International Women’s Day

On 8th March it is International Women’s Day – something we have celebrated for the past two years to great success. The aim of the day is to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements across all areas of society. Last year, all pupils researched a female scientist and produced some beautiful posters recognizing these women’s achievements in the world of science. In a recent chat with pupils – all of them remembered the task and more importantly the scientist!

This year, we would like to draw attention to the world of books and the female authors, illustrators, publishers and journalists that inspire us to pick up a book and get lost in print. The whole school will be treated to Louisa Young, the author of the Lion Boy series, coming in and taking our assembly on the 9th March where we will learn about her chosen career, how she came to be a writer and where she gets her inspiration from. Daunt Books will be in school that morning with examples of Louisa’s work and so children are welcome to bring in money to buy one of her books if they wish to.

Year Five and Six will also be treated to a chat by the wonderful Nina Chakrabarti and discover how she became an illustrator of fantastic books about nature and fashion, as well as creating an illustrated sequence in a recent episode of Doctor Who!
In addition to the assembly, all children will be given a homework assignment about their chosen female author (or journalist/publisher/illustrator – the sky’s the limit). More details of will be posted in your child’s homework on the 6th March.