Health and Wellbeing Day

Today we had ‘Health and Wellbeing Day’. Throughout the day, children learned about the importance of focusing on our physical and mental health in order to flourish.

Year Six have explored the life of Thomas Coram and how his charity established the rights a child must have in order to thrive. Year Five identified the difference between an addiction and a habit, as well as the importance of recognising and prioritising our emotional needs. Year Four did some great work on who our special people are that we can confide in and ask for help before examining the different feelings we can have and how they may change as we get older. Year Three looked at healthy eating, internet safety and the importance of having support, trust and kindness in any relationship. Year Two are spreading their lessons across the week and will be focussing on the importance of washing our hands, understanding when is a good time to say ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘I’ll tell’ and understanding why sleep, exercise and food is important. Year One have focused on learning about different feelings, ‘if in doubt shout it out’ when worried or scared, who our special people are that can help us and how we have changed from being a baby. Reception have been doing some great learning throughout the week on the importance of kindness and how it makes us feel if someone is mean to us.

It is incredibly powerful to explore these important topics and it is clear to see how much these discussions meant to the children. We will be able to draw links to these lessons in everyday life and each year group will continue to build on their understanding of physical and mental health throughout the year. Next term, our PSHE focus will be on ‘Living in the Wider World’.