Headmaster’s Welcome

I am delighted that you are considering St. Stephen’s CE Primary School for your child’s education. We have been serving the local community for over 160 years. St Stephen’s was part of the original village of Shepherd’s Bush and built at the same time as the Church. This is a marvellous area that is culturally varied and has great access to the riches of galleries, museums and theatres in central London.

At St. Stephen’s, we actively seek to develop a creative curriculum; giving each child a balanced education involving the Arts and The National Curriculum. I strongly believe that every child has a unique skill or quality – and it is our responsibility to nurture that potential by offering a wide range of opportunities to develop and enhance it. We provide a rich and diverse curriculum and our aim is to shape happy and inspired children who are ready for our world.

As well as a focused and successful learning programme that looks at children’s individual needs, St Stephen’s provides a lively and diverse after school club programme, educational trips in and around London,  a range of residential trips for children from Year 2 upwards, many different sporting activities, individual music tuition and the opportunity to take part in a range of performances both in and out of school.


The School community is also committed to fundraising for additional resources to enhance our children’s educational experience. The Friends of St Stephen’s (FoSS) run many fundraising and social events throughout the year.  All parents of St Stephen’s become members of the FoSS on joining the school and the committee welcome any parents/carers who wish to join in to help with the organisation of these events.

At St Stephen’s, we see parents as valuable partners in the education and welfare of the children, and we encourage their involvement in the school community. Often the first contact we have with parents is during a pre-school visit prior to a child starting in the school. From this initial contact, we hope to build a strong partnership between parents and teachers.  There are many ways in which parents can become involved: hearing children read, the school production, sewing, the school library, photocopying, art work and playing educational games with groups of children – and much more.

At Stephen’s CE Primary School, we are committed to providing an outstanding education in a caring community with God at its centre, which celebrates the diversity of the local area.

Mr Schumm – Headteacher

Assistant Headteacher

Sally Bouwman – Assistant Head – SENCo / Inclusion 

I have over 30 years’ experience working in primary and some secondary school settings. I have always had a particular interest in children who may find school based learning challenging at times. I am a trained Reading Recovery teacher, have the OCR level 7 Diploma in SpLD/dyslexia.  I am passionate about creating good inclusive practice in our classrooms, working with all the staff and parents and carers to better serve the needs of our children. I am committed to ensuring that our children have access to a full and interesting curriculum and that it reflects the diversity of our school and it’s wider community. I work closely with teachers to develop and support learning across all areas of teaching and learning, as well as supporting the Headteacher as part of the Senior Leadership Team.