Hi diddle dee dee an actor’s life for me!

Hi diddle dee dee an actor’s life for me! Last week Virginia Ashcroft’s Lamda students delighted us with a selection of dramatic performances. Their acting skills were of the highest standard and their confidence knew no bounds.

It was an absolute pleasure to watch them! Well done – you’ve made it! Nearly there now.

So, what does the festive season hold for you? We are heading to the wilds of Hastings to spend Christmas with Rachel’s family, which usually means numerous board games and pulling of crackers. Though with all the children now teenagers or older, it’s actually getting them up on Christmas morning that can be a problem.

Gone are the days of children coming into the bedroom at 4am and having to tell them Santa hasn’t been yet. Now, if they are coming in at that time I am usually looking for a bucket!

Christmas is an amazing opportunity to spend time with our loved ones, to play those never ending games of Perudo and overindulge in the catering department.