A Friday Night Round Up from Mr Schumm

Dear Parents/ Carers,


The sun has finally decided to shine and the race is on to pack in as much fun and learning as possible into the last few weeks of term!


The strains of Matilda are wafting through the air, we have started acting our socks off, Miss Whiting is choreographing up a storm and Miss Rachel is belting through those songs! More information to follow in the coming weeks.


Last Friday we had a wonderfully musical Sports Day Y2-Y6 (don’t put me in charge of the PA system). The weather was extremely kind with only one major downpour, which didn’t stop play. Clare organises an amazing Sports Day and was ably assisted by Mr S.  Next Thursday we will have the delights of the Reception and Year 1 Sports Day to enjoy.


Yesterday, St Stephen’s joined many schools around the UK to celebrate World Refugee Day. We heard inspiring stories from young refugees, both in the UK and Uganda, and explored themes of resilience and hope. We were even lucky enough to hear from Onjali Q. Raúf, the author of The Boy at the Back of the Class!


Last night we celebrated the astounding achievements of FOSS with some summertime drinks. A lovely evening was had by all. Thank you to everyone who makes FOSS so special and of course a special mention to Justine and Hannah who are amazing co-chairs!

As teachers, we really appreciate the things FOSS do for us and are using this as our opportunity to give back. Myself, Miss Marchant, Miss Bill and Mrs Walsh will be taking on the 18km walk along the Jurassic Coast to support FOSS. Please donate and watch us struggle!!


We hope to see as many of you along the way as possible!

The whole school has been going art crazy over the last week with workshops and various art activities. Look out for a special newsletter from Mrs Allen and please join us on Friday, 5th July at 3pm till 5pm for our Arts Café where you can take a peek at your children’s art work and also give a much needed hand to help set up for the Summer Fair!

Arts Day – Quick word from Mrs Allen

On Wednesday, the whole school had an amazing time during Arts Day. The children and staff really embraced the Recycling theme and created brilliant eco-conscious masterpieces. From recreating classics like Van Gogh’s Sunflowers to decoupage, every single child produced some stunning creations. Check out our Instagram page to see some photos of what we got up to! Thank you to all the parents and carers and members of our community who so kindly donated their found objects to the school- we couldn’t have done it without you! Be sure to come along to our Arts Cafe on Friday, 5th July at 3pm to see the finished products.

The Arts Day fun does not stop there! We will be creating a whole school display to celebrate eco-art. In order to do this, every child needs to bring in 1 round found object in the following colours:

Nursery and Reception- White

Year 1- Red

Year 2- Orange

Year 3- Yellow

Year 4- Green

Year 5- Blue

Year 6- Purple

Getting ready for September!

The new Reception and Nursery children have visited us and we look forward to welcoming them to our school in September. We still have a few places left in Nursery, so if you know anyone looking for a full time Nursery place, ask them to get in touch with Miss Joahill.


Year 5 have been enjoying their cycling proficiency this week and Year 6 have been enjoying an intensive swimming course – lots and lots of healthy exercise for our upper school pupils!




Windrush Celebration

We are having a Windrush Celebration on Friday, 28th June and we would love for any parents/ carers or family members to join us for a very special lunch. Please book you ticket on Parentmail.


Dad and Lads Breakfast

What an amazing morning! A delicious breakfast and lots of very happy dads and lads. Thank you to Jessie and the team for cooking up such a scrumptious delight!


Year 1 at Buckingham Palace

Year 1 had a great day today at Buckingham Palace – The Royal Mews. The children were beautifully behaved and loved seeing all the Royal carriages and meeting Meg – one of the Windsor Greys that pulled King Charles III during his coronation.


Year 3 at the Science Museum

Year 3 enjoyed a trip to The Science Museum where the children watched Antarctica – a 3D documentary.  They wore their special 3D glasses and enjoyed a fantastic documentary all about animals and plants and how their habitat has been affected by humans and faces even further disruption.  It was a first time 3d experience for many of the children and there was a lot of excited gasps and exclamations as they reached out their hands to ‘touch’ the screen.  It was a wonderful way to learn how we should all appreciate the natural world and a reminder that we can all do something to preserve it.  As always, thanks to all our parent volunteers.

Own Clothes Day

A quick reminder that Thursday, 4th July is ‘Own Clothes Day’!

This is in support of our very special school Summer Fair. Children may wear non-uniform clothes, and in return we would ask all children to bring either:

  • a bottle for the adult tombola – e.g. wine, spirits, juice, shampoo, sauce or
  • a jar full of goodies like hair clips and bands, marbles, crafty things, little toys, sweets

Children can decorate the jar if they wish. If you opt for sweets, please check the packet – to ensure there are no hidden nuts or sesame seeds – thank you.

All jars and bottles will be used for the adult and kids Tombola during the school Summer Fair on Saturday, 6th July from 12- 4pm! Please save the date.

The Girl’s Cricket team at the London Youth Games

Our girl’s kwik cricket team went to represent Hammersmith & Fulham this week at the London Youth Games finals. They did the school and Borough proud, playing some great cricket, coming a very close second in the group to a strong team, meaning they didn’t quite proceed to the knock out stages. With many of the team being Year 5s, they can soon start training for next year!


Habitats Year 2

We loved the fantastic Shoebox Habitats exhibition from Year 2 last week. It’s the first time we’ve tried this in Year 2 and the children were amazing – rehearsing what to say, designing invitations and creating fabulous habitats. It was so heart-warming to see how confidently they talked about their habitats, the conditions required and the plants and animals who live there, both with the younger children who visited from Reception and Year 1 through to the older children from Years 3 & 5 and of course. Fantastic!


Drop In Mornings

After the success of drop in mornings last term, we will be holding two drop in mornings next week. These mornings are an ideal opportunity to look at your children’s work from over the school year.

  • Year 1 will have two drop in mornings on 25th and 26th June from 9 – 9.30am.
  • Year 2 – 6 will have two drop in mornings on 26th and 27th June from 9 – 9.30am.

Please wait in the Year1/2 playground or main school playground till the children have gone into assembly at 9am.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mr Schumm