Library News: Storms & Weather

Inspired by the grey and windy morning we will be enjoying stories about storms and weather in the Library this week. This morning the Library topic box is full of tales of falling branches, broken tiles and even toys blown away by recent weather.

This week we will also be gathering ideas for World Book Day costumes in preparation for our annual WBD parade next Thursday 7th March. Children can come to school ideally dressed as a book character that demonstrates our theme of ‘friendship’. It could be The Midnight Gang, The Famous Five, Winnie the Poo, Lost and Found or Pip and Posy. Alternatively, the children could find a friend and dress up as a double act together! And if you haven’t got a double act ……just come in a super costume!!

Daunt Books will be holding a book sale at our school on 7th March and as always 20% of the proceeds will come back to the school to replenish old Library stock. There will be an opportunity for every class to visit the book sale and their £1 World Book Day token can be used as spending money.

Finally, children will be invited to participate in a sponsored read on week beginning 4th March. Teachers will help facilitate this by allocating ‘drop everything and read’ time on World Book Day.  60% of the money raised will be donated to the school in the form of Usborne Books by Quackquack Books. This is another great opportunity to keep our school Library replenished!

Here are some of the stories children will hear read aloud in library sessions this week……




