form this week sent by our special visitors. The number of responses took even our visitors by surprise along with the overwhelmingly positive scores. We are so grateful for your support this week. You should also be very proud of your children who behaved beautifully around our visitors – you could have heard a pin drop in our Maths classes – so thank you each and every one. It’s been a long week but we are looking forward to reading the report – watch this space!

In Science, as part of our Growth and Survival topic, we looked at what we should eat for a healthy and balanced diet including foods that are carbohydrates and proteins etc. We learnt an action for each of our food groups and designed healthy meals for the day.  It would be great if you could have a chat together about the meals you are sharing this weekend.

We met Abi – our new dance teacher for this term who taught us 4 dance moves including the ‘Bart Simpson’! The children also showed Abi their own dance moves – we have some serious movers in Year 2!

During Collective Worship today, the children listened to our local MP, Andy Slaughter, talk about his job as part of Parliament Week. The children were very knowledgeable about each of the parties and the name of our PM. When Andy asked if anyone would like to be PM themselves LOADS put their hands up so we have a few politicians in the making.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting


Friday 17th November

Happy Friday everyone.

Firstly, let us introduce you to the newest member of our class – the carpet! Our previous carpet was looking a little worse for wear so we decided to replace it with our brand spanking new model – we hope you approve. The children were very excited to see their new spots.

Thank you to everyone who attended the parents evenings this week, albeit virtually. It was lovely to put faces to names and have the chance to wax lyrical on how amazing your children are! We will be getting in touch with details of a parents open morning to give you the opportunity to look at your children’s books and have an informal chat with us all – details out shortly.

In Science, as part of our Growth and Survival topic, we looked at why exercise is important. The children checked their pulse rates before and after exercising and talked about the benefits of exercise – not just on our bodies but for our mental health and to have fun.

In Maths today, we started our new topic of inverse calculations (7 + 3 + 10 so 10-3 = 7). Some children found this trickier than others and we will be reinforcing this next week with lots of practice.

This week, we also started our new RE topic, Where is the Light of Christmas? looking at the extract from John describing Jesus as the ‘light of the world’ and what this means. We also looked at the painting of Jesus from St Paul’s Cathedral (sadly not on display at the time of our visit) by William Holman Hunt.

And we’ve been lucky enough this week to have not just one but two class assemblies from Year 5 which definitely kept us entertained and educated. We learnt lots of new myths & legends jokes today in Mr Perry’s assembly so do get ready for some belly laughs as they are repeated back to you.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 24th November

Happy Friday everyone.

As many of you are aware, the rehearsals for this year’s Nativity, ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’ have begun. The children have done a great job so far learning their lines, dances and songs.  Videos of each number have been sent to the class whats app groups so please do take time this weekend to help children learn their lines and routines – your help is much appreciated!

The performances will be on Thursday 14th December at 9.30am and 2pm in the school hall.

Costume lists have been sent out via Parentmail. If your child is required to bring in additional costume pieces, costumes need to be put into a clearly labelled bag and sent to their class by Friday 1st December.

In Science this week, the children took part in their first experiment of the term predicting what would be the best way of washing hands – with paper towels, with water or with soap and water. We used a special lotion and UV torch to check where any missed dirt still remained and wrote out our conclusions. This was part of our work on hygiene and how important it is to wash hands throughout the day and especially before eating and after going to the toilet.

In Maths today, we started our new topic on adding together 3 one digit numbers. The Maths homework on the sheets this week is on our last topic which we finished yesterday – inverse calculations (7 + 3 + 10 so 10-3 = 7) Some children found this tricky and it would be useful to practice this weekend.

In English, we read our new topic book Look Up by local author Nathan Byron sequencing the sections of this space-tastic story into the right order. The children loved the pictures and we’re looking forward to carrying on with this next week.

For our RE topic, Where is the Light of Christmas?, we looked at Christingles and the meaning behind each item, for example the orange represents Earth. Next week we will be making our own Christingles which you will be able to buy at the school fair (Saturday 2nd December).

And don’t forget that next Thursday (30th November) is own clothes day. We’ll be dusting off our Christmas jumpers especially.

Have a lovely weekend and keeeeep practicing!

Miss Whiting

Friday 1st December

Happy 1st December everyone.

First the good news – there is NO usual homework this week. No spellings, no mathletics, no sentences to write. Instead please, please, please can you help children to learn their lines and routines for the Nativity. As we draw nearer to the performance day of 14th December, it’s important that everyone feels confident that they’ve got this. It WILL be alright on the night with your support.

And on that note a reminder that all costumes should have been sent in by today. We are still missing some costumes so please do try to bring these in next week.

In RE this week following on from last week’s lesson on light, children made their own Christingles ready to be sold at the Christmas Fair tomorrow. All oranges have been personalised so do look out for your child’s creation.

We all loved meeting the donkeys yesterday – all dressed up for Christmas and so well behaved (which goes for your children too!). Children got the chance to groom the donkeys and ask questions – they were very interested in looking at the donkey’s teeth and wondering if they have to visit the dentist too.

We also loved Author day and meeting David Macintosh who spoke about his books and led a draw-a-long session teaching the class to draw animals and socks!

Have a lovely weekend  – perhaps there will be more snowflakes (we spotted some at lunchtime!)

Miss Whiting

Friday 8th December

Dear parents and carers,

Nativity rehearsals are most certainly in full swing!  The children are doing so well remembering their lines, songs and actions. No homework again this week as we’d like the children to continue to practise for this Nativity.

Please could all children come into school on the morning of the Nativity (Thursday 14th) wearing their usual school uniform. Gymnastics for Madan will either be cancelled or rescheduled next week as it clashes with the Nativity. More details to follow once confirmed.

This week in English, the children have used our book ‘Look Up’ to compose question and exclamation sentences about space. For example ‘Do you know?’, and ‘In 1957 a dog went to space’. We have also worked with a partner to brainstorm verbs, adjectives, adverbs and expanded noun phrases to describe a meteor shower.

In Maths, we have found halves and doubles of numbers, for example ‘double 6  = ?, and half 18 = 9’. We have also completed our end of unit assessment for addition and subtraction.

In computing, we have been planning and recording routes for beebots using instructions such as forward, clockwise turn, clockwise turn and forward followed by go. We were very careful to remember the go  instruction, as without it the beebots stay put!

In RE, we have looked at a painting of the Nativity scene and discussed where the light was coming from and why the Holy family had halos around their heads.

We look forward to seeing you for show time next week.


Have a great weekend!

Miss Whiting


Friday 15th December

Dear parents and carers,

Well how much fun was that! I’m sure you will agree that yesterday’s Nativity performances were an absolute triumph! Well done to all of our children for learning their lines, their dance routines and coming in at the right point. Thank you to all of you who helped your children with their parts and costumes – we did it!

This week, as you can imagine, has been taken up with rehearsals but we have squeezed in some lessons in between! Children finished off their RE, Humanities and Science topics so next term we will be starting afresh.

In English, we continued our work using the book ‘Look Up’ to write our own piece to describe a meteor shower using (deep breath), verbs, adjectives, adverbs, expanded noun phrases and exclamation marks.

It was lovely to see so many of you who at the Christmas Fair last weekend and to see how the Christingles were snapped up so quickly!

Sadly the visiting production of Wind in the Willows was cancelled by the company due to illness but rest assured they will be returning in the New Year so watch this space for details.

Now that rehearsals are over, homework is back with a comprehension piece to complete in children’s homework books and spellings to practice.

Have a great weekend – nearly there! I’m off to walk our new puppy – Ted – a toy poodle. Photos to follow (the children have already had a sneak preview!)

Miss Whiting

Thursday 21st December

21st December ‘23

I’m writing this with only 4 sleeps till Christmas on the last day of our first term together in Year 2.

Firstly, thank you for all of the Christmas cards, gifts and kind words. As Mr Perry said in our Church service today, a thank you means the world to us and lifts our spirits. We are very touched by your generosity.

This week has been, as you might expect, all about Christmas. We’ve made Christmas angels and sang our hearts out in church today.

We’ve squeezed in time for lessons and started our new Maths topic on Shapes learning about 2D shapes such as parallelograms and new words like vertices. More next term! We also finished off our DT topic by completing baby Bear’s chairs.

No homework this week but do keep up the reading over the holidays please.

It only remains to say have a restful and joyous break and we will see you on the other side.

Happy Christmas and a happy new year,

Miss Whiting

Friday 12th January

Happy Friday everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

New year, new term, new topics.

In English we have started our new topic all about The Princess and the Pea. The children have been acting out parts from the story using puppets. They also wrote great recounts about their Christmas holidays – what fun you have had!

In Maths, we have completed our work on 3D Shapes. Some children have found this topic rather tricky so it would help to practice at home using objects around you. For example a baked beans can is a cylinder, a dice is a cube and has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices etc.

In Science we have started our topic on Everyday Materials and have been sorting materials using different categories such as natural/man-made, waterproof/non-waterproof, hard/soft. Again, at home, you could help children practice by helping them identify what objects around them are made from.

In RE, we are studying the Lord’s Prayer (which the children already know very well in song form thanks to Miss Rachel!). We looked at the first two lines (Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name), translating the language and thinking about our relationship with God and those who care for us in our family, friends and wider community.

Our new topic in Humanities is Kenya. If anyone in your family has been to Kenya we’d love it if they could come in and talk to the class about their adventures. Do let us know.

Homework is back this week with an additional comprehension piece. We are discussing the reading book feedback received from parents regarding having books at the weekend and will let you know next week any changes to this. Thank you for sharing this with us.

We have dates for your diaries – the Hoberman assembly is on Thursday 29th February. We’ll be in touch with more information soon.

Have a lovely weekend and stay warm!

Miss Whiting

Friday 19th January

Happy chilly Friday everyone. Hope you’re all keeping warm…

A quick word about reading books – we know that for many of you, weekends are the best time to read with your children. We have discussed this as a year group and agree that reading books can go home at weekends from next week. Please could they be returned by Monday in order to get changed for the week ahead?

This brings us on to homework. Some homework books are not being returned in time to get marked so please could they be returned by Wednesday at the latest in order for this to be completed – thank you for your co-operation on this.

This term, parents evenings are on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st March. We will be holding open mornings from 9-9.30am on these days to give you the opportunity to look at children’s books which can then be discussed during your appointment. No need to book for the open mornings – we look forward to seeing you then.

In Maths, we have started our new topic on Money identifying the coins and notes in our currency and making the same amounts (such as £3.42) using different coins. This is a topic you can really get your teeth into at home! Do encourage your children to work out how much they would need to buy items in shops (if you are still using cash..) or have a play at home with the contents of your purse!

In RHE, we are discussing ‘Keeping Myself Safe’. Last week, we thought about what to do when feeling poorly and who should be advising on the right medication to take. As you will have guessed with so many doctors and nurses amongst our family community, the children were very knowledgeable in this area!

As part of the school’s Cracking Careers work, we were lucky enough to be visited by Jean in Year 6 and her father Keat who explained how STEM is part of his work analysing risk to buildings from certain weather conditions. The children loved explaining their previous work on the 3 Little Pigs and the importance of the right building materials followed by a game measuring probability rolling giant (soft) dice. Throughout Spring term, the Cracking Careers work will focus on Retail in Shepherds Bush, looking at local unsung heroes. If you know of anyone who works within retail in our diverse, local community please do get in touch, either with ourselves or with Ms Bill, RHE lead, y.bill@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk

Next Friday please could children come to school in their PE kit as we are lucky enough to have a training session with a Middlesex coach! There will be a further session on Friday 9th February which we will remind you about in good time.

St Stephen’s Instagram : Who has spotted the new Instagram account?

Do take a look using the links below and follow us to keep an eye on what’s been happening here from day to day. Children whose parents have given consent will appear anonymously, unless specific permission has been obtained when pupil’s names will be included. This supersedes the X / Twitter social media account, now dormant.



Have a lovely weekend and stay warm!

Miss Whiting

Friday 26th January

Happy Friday everyone!

It’s great to feel the warmer weather after the storms of late. This week, we ventured back into the school garden to see how our tulip bulbs are faring and….we can see shoots! Our tulips should be flowering by the time we start our new Plants topic after half term – yay!

This week in Science, we went on a treasure hunt around the classroom to find objects made out of metal, plastic and wood. We thought about if there were any other materials these objects could be made from considering the suitability of each material. If your children are kicking their heels this weekend do send them on a Materials treasure hunt around the house – they loved this activity.

In Maths, we finished off our Money topic bringing in simple addition and subtraction to work out how much change would be received. Next week we move onto multiplication and division.

In English we have been reading an alternative version of our class book entitled The Pea and the Princess, told from the perspective of the pea! The class wrote their own version of the story today and used contractions, past tense verbs and lots of adjectives to keep us enthralled.

In RE, we have moved onto a new section of The Lord’s Prayer – ‘forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us’ talking about why it is important to forgive and move on but how sometimes this can feel a very difficult thing to do.

Royal Academy Young Artists Competition 2024

The Royal Academy Young Artists Competition has opened again this year! Children can enter with any art they have made, be it at home or at a club. The winning entries are displayed at the Royal Academy of Arts in central London! The deadline for entry is the 7th of March. To find out more about the competition, or to enter your child’s artwork, please visit: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/

If you have any questions about the competition, please email Mrs Allen (e.allen@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk)

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting


Friday 2nd February

Happy Friday everyone – can you believe we are already into February!

Today we had an informative session with Yaz from the LFB (London Fire Brigade) which fitted in well with our Keeping Safe RHE topic. Yaz talked to us about how to call for help (by dialling 999) and how important it is to know your full address to help the emergency services reach you quickly. So part of this weekend’s homework could be ensuring everyone knows their house number, street address and postcode. He also asked if everyone could play the point and press game at home this weekend – by pointing at your smoke alarms and getting grown ups to press the button to ensure that they all work properly. A powerpoint will be winging its way to you next week linked to our talk.

We have moved onto our Multiplication and Division topic in Maths so this week’s homework is linked to this subject.

In Geography this week children had the opportunity to work with compasses so if you have a compass at home you may want to get them to have a practice and show you their new skill!

Next Friday, we will take part in ‘Wear Your Scarf to School Day’ to support Children’s Mental Health Week. Please could children come to school wearing a scarf of their choice. This is their opportunity to share if their choice of scarf says something special about them.

And as we have a cricket session next Friday please could children also come to school in their PE kit – quite a combination!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Whiting

Friday 9th February

Happy Friday everyone,

We loved watching the other Year 2 class (Madan) perform their Chinese New Year themed assembly this week.

There are lots of Chinese New Year (also known as Lunar New Year outside of China) celebrations taking place including in Central London this Sunday from 10am with parades, performances and family activities.

Chinese New Year 2024 – Year of the Dragon – Chinatown London

Many museums and galleries will also be celebrating the occasion including the Museum of London Docklands with a weekend of activities for families. Kung hei fat choy!

Lunar New Year | Museum of London Docklands

We will also be celebrating Lunar New Year on Friday 23rd February (the first week back) where children can wear red/gold clothing and enjoy a host of linked activities.

Today wass ‘Wear Your Scarf to School Day’ to support Children’s Mental Health Week. It was lovely to see all the bright meaningful scarves worn by the class that said something special about them.

Thank you for all those who participated in the recent homework survey. Due to feedback we have extended homework book hand in day to Thursday (latest) rather than Wednesday giving the children an extra day to complete their work. As a reminder, reading books are now changed on a Monday and handed in the following Monday giving children time to read them over the weekend. If children haven’t finished their books it is absolutely fine to hold on to them until they have.

We’re sorry that some of you found the Spelling sentence homework tricky this week. We will ensure that, each week, there is a standard activity plus a more challenging level if needed. If, in future, children are finding the sentences too hard then it is absolutely fine to write standard sentences that do not need to follow the theme set.

Thank you to those of you who suggested a Grammar cribsheet for all the terminology used in English. Ms Foster sent this out earlier this week via Parentmail which we hope is useful at homework time.

And on that note, due to half term, there is NO set homework this week. If you are looking for something to do then you could use previous homework sheets set this term to revise spellings and Maths activities plus reading! Plus don’t forget our class assembly practice!

Following our safety visit from the London Fire Brigade last week, you should have received an email via Parentmail with the key information given as a fireplan to be shared as a family – another half term activity!

Also as a half term activity – your children will be coming home tonight with an A4 World Book Day sheet to create a book cover with their favourite character. Once complete this can be taken to the Winkworth local office to be redeemed for a book voucher (plus our school receives £5 for EVERY entry received)!

This term we have been learning about (deep breath) The Princess and the Pea (including contractions, adverbs, -ful and –less suffixes, adjectives, informal letter writing), Money, Multiplication and Division using 2s, 5s and 10s, Using Everyday Materials in Science, The Lord’s Prayer in RE, Kenya in Geography, Keeping Myself Safe in RHE, Painting and Mixed Media in Art including colour mixing and touch rugby. Phew – such a lot of fit in such a short half term. New topics coming up next half term with a more Spring based theme. And the opportunity to discuss your childrens progress during parents evening and our open mornings.

This term’s trip has been booked with further details about the trip available on parentmail. As usual we would love parent volunteers to join us. Do email us if you are available once you have seen the date.

You should also have seen an email on Parentmail regarding our forthcoming residential trip to Swanage in the Summer term with a zoom meeting taking place on Monday 4th March at 6.15pm to give more information about the trip and answer any questions you may have.

It only remains to say have a WONDERFUL half term and see you the other side!

Miss Whiting

Friday 23rd February

Welcome back to a new Spring term – although the weather doesn’t seem to have caught up with the new season yet! We all got such a surprise seeing our new playground equipment on Monday – see for yourself in the lovely film up on our Instagram account.


We’ve had a busy first week back with the Life Bus paying us a visit on Wednesday and movie night yesterday.

And today we’ve had a fabulous celebration of Lunar New Year with amazing food, a dragon dance and Winky (Bea’s mum) reading us a story and helping us all to make Chinese lanterns.

In terms of new topics this is what we are studying this term.

Maths – Multiplication and Division of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s (reflected in our homework this week.)

English – Explanation texts and information about honeybees

Science – Growing plants (we will soon begin an experiment into growing radishes under different conditions).

RE – Easter Symbols (this week we revised the Easter story using symbols such as bread and wine for the Last Supper.

History – Florence Nightingale & Mary Seacole

RHE – Rights and Respect

In Design & Technology we will be making our own fairground wheels and need your help collecting materials! Please save your eggboxes and small or medium yoghurt pots as these are vital components for our wheel – all will be revealed soon. By 12th March please.

School Trip – thanks so much for all of you who have volunteered. We are very lucky to have such dedicated parents/carers. We now have a full house of volunteers – thanks very much!

And last, but not least, the class are doing brilliantly with their rehearsals. Do keep practicing this weekend for one last push before the big day next week – we can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 1st March

Welcome to March and Happy St David’s Day!!

On Monday 4th March we look forward to ‘seeing’ as many of you as possible for our Swanage zoom meeting at 6.15pm. Some questions have already been sent in advance for which we have prepared answers to hopefully put your minds at rest if any worries.

Next Thursday 7th March is World Book Day. We can’t wait to see all of your fabulous costumes. There will be a book fair at school so do bring in cash labelled with your child’s name in an envelope if you would like them to choose a book. We also have the opportunity for extra reading that day. Please find attached the Reading Challenge sponsorship forms and letter which starts on Monday and runs for a week.

RSR Reading Log

RSR sponsorship form St Stephens

RSR_Primary_Letter-to-Parents St Stephens

Beat the Streets challenge – We are second in the leader board for primary schools in this part of Hammersmith & Fulham. In assembly today Mr Schumm reminded everyone to check they have signed up online and labelled their cards. There is also an extra 100 points if you fill in the online survey – good luck everyone and lets get moving/tapping!

On Friday 8th March, we will have a special Mothers Day breakfast first thing with lots of freshly made goodies. Do please come along if you can.

In RE we have been focusing on the Easter Story. If you come across any smooth stones on your walks this week please do bring them into school for next week’s lesson on washing away sins. We will be writing down things to forgive on our stones then washing them away!

In DT we have been busy designing our fairground wheels for which we need lots of materials! Thank you for all of the eggboxes and yoghurt cartons that have been arriving into school. Could you please also save your cardboard boxes – ideally cereal boxes and flattened for storage purposes? Thank you in advance.

In Science for our Growing Plants topic, we have been observing the growth of our radish seeds including those receiving sunlight and water and those kept in a cupboard in the dark (with and without water). This week, we also observed how well our tulip bulbs, planted last Autumn, have been flourishing. And to coincide with our topic, this Sunday is World Wildlife Day celebrating wild animals and plants. More information here – Home | Official website of UN World Wildlife Day

Royal Academy Young Artists Competition: There is still just under a month left to enter your artwork into the Royal Academy Young Artists Competition. The artwork can be in any medium you’d like: painting, drawing, sculpture or even performance art!  The deadline for entries is 5pm March 27th. Please visit: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/ to find out more and enter your child’s artwork. If you have any questions about the competition please email Mrs Allen: e.allen@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk

Have a lovely weekend all,

Miss Whiting

Friday 8th March

Happy International Women’s Day!

First, apologies for not mentioning our amazing assembly last week in last week’s blog. How fantastic were your children and thank you to you all for both turning up on the day and helping your children learn so many song and dance routines. We couldn’t be prouder.

Ms Periera did us proud for World Book Day with our annual parade and book sale. The children looked fantastic and it was so lovely seeing them reading at break time with their new books.

We hope those that checked into the zoom meeting on Swanage on Monday found it useful and that it answered all the questions you may have. Please do get in touch if anything else has occurred to you – we really do want everyone to come along! We hope those of you who could not make it have received the presentation via Parentmail.

We have begun new topics in both English (Rhythm and Rhyme) introducing the rhyming books Dare and Hippy Hoppy Toad. In Maths  we have started the Measurement topic and have included some practice in this week’s homework.

On Tuesday as part of Cracking Careers we were lucky enough to have a visiting parent Naz who owns Delina in Shepherds Bush Market and even brought in delicious snacks!

The children sampled more food today as part of their Science lesson on seed dispersal counting the number of seeds in various fruits including pomegranates and papayas.

Finally, we’ve heard a bit of chat in KS1 about an online film series – Skibidi Toilet – which has also featured a lot in the news. We just wanted to remind everyone the importance of being aware of what your children are watching and to ensure that you have the relevant filters on. I’m attaching a recent article from The Guardian about Skibidi Toilet. I did wonder why some of our children knew the Tears for Fears track Mad World!


Also, some children have been bringing in lipgloss rather than just lipbalm which we have been allowing when the weather was colder. Now that Spring is on the way, it would be best if this was kept in their school bags if really needed for chapped lips but we will now say no to lipgloss. The same applies to soft toys which have started to find their way into the classroom. These are best kept at home to avoid distress if they cannot be found.

Happy Mothers Day to all your lovely mums out there for Sunday. Hope you have a restful day and are spoilt silly.

Miss Whiting


Friday 15th March

Apparently Spring is only five sleeps away now – we can’t wait for the warmer weather.

We’re looking forward to meeting with you all at parents evening next Wednesday and Thursday. Just a reminder that you are also welcome to attend the open mornings on these days, between 9-9.30am, for the opportunity to look through your children’s school books. The children and staff will be in Collective Worship at this time so it should be nice and quiet!

And hopefully we will have tidied up all the spare egg boxes and yoghurt cartons by then. DT Day extended into DT Days as the class knuckled down to creating their fairground wheels with pods and axels. We won’t lie – it was tough, with blood, sweat and tears, but we were so impressed with the resilience and determination of the children who problem solved and, even better, supported one another tremendously.

In English, we’ve moved on from rhyme and repetition to looking at books by the author Simon James (Dear Greenpeace and Mr Scruff). We’ve been learning more about the author and using rhyming and alliteration to write our best sentences.

In Maths, we continued with our Measurement topic moving on from centimetres and metres (using rulers and metre sticks) to mass/weight in grams so a great opportunity to get cooking this weekend weighing out items and using the words heavier and lighter than.

In RE, we carried out our last Easter lesson on symbols looking at the symbolism of water in the Easter story for Christians. Children wrote something they wanted to be forgiven for which will be displayed on our RE working wall.

For our Growing Plants topic in Science, we continued to observe our radish plants growing (or not) in the sunlight, in a cupboard and with or without water. We looked back on our earlier predictions about the best growing conditions for our plants and reached our final conclusions.

A reminder about Odd Socks Day next Thursday, 21st March, to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. The brighter the better!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 22nd March

Happy Friday and welcome to Spring!

It was good to have the opportunity to meet with you all (albeit online) and have time to talk about the progress of your children. I think we’re getting better at beating the countdown clock and not being cut off mid sentence now!

This week in Maths, we moved on from measuring in grams to looking at millilitres introducing the terms volume and capacity. The children are good at measuring when on the line but, if you have time this weekend, it would be useful to give them practice with a measuring jug looking at the increments.

In English, we have continued looking at the stories of Simon James introducing the class to Mr Scruff (a firm favourite) and Leon and Bob. We used this book to create our own story plans about imaginary friends.

In RE, we moved on from Easter to Saints, finding out more about the saint attached to our school – Saint Stephen – the first martyr and the patron saint of….bricklayers!

The children loved coming into school in their odd socks on Thursday to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.

Next week is our last week of this Spring term with the annual Easter Bonnet parade on Tuesday and the Easter service in church on Thursday morning – our last day of term. We also have our school trip to look forward to with some great workshops planned.

If your child is in Crummell house, they have the treat of wearing their own clothes to school next Monday!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Thursday 28th March

We made it!

The weather may not have caught on yet but – let the Easter holidays begin.

Year 2 pulled out all the stops for our Easter bonnet parade on Tuesday looking spring-tastic! Thank you to all of you involved in their creative efforts.

Our trip to Gunnersbury Park went down a storm with everyone this week and all your children were beautifully behaved. The children loved meeting Florence Nightingale and role playing helping Florence out on her duties. Plus sleeping lions on the bus on the way back was a particular highlight. Thank you to all the parents who helped out or volunteered on the trip – we couldn’t do it without you.

This week has mainly been about end of term tests and finishing off topics so we can start the Summer term afresh. We even managed to fit in an Easter Egg hunt this afternoon!

No homework over the holidays but please do keep reading and using the materials on the blog page like the hundred square. Apologies for those of you who requested extra materials over the holidays – this week has been super busy – but please can we direct you to the parents’ section of White Rose and their app ‘One Minute Maths’ to keep practicing the 2, 5 and 10s tables (and the 3s if you fancy a challenge..)

Have a wonderful Easter and see you on the other side.

Miss Whiting


Friday 19th April

Welcome back everyone – hope you had wonderful breaks wherever you were and whatever the weather..

Today, we had a delicious lunch to celebrate Eid cooked by some of our wonderful parents and a special assembly, led by Adam’s dad, where we found out lots of facts about this special festival in the Muslim calendar.

We have new topics beginning in each subject: In Maths we are learning about fractions (halves, quarters and thirds) with homework to reflect this. In English we have been reading the book Dear Deer which plays with homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently and with different meanings). In Humanities, we are learning about maps. In RE, we are learning about Hindu gods whilst in Science we are looking at Living Things and their Habitats.

Our RHE topic this half term is Being my Best! You will find the Knowledge Page to accompany this topic on our webpage for more information.

This term we have a school trip planned along with our residential – more details to follow on Parentmail so watch this space! In anticipation of our residential, your child will be bringing home a form this afternoon to be filled in along with a brown envelope for spending money (max of £5 please). Please can these both be returned to class ASAP.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Whiting


Friday 26th April

Hello and happy Friday!

This Monday, we celebrated Earth Day – a celebration of our planet – and an opportunity to talk about climate change. This year’s theme is Planet vs Plastics and we talked, as a class, about the importance of recycling and thinking about the materials we use.

Today, we also had a delicious Passover lunch to celebrate the Jewish festival of Pesach – thank you to all parents involved in creating this special meal.

We also took a trip to Year 6 to look at their WW2 exhibition as students worked together to create a booklet presentation packed full of interesting information accompanied by a 3D model. We got to vote on our favourite pieces of work.

This week in Maths, we continued our work on fractions using our previous knowledge gained on 1/2s and 1/4s to look at equivalent fractions (so 2/4 = ½) before moving onto 3/4s. Finding 3/4s is proving especially tricky. The homework this week reinforces this topic and do please use practical materials like pizza to help!

In English we have moved onto a new book – Dear Juno – about a little boy writing letters to his grandma in Korea. We have been using the story to practice retrieval (finding key information in the text) and inference (making inferences using evidence from the text) skills. We have also been using both coordinating (joining words, phrases and clauses in the middle of a sentence such as and) and subordinating conjunctions (a conjunction at the start of a sentence such as although) and similes to write lovely long sentences linked to the book.

In Humanities, we walked around the school and used our observations to create a detailed map with keys and symbols.

In RE, we have been learning about the holy book for Hindus – the Bhagavad Gita – the longest poem ever written and in Sanskrit.

In Science, we continued our work on Habitats thinking about the most suitable habitats for different animals.

Thank you to all parents who have offered to help out on our forthcoming trip. We had so many offers we even have a reserve list!

A reminder to those still outstanding to return both your Swanage forms and spending money in the brown envelopes provided please. Do let us know if these have been mislaid so we can replace them for you.

We look forward to meeting some of the children’s grandparents next Friday – if any grandparents would like to come in to have a chat with us on Friday morning about an interesting part of their lives then do let us know!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whiting

Thursday 2nd May

Happy Thursday everyone,

As Mrs Wordsworth, who normally uploads our blog, is on a training course tomorrow (Friday) the class blog is a day early.

A quick introduction to the newest member of our team – Miss Maxwell – who is carrying out her teaching practice with Hoberman class and has been teaching the supported Maths class this week. Miss Maxwell is with us until July – welcome!

We’ve had a busy week starting a new topic in Maths all about Time (o’clock, half past, quarter to/past and five minute intervals). This is a tricky topic and the homework this week includes Time activities. If you have ‘time’ to practice this weekend this would be much appreciated.

In English, we have been looking at the difference between the past and present tense when writing verb sentences and using these to help write our own diary entries just like in our class book Dear Juno.

In Science, we have been getting ready for Swanage looking at coastal habitats and the plants and animals that live there – exciting!

In RE we learnt about the rituals to expect when visiting a Mandir (a Hindu temple) and then looked at a Puja tray – used at home when worshipping. We even had red dots applied to our head!

We know the children are really excited about grandparent’s day tomorrow. Please remember the kitchen is closed so children will need to bring in a packed lunch.

Have a wonderful extended bank holiday weekend,

Miss Whiting


Friday 10th May

Happy Friday in what finally feels like Summer!

Some sensible children have been bringing in sunhats for breaktime to keep themselves cool. We’d also recommend applying long lasting suncream before coming into school now the weather is so warm. We are also reminding children to drink water regularly.

We had a wonderful time on our ‘clay day’ yesterday learning how to shape and join together pieces of clay in order to make our own house designs which hopefully should have made their way home. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – we have very creative children in our classes!

And on that note congratulations to A in Hoberman class whose work was selected from over 21,000 entries to be exhibited as part of the Young Artists competition at the Royal Academy – well done A!

A message from Miss Rachel below:

Class music concerts (w/c 20th May)

We will be having informal “class concerts” during our music lessons during the week before half term. It would be lovely for children to share something that they are learning on their musical instruments! It doesn’t have to be a perfect performance- more to share with the class and to hear and learn about different instruments! Please send music in with your child if they would like to play.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 17th May

Happy Friday on our penultimate week of Summer 1.

There is no usual homework this or next week. Instead we are setting a special Science challenge which you will find in the Homework section which we hope will keep everyone occupied during half term!

Please remember to bring a packed lunch in with your child on Monday as we have our special sports event.

In Maths, we have started a new topic on Statistics looking at tally charts and pictograms to record data and using keys of different amounts to log our results.

In RE, we have finished our topic on Hindu symbols with the tale of Rama & Sita, drawing rangoli patterns to celebrate Diwali and welcome the goddess Lakshmi into homes.

And in English, we’ve been writing our own stories based on the book Mrs Noah’s Pockets (a class favourite) based on the perspective of the ‘troublesome creatures’ using verbs, adverbs, adjectives and conjunctions.

A message from Miss Rachel re Music:

Just a reminder that we will be having informal “class concerts” during our music lessons next week – for Hoberman class this will be next Monday afternoon. It would be lovely for children to share something that they are learning on their musical instruments or voice. We will be in the top hall which has a piano. Remember to bring your music in if you are using a book (and if you have a piano accompaniment bring it along and I can play with you). I’m looking forward to hearing you all!

A message from Miss Allen re Arts Day:

Arts Day on the 19th of June is fast approaching! We are still looking for parents, carers, grandparents, godparents – really anyone with an interest in art, to come in to school to support the classes on the day with their art. This could be either by leading a workshop or to support the teachers in class. If you would like to volunteer please email Mrs Allen (e.allen@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk).

We are also continuing to collect found objects, especially small items such as buttons. Please donate these by placing them into the red letterbox outside the main reception.

And a message from Mr Gane!: 

Lily arrived for the Y6 SATs breakfast on Monday morning with her hoodie hood snuggly fastened, as if she wanted to hide something… We didn’t have to wait long for the big reveal.

A long time in the planning, Lily said it was a year ago that she made the decision to donate her hair for children with cancer. She grew it looooong, had it cut on 11th May and is asking for contributions towards the £500 it takes to turn her hair into a wig. The Little Princess Trust then provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.

The Little Princess Trust, also one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in the UK, relies solely on the generosity of its wonderful supporters, who help the charity give ‘Hair and Hope’ to so many children and young people with cancer each year.

Please visit Lily’s JustGiving page and do what you can to help her achieve her £500 goal. https://www.justgiving.com/page/lily2024hair?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Flily2024hair&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

We are VERY PROUD of you Lily.

Have a super sunny weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 24th May

Happy half term!

We hope you’ll forgive the late arrival of this week’s round up – for obvious reasons!

On Monday morning, we took part in the Year 2 Sports Festival organized at Ravenscourt Park where children took part in activities such as tag rugby, sack race and hurdles. We were so lucky with the weather and a great time was had by all.

On Monday afternoon, children were invited to take part in Miss Rachel’s class concerts. Message from Miss Rachel follows:

We had a lovely class concert on Monday with ten performances including piano, flute, violin and voice! The children were so supportive of each other and it was wonderful to hear their musical talents. Well done to all who played!

On Wednesday Year 2 met the new Scientist in Residence, Linda, for an extended science session all about States of Matter. The idea is to have a session with Linda each term and we can’t wait for the next one!

The children spent the rest of their time at school carrying out prep work to be match ready for their residential including map work and wildlife identification.

And finally the big day arrived! We were so lucky with the weather, and the traffic, arriving at our destination in time to catch the yellow ferry over to Brownsea Island where we had a lovely walk full of nature and a sea view. We had lunch in the huge play area which we had all to ourselves building dens and finding quiet hidey holes to sit and chat before heading back to our home for the next couple of days. After dinner, finding our bedrooms and unpacking we headed down to the beach for a paddle and Mr Schumm’s gift of chips (which the seagulls also enjoyed). Then, home for showers and lights out.

The following day, we breakfasted like kings and queens before a beautiful coastal walk to Durlston Park. Here, we took part in fossil workshops (where some of our children educated the facilitators who said we were the most knowledgeable group they had ever had!) and had a picnic lunch. Sadly, it was then time to hop back on the coach and head home – tired but happy and with fabulous memories made.

We couldn’t have been prouder of your children – it was so lovely to spend this special time with them getting to know them all in new ways, playing, having chats and just hanging out. It was also great to see how well both classes got on and new friendships made. A trip we won’t forget and we have our new pet squirrels as a memento. We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing all of the photos. We couldn’t upload them all here but just a choice few as a reminder.

Any lost property and medication from the trip can be picked up once back at school.

And finally, we have a confirmed date for our Science Habitats exhibition – Monday 10th June with parents invited to view the exhibits from 3.15-3.45pm. All exhibits to be returned to school by Friday 7th June please!

Have a wonderful half term and see you on the other side.

Miss Whiting

Friday 7th June

Happy Friday everyone and welcome back!

This week in English, we have been reliving our wonderful time in Swanage learning about the features of postcards to write our own postcards describing our Dorset adventures.

In Maths, we have worked on a new topic: Position and direction, using words such as clockwise, anti-clockwise, forwards, backwards, left and right to direct each other around the classroom and to Shepherds Bush landmarks on a map. Use these to help your children find their way to bed tonight!

In History, our new topic is Remembering History: Significant events and figures from around the world including, this week, Jesse Owens, understanding the challenges he faced.

In RE we started our new topic Why did Jesus tell stories? sharing our favourite stories and discussing why we enjoyed them. We learnt that, sometimes, stories have a meaning behind them and about parables – stories told by Jesus with a Christian message – that Jesus wanted his followers to learn and think about in their everyday lives. We read the fable by Aesop The Hare and the Tortoise so do ask your children to recount it to you and ask them about the meaning behind the story.

Our new topic in RHE is Growing and Changing (please find the topic planner on our blog page for more information). This week, we looked at all the ways we can give positive feedback to each other and used the words we had come up with when giving our partners a helping hand to lead them around the playground blindfolded!

Thankyou to all who have brought in their habitats so far. For those still outstanding, please do ensure these are in school by Monday morning ready for our exhibition that afternoon. Parents are invited into class at 3.15-3.45pm so a later pick up for students on that day and please do take your habitats home with you at the end of the day. The children are very excited to share these with you.

You should have received a parentmail regarding details for next Friday’s Sports Day. As requested, if you are unable to get your children there and back yourselves, please think about how they will get to and from the venue. Children to wear their PE kit that day, a top reflecting their house teams and a waterproof jacket. Packed lunches and water will also be needed plus adequate sun protection. We hope to see you there!

Arts Day: request for materials

A further parentmail went out regarding our forthcoming Arts Day on Weds 17th June with a request to save recycled materials from home useful for junk modelling such as magazines/newspapers, cereal boxes, coloured bottle tops and 2 plastic bottles (preferably one large 1litre bottle and one smaller 500mil). Thank you to those of you who have already been collecting these for us.

Bike ride to Windsor – 20th July

In September 2023, Marlow Mullaly (Y5 Mr Perry and Clover’s brother!) raised over £1,000 for Cancer Research UK by riding 30 miles from Shepherds Bush to Windsor. He is planning to do the ride again on Saturday 20th July and this year has decided to raise money for our school!

If anyone else would like to join them (Marlow, his Dad James, their keen cyclist friend Han and Mrs Wordsworth’s son – Joseph) that would be great! Any children wanting to join us would need to bring a guardian with them and need to be capable of riding their bike for a few hours (albeit with plenty of breaks and snacks). The route is beautiful, mostly through parks and by the river but does involve some roads. We would aim to leave early around 7.30/8am to arrive at Windsor castle late morning / lunchtime and returning by train.

Please contact James (07785586443 / befree1@live.co.uk) if you are interested in joining for the ride. Otherwise your sponsorship support would be wonderful!

If you would like to make a donation follow the link below for this worthy cause.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Foster

Thursday 13th June

Happy Thursday everybody!

Posting this a day early due to Sports Day – more photos and a report to follow – watch this space!

It was lovely to see so many dads and lads at our delicious breakfast this morning – Happy Father’s Day for Sunday and we hope you get breakfast in bed and thoroughly spoilt.

We’re still brimming with pride from our fantastic Shoebox Habitats exhibition on Monday. It’s the first time we’ve tried this in Year 2 and the children did us proud – rehearsing what to say, designing invitations and creating fabulous habitats. It was so heartwarming to see how confidently they talked about their habitats, the conditions required and the plants and animals who live there, both with the younger children who visited from Reception and Year 1 through to the older children from Years 3 & 5 and of course – Mr Schumm. Well done everyone.

In English (and Computing), we looked back on our time at Swanage writing rules for visitors to Brownsea Island, researching information about the location through the National Trust website and identifying good features of an information text about Brownsea Island.

In RE, we continued our topic on Jesus telling stories, looking at the Parable of the Lost (or Prodigal) Son discussing the Christian message behind the story – that God is willing to forgive those who are truly sorry. We thought about how each character in the story could be feeling and thought about a time when we forgave someone (or were forgiven ourselves).

In Art, we are on the topic Making Monsters and, this week, made linkages using split pins and card finding different ways of making them move.

In Humanities, for our Significant Figures topic we focused on the history of the Olympics and discussed why it is an important event.

Next week, we have not just an Arts Day but 3 days of Arts activities with workshops taking place with Pigment Press and Bea’s mum from our class who has kindly come up with a great arts session for us. She has requested materials to help with this so please could you keep and bring in the following materials – many thanks in advance – cardboard boxes (cereal box thickness), tissue paper and clean plastic packaging.

This is alongside our earlier request to save recycled materials from home useful for junk modelling such as magazines/newspapers, cereal boxes, coloured bottle tops and 2 plastic bottles (preferably one large 1litre bottle and one smaller 500mil). Your recycling bins will be empty at this rate!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 21st June

Happy Friday everyone on the longest day of the year!

Year 2 had a wonderful sports day last Friday with (deep breath) tug of war, long jump, hurdles, javelin, fun races, 100 and 300 metres. Thank you to Mr Schumm for his dance to bring out the sun (check out Instagram if confused!).

We’ve had a busy Arts Week this week, beginning on Tuesday, when Pigment Press (based in Shepherds Bush Market) came in for the first of their two sessions focusing on observational drawings and collaging of fruit.

Next, on Wednesday, Year 2 were off timetable to focus on making, first, a sea collage followed by a plastic bottle fish.

You will have the chance to witness their great work at the forthcoming Arts Cafe Display on 5th July.

Whole School Display

The Arts Day fun does not stop there! We will be creating a whole school display to celebrate eco-art. In order to do this, every child needs to bring in 1 round found object in the following colours: Year 2- Orange. Thank you in advance – we know we have been asking a lot of you with regards to materials to bring in.

On Thursday, we were visited by Bea’s mum Winky who gave a presentation on the idea of shadow art with amazing photos showing how light can transform objects beyond their original form and colour. The children were encouraged to use their imagination to explore with light by putting reclaimed objects together, changing combinations to make different shapes using torches and white paper. We had a wonderful session and made some amazing shapes of our own – thank you Winky!

And finally, Pigment Press were back at school on Friday for screen printing sessions wheeling in an amazing contraption from their studio to help the children create and transfer their designs onto the canvas tote bags provided. How lucky are we! Photos of this to follow next week.

We also had a Cracking Careers session this afternoon with Clover and Marlow’s mum – Lucy – who spoke about her job with AllChild, a charity which works with young people and families in London and Manchester.

In English this week, we are using the book The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda & David Armitage to carry out work on comprehension and grammar – the children have loved this story!

In RE, we have learnt about the Parable of the Sower with the underlying message for Christians of listening to God.

Sorry there was no time for Library this Friday due to the art sessions taking place. We will aim to change books instead next Monday.

Also no Comprehension Homework this week as we’ve just ran out of time! We will set next week instead…

We’ve had a few cases in Year 2 of streptococcal infection which can start off with a rash. It is treatable with antibiotics so do read the attached link and please be vigilant on looking out for the symptoms as it is infectious. Once diagnosed, children should be kept off school for at least 24 hours after taking antibiotics.

Strep A – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

A request please for volunteers for our forthcoming trip – the date can be found on the recent parentmail communication.

Happy Friday everyone!

Miss Whiting



Friday 28th June

Happy Friday everyone and what a scorcher it has been so far this week!

We promised a round up from the last screenprinting session from Pigment Press which took place last Friday, where the children printed their own observational drawings of fruit onto canvas tote bags. You will be able to see the bags in all their glory at the Arts Café next Friday from 3-4.30pm along with samples of Year 2’s recycled theme art work from our Arts Day. There will also be the opportunity to purchase the canvas tote bags at the S.S. upcoming Summer Fair on Saturday 6th July.

In English, we have continued with our work on The Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage looking at when to use apostrophes to mark singular possession and –ful suffixes. The spelling homework this week reinforces their work on apostrophes.

In Maths, year 2 have been focusing on partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways and today worked on subtracting 2-digit numbers from other 2-digit numbers with some children crossing 10s.

In RE, we read the parable of The Foolish Builder and built houses ourselves to test whether strong foundations were required to enable the houses to withstand a ‘flood’.

In RHE, we are working through this term’s topic: Growing and Changing. As part of this topic, children drew around each other’s bodies and identified all the body parts that they knew. We talked about which body parts can be seen when we are wearing clothes or a swimming costume and those that can only be seen by us when having a bath. We talked about the proper terms for both boys and girls different body parts – vulva, penis and testicles. We discussed how we look after things that are private and what we could do if we ever thought that someone was not being respectful of what is private to us.

A reminder that it is own clothes day next week on Thursday 4th July.

And please look out on Parentmail for details regarding our forthcoming trip!

This afternoon, we have a special musical theatre session with Theatre For Schools on The Selfish Giant. Details and images to follow next week.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Whiting

Friday 5th July

Happy Friday all!

Another busy, busy week so let’s begin.

We promised last week to send pictures from the puppet show of The Selfish Giant which took place last Friday afternoon. All children participated in the singing of songs and 2 lucky children from each Year 2 class were invited on stage to be part of the performance! The children were all transfixed!

As you will no doubt be aware, next week is our school production! The children have been working SO hard! Please check parentmail for details of outfits and timings for each day – we look forward to seeing you all then.

This week, we went to the amazing Holland Park Ecology Centre to reinforce all of our great work on habitats so far this term. We focused on woodland and pond habitats finding creatures from each habitat through pond dipping and hunts. We identified each creature on the ID sheet and talked about what each creature ate. We found lots such as a greater water boatman and a newt! Thank you to our amazing parent helpers – we couldn’t have done it without you!

The Ecology Centre is not just for school trips and has a variety of brilliant family activities throughout the year. Further details from the link below and we would recommend signing up to the newsletter to find out more details when events become available.

Events and Activities | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (rbkc.gov.uk)

Arts Cafe

We look forward to seeing some of you this afternoon at the Arts Cafe. In keeping with the whole school recycle and reuse theme for Arts Day, Year 2 used old plastic bottles to create amazingly colourful fish.  First they cut the bottom of our bottle off so they could create the tail, then they selected colourful acrylic paints to decorate!  Finally they stuck the bottle lid onto the fish to create an eye!

Year 2 also took inspiration from their recent residential trip to Swanage to inspire their sea collages made from recycled materials.  First, they created a blue background using either paint or oil pastels, then they used old magazine and newspaper clippings to create the waves.  Finally, they made boats with sails out of recycled junk modelling.  The children worked hard to arrange packaging in creative ways!

We have an exciting event planned for next Friday, 12th July straight after school in the playground (weather permitting) – we are creating our very own ‘St Stephen’s Heritage Museum’! This will be a museum filled with items / artefacts which have a very important meaning to your families… Items which may tell us about a family’s cultural heritage, their family history or just something that is really special to them!

But to create a museum, we need artefacts and this is where parents / carers come in! Do you have an item that you would be happy for us to display? If the answer is ‘yes’ then please send it in with a label offering a brief history of the item and why it is important to your family. Together we can create our very own museum to celebrate our school community!

This is our last week for homework and borrowing books from the library as we start winding down. Please could you ensure children bring a carrier/tote bag next Monday so they can start taking home their books to share with you – there are a lot!

Look forward to seeing some of you at the Summer Fair tomorrow!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Whiting


Friday 12th July

Happy Friday everyone – the penultimate Friday blog of Year 2.

This week, we have been gearing up for the school production. The children have been performing brilliantly but, unusually for some, their singing has been on the quiet side so please do encourage them to stand tall and proud and sing their hearts out whilst practicing at home.

As mentioned in last week’s blog, there is no more homework for the remainder of this term. However, instead, please spend time practicing the Y2 song for the Summer Show with your child as this will help them feel super confident when finally on stage. Thank you to all those who have brought in costumes so far. For any remaining, please bring this into school in a labelled bag as soon as possible.

We’ve attached the lyrics for the song Y2 will be performing. Good luck getting rid of the earworm!

Year 2 Youre never 2

Please read the email from Mr Schumm regarding the logistics for the production evenings. The children must have eaten their dinner before coming to school as there will be no snacks given out. Please do not send snacks with your children. As they will have late evenings we will have a soft start next Thursday and Friday until 10am.

In terms of classroom work, this week we started our final English book – Grobblechops, by Elizabeth Laird & Jenny Lucander, which we used to work on adjectives (describing words), similes (comparing one thing with another) and expanded noun phrases (adding further adjectives together to describe a noun). The children came up with great descriptions of their own monsters and were so inventive. We especially loved C’s description of a misunderstood monster who actually just wanted a hug!

We completed our RE topic on the Parables this week by looking back on all the parables that we had learnt and the Christian messages behind them. The children chose how to share what they had learnt, either through art, writing a storybook or role play. Unsurprisingly, many of them chose role play and retold the parables in their own funny, inventive and moving ways.

Library books – Today (Friday 12th July), was the last day to return books and no more books can be taken out of the library now. You will receive reminders from Mrs Peraira if there are any outstanding books so do have a good look under beds and in bags just in case.

Hopefully, you will have received most class books now. The final batch (of the books the children are currently using) will be brought home in the final few days. Do take time over the holidays to go through these with your children. We’re sure they will want to show you the work they are really proud of.

Reports will also be sent out via Parentmail next Friday so watch this space!

Mental Health survey –As you may have seen on parentmail, our school is focusing on developing a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing for children and staff. As part of an initial audit, staff, parent/carers and governors are asked to complete a questionnaire. The link is below if you have a few minutes to complete and help us move forward with this important initiative. On that note, you may also have seen on Parentmail that Mrs Wordsworth is offering both KS1 and KS2 Yoga Clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings to help start the day feeling calmer and refreshed. Hope to see some of you there.


Year 1 and Year 2 will be having their water fights on Wednesday 17th July. Please ensure that you send your child into school on Wednesday with the following:

  • A change of clothes for the water fight (swimming costumes are allowed but not required)
  • A change of shoes and socks for the water fight
  • A towel
  • Any water guns or water fight equipment you have at home.

Children learning musical instruments were invited to audition for the ‘final’ which was held in Collective worship yesterday (Thursday 11th July). We were lucky enough to have three performers from our class go through to the final – A, B and L who performed brilliantly and we are sure will be returning in future years. Well done girls!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Whiting

Friday 19th July

Happy (last) Friday everyone – a short and sweet blog this week.

Firstly, how amazing were Hoberman class this week at the production! All those late nights and still they came on stage smiling and ready for anything (even late cues!!). We are very proud of how well they performed and behaved! Thank you for helping them learn their lyrics, dance moves and providing their costumes.

Year 2 had splashtastic water fun earlier this week and in the perfect weather for such an activity.

Please watch out for the Year 2 school reports winging their way to your email inbox this afternoon and do let us know if you have any queries. The class photo should also be in school bags today.

Most school books should be back with you now – just English and Maths to go. We hope you enjoy sharing them with your children.

As I am sure you can appreciate, we would like a clean slate for the end of the term in terms of the year group cloakroom. Please encourage your children to find and bring home any left jumpers, coats, water bottles , lunchboxes etc. Otherwise any remaining items will be put in lost property next Wednesday.

Have a fabulous weekend and for those of you joining the walk in Dorset – good luck!!!

Miss Whiting


Wednesday 24th July

We made it!

Well here we are, at the end of the school year, older and wiser and with lots of lovely memories. We went through photos of our time together as a class today to look back on our fabulous year. We really enjoyed looking back as a class – they’ve grown and learnt so much! Thank you very much for all the good wishes and little gifts that have been making their way into school – they are much appreciated.

Well done to everyone who took part in the sponsored walk in Dorset last weekend raising valuable money for our school. I heard it was wet and muddy but it sounds like a fabulous time – I’ll be there next year!

And well done to Clover’s brother, Marlow, and Eliana’s brother, Tobias, for cycling all the way from the school gates to Windsor this weekend – over 30 miles – to raise money for the school.

This week, we have been looking back on our time in Year 2 and wrote letters to those in Year 1 who will be coming up next year. Some children went downstairs and read out the letters to the class to give them encouragement and calm any nerves they may have.

We also went to our new classrooms and met our new teacher in Year 3 and KS2!

Some of our lovely parents came into school on Tuesday to run prayer day and helped us to create a fabulous new display in the hall with pictures of faces and personal prayers to say thank you, please or sorry.


Tears were shed today at our Year 6 service where we said goodbye, read prayers, sang songs and shared our memories of this wonderful year group.

Some of you have asked for advice on additional work over the summer. We do want everyone to have a well-earned break but would recommend to keep reading. Whilst school books can’t be taken home there is the Summer Reading Challenge at local libraries to participate in.

Summer Reading Challenge

You can also download free e-books at the right level for your children from the Oxford Owl website link here – https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/oxford-reading-tree-levels/

For those of you looking for Maths support, the White Rose 1 minute Maths app that we recommended at the earlier transition meeting is very useful.

1-minute maths app | White Rose Education

I’ve included some Maths games in the Useful Information section of the blog plus there are are some great Maths games on the BBC Bitesize website which may feel slightly more fun than work – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zjxhfg8

It only remains for us to say have a wonderful holiday and rest. It isn’t goodbye as we will see you all at school and I’m lucky enough to see some of Summer camp!

Until we meet again, Miss Whiting